Separate multiple tags with spaces. Separate words of the same tag with underscores ("_").

6859: Khajiit argonian artist:KuroNeko bed character:Weedum-Ja character:bartender impure_thoughts modern_clothing monochrome non-alcoholic_beverage obscurity questionable romance text very_casually_underdressed

showing 10 of 26 comments

- Reply
KuroNeko: @Caps: That's Weedum-Ja though. Come on, argonians are not khajiits, they don't all look the same.
Yeah you're right, the artstyle has an old newspaper comic feel to it, it's great.
You can find some of the strips here: https://imgur.com/gallery/kLeMo and the rest on pinterest, the name's "V mistress from space" by vladcorail.

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Rick2tails: I`m just happy to see more Bartender art. theres not enough of him

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lapma: Damn i love that cup and newspaper. Great work

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Zargothrax: Funny how you always manage to surprise the boruu with something unexpected!

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KuroNeko: @lapma: Thank you :) I was wondering if someone noticed those.

@Zargothrax: Lol, that's true.

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bluedraggy: It was bound to happen.

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KuroNeko: @bluedraggy:
It looks so good, the shading is amazing.
Fantastic work as always.

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Tabby_Catface: Nice try on the digitigrade legs though. They look cute!

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Caps: @Kuroneko thanks man for the links and the artist name. ; )

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Caps: You know Weedum-Ja and the bartender is something that I could be shipping too. : P

6865: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan ghost_shirt rain streets_of_Kvatch

Kvatch_arena_armor artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan ghost_shirt rain streets_of_Kvatch

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Tabby_Catface: Brrr, that's cool! In all meanings.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: adorably angry

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Caps: That poncho will only protect you against ghost rains.

6864: artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan erect_tail food modern_clothing text

artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan erect_tail food modern_clothing text

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KuroNeko: Love her expression here
Good work

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Caps: And then Katia chocked.
The end.

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Rick2tails: dont worry Katia hes not a real king *hugs*

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Tabby_Catface: oof, that picture looks quite interesting if you forgot about

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Tabby_Catface: her deepest fear

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Zargothrax: Mistakes were made. Lets hope the implied poverty of eating from the floor balances the implied royalty out.

1863: artist:Plague_of_Gripes character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra fear looking_badass magic_fire missing_tail monochrome self-respect text treachery

artist:Plague_of_Gripes character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra fear looking_badass magic_fire missing_tail monochrome self-respect text treachery
showing 10 of 19 comments

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Man_Of_Mer: In the words of the internet,"If it exists, there IS **** of it."

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Sasquatch_boote: Fuck?

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Man_Of_Mer: Incorrect, Sassy.

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Sasquatch_boote: Shit?

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Man_Of_Mer: -_-

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Jhonka: Tits? Cock?

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furnut: @CaptainLackwit: I would, but I got too much respect for Kaz to do that. (Unless he doesn't care...and as long as it isn't posted here?)

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Man_Of_Mer: @furnut: Trust me, some of it is. We just don't know it.

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Caps: Those Rajira's boobs.

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Rick2tails: this is pretty good

1400: artist:Plague_of_Gripes character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra drugs khajiit_racism monochrome text

artist:Plague_of_Gripes character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra drugs khajiit_racism monochrome text

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Zokva: Goddammit Katia!
Stop being rasist!
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MetalC0Mmander: Uh... I think it's supposed to be Katia in the KKK like robe but I swear it looks more like she's the one loosing her shit.

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tronn: Check her clothing: the one getting angry is definitely R'ajirra.

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KillerfishSG: @tronn: Well then Rajirra must have somehow lost all her hair :c
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MetalC0Mmander: To me it just looks like one of them is a random kajit. But it's the eyelashes that makes the one on the left look like katia.

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tronn: @MetalC0mmander: Oh wow that's racist.

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Blockhead: I Wonder Katia Understands at all at this...After all.


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Caps: I love tje detail that Katia even bothered to bring all those people with triangular hoods.

1572: artist:Plague_of_Gripes character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Sigrid character:Uriel_Septim_VII comic crossover fansnark spoilers text

artist:Plague_of_Gripes character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Sigrid character:Uriel_Septim_VII comic crossover fansnark spoilers text
showing 10 of 15 comments

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Mediocre_Scrublord: that writing is gold

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CaptainLackwit: @Man_Of_Mer: I actually got to use that today!

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: what the fuck did i just read

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Diocletithik_Nagnaresh: "I always knew you cant trust an Argonian"


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VashTheStampede: Joe Chief was in space and had weapons and was a army guy

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Diocletithik_Nagnaresh: @VashTheStampede: that reference

i got it

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VashTheStampede: @Diocletithik_Nagnaresh but he wasn't a robot liek Master Chief so he didnt fly.
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Mr_Darkwraith: Truly this is something.
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Mr_Darkwraith: Am feeling the happys now, now I don't need to fake the happys around people for the day

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Caps: What a beautifull story.
Truly a masterpiece.

6854: actual_underwear artist:TempIntel character:Vaermina impure_thoughts merchandise questionable red_eyes saturalia_dreams text

showing 10 of 20 comments

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KuroNeko: @bluedraggy: You know, I would have thought you'd know to not say stuff like that. What if some weirdo read your comment and actually draw it.

Oh hey look

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Tabby_Catface: @KuroNeko: oh gosh, her right tit is two times longer than left one, that's sick >D>

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KuroNeko: @Tabby_Catface: Damn you're right, I messed up the perspective. Well it only makes it even more horrifying :p

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Sashimi: @KuroNeko: THE HORROR!

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bluedraggy: Firstly, I want to apologize to Rick2Tails profusely. His error was minor compared to my own. Plus now the Questionable tag is 100% appropriate, if not for the original image, then for the horror that lurks in the comments!
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TempIntel: @KuroNeko YYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's sooo awesome, I'm truly humbled, your head looks alot better than mine. Don't worry about the perspective it took me an embarrassing amount of time and reference to nail mine down.

@bluedraggy The comment section is going to need it's own tags I'm thinking; "scroll down at your own risk" "that is enough internet for today" and lastly
"what the hell is wrong with you people?"

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Caps: @Kuroneko I want to be blind.
Why Neko? Why?!!!

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jlm: @Caps: http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff1300/fc01274.htm

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KuroNeko: @TempIntel: Hehe, glad you like it :) You still did a good job with yours.

@Caps: Why? For the glory of Sheogorath of course!

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Caps: #Jim XD very funny comic, though I doubt the simple process of eyes ripping will save anyone since her awfull slime butt will be marked forever in any poor mortal mind who have the dissafortunate of presence of such abomination of a butt.

@Kuroneko But of course that masked asshole of Seogorath has to be involved with this!!!
(Nice drawing by the way ; ) )

6855: artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan food hoodie_of_gray_tomorrow mercandise modern_clothing pineapple text

artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan food hoodie_of_gray_tomorrow mercandise modern_clothing pineapple text
showing 10 of 13 comments

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Rick2tails: @bluedraggy I`d just have to kiss her tongue to make it better ^_~ but who doesnt like pizza? of course shed love it
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TempIntel: I don't care what anyone says, pineapple + pizza = gud

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Rick2tails: it is Tempintel. besides we all need to band together to fight true horrors like peas on pizza or corn Ive seen such things pictured online

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bluedraggy: Once you start down the dark path of putting fruit on pizza it’s a slippery slope.

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APayne1776_2: I love this cat but pineapple on pizza is a crime
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Urglenurf__: Everyone pretending like tomatoes aren't a fruit. The line was crossed at inception. Pizza is an artform and art demands expression and experimentation. Pineapple has its place and just like spinach and sausage not every pie demands every topping.

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lapma: @Urglenurf__: True, also i must say, i like pineapple on pizza, but tbh i like some really weird pizzas to.

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Dominik: Yammy, tasty pizza, i want some too

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AMKitsune: Best cat noises. No question.
Also, team Hawaiian, represent!

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Caps: What about roquefort pizzas.

6858: artist:jlm character:Vaermina impure_thoughts text

artist:jlm character:Vaermina impure_thoughts text

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jlm: Riffing off of the most recent Vaermina post https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/6854
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TempIntel: Amazing, I'm glad others in the community share my love for nightmare gods.

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KuroNeko: This is actually really horrifying, the simplistic style make it very unsetling. Nice work.

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Caps: Oh god, that looks spooky as hell!!!
How did I miss it?

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Caps: Nice work there.

6861: artist:TempIntel character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing

artist:TempIntel character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing
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TempIntel: All rights go to Shorts Brewery.
This is a painting practice I was working on and decided to upload it anyways.

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Dominik: Happy cat resting under the tree. Cute and cool

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damrok4321: it feels nice and comfy, well done

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bluedraggy: Is she about to perform an Isaac Newton and discover both gravity and fruit-based mild concussion simultaneously?

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Caps: She looks really cute resting on mars. ; )
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