Serve your overlords. Submit images.

5871: artist:Filthypaladin cake casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan cooking merchandise questionable text

showing 10 of 11 comments

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bluedraggy: Aw, cmon guys. It's cute, admit it.
Thanks Filthy! Your Kazlike abilities are still Kazlike - right down to the humor...
well, of this one anyway! :)

Although I wouldn't let that cake near my mouth. Sorry Katia. As always, the sentiment is right.
The execution is a little less than everyone else's average though.

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Rick2tails: but would you lick the frosting off of her..cake ?

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SlashSeven: Happy Birthday whoever you talking about, cutie. Thats awful sweet of you.
...I would appreciate this cake if that was me regardless of it's quality and edibility.

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MrCoopy: ew

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Filthypaladin: @bluedraggy: thx dud!

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APayne1776: It's two months away but thanks
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hypeonthemic: thank you ???

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MintyFresh: Shoot I'll take the cake,
free cake is good cake.

Thanks Katia you absolute meme.

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EverestingLink: She tried and that’s all that matters

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Caps: The effort is what really counts here.

6883: Quill-Weave's_evil_armor Safety_hat argonian artist:KuroNeko blood character:Faceless_Mook character:Quill-Weave non-alcoholic_beverage text

Quill-Weave's_evil_armor Safety_hat argonian artist:KuroNeko blood character:Faceless_Mook character:Quill-Weave non-alcoholic_beverage text
showing 10 of 22 comments

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bluedraggy: No idea what KuroNeko's thought was, but I imagine she's been stealing ketchup from everybody to sate her lust for ketchup-bath. Or lust to imitate a french-fry.

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Caps: @Bluedraggy Ah, I always knew Kattia was into french fries. XD

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KuroNeko: @Caps: @bluedraggy: My thought was that Katia is a time lord and her cupboard is bigger on the inside :p

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Caps: @Kuroneko XD I bet she also travels around on a blue phone box, and gets scared of angel statues too. ; P

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Caps: P.S.: I love hoq cute you draw grumpy Kattia face.

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Tabby_Catface: that was a nice one, Neko.
adorably funny

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KuroNeko: Isn't she adorable when she's pouting?

@Tabby_Catface: Thanks, glad you like it :)@Caps:

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KuroNeko: Crap, I fucked up, first part is my answer to Caps.

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Caps: @Kuroneko : )
Don't worry. I got the first message that was toward me. ; )
And yes!!! She looks so adorable when she is pouting. I wish I could pop and fluff those cheeks. ; P
I hope you don't mind if I save this drawing. ; )

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KuroNeko: Of course not, go right ahead :)

6882: Katia's_wizard_robe amulet_of_silence character:Katia_Managan portrait

Katia's_wizard_robe amulet_of_silence character:Katia_Managan portrait
showing 10 of 23 comments

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freynk03: Thanks*

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freynk03: @Caps: Thanks

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freynk03: @Zargothrax:
Thanks to everyone, it's nice to hear it from American readers like you from an Italian like me.
Besides, I would very much like this web comic to be quite famous and read by us.

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KuroNeko: As a frog, I'm offended you may think I'm american
(It's a joke don't hurt me, I love America)
But seriously, I don't know about Italy specificaly, but there's quite a bit of people from Europe around here who read the comic, so there's that.

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JohnnyCheesedog: As an American, I can confidently say Yurope does not exist on a map and is definitely just a story to scare kids.

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Caps: You are welcome. ; )
And sorry to dissapoint you but I'm not American. I'm actually from Argentina.

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freynk03: @KuroNeko
Actually quite another, it was a compliment that I consider myself lucky to have known this web comic, and hearing a compliment from an American makes me very happy

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freynk03: @Caps: ok

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Caps: @freynk03 ; )

6201: character:Katia_Managan portrait

character:Katia_Managan portrait
showing 10 of 14 comments

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Tabby_Catface: poor Katia

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lordbeacatm: dont spam)

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Zargothrax: When I first looked at the thumbnail (where I looked at it from left to right, assuming there is a progression between the pictures, instead of having 2 different artists) it reminded me of William Utermohlen, artist who got diagnosed with Alzheimer's, then made self portraits of himself in the following 5 years until his demise, each painting becoming more and more distorted. For the record, yours look pretty good for being drawn with a mouse.

I've got an idea! Next April's 1st, every artist here, upload your best attempt at drawing Katia, or any other Prequel character with a mouse. Will probably be funny seeing each other struggling like hell.
Ehh, what am I saying noone will remember this comment by then.

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Tabby_Catface: @Zargothrax: I'm in.

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KuroNeko: @lordbeacatm: You used a mouse to draw a cat?
But seriously this is quite good for something drawn with the mouse.

@Zargothrax: That sound like it could be fun, I'm definitrly for doing something like that.

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damrok4321: @Zargothrax: heheh im also in, gonna set reminder at 1 st april

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lordbeacatm: Thats a good idea!

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Tabby_Catface: <<Hey people, don't you dare to forget about it this year>>

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Caps: Let'see if we can remember it by the 1st of April. ; )
I will love to upload something like that though my drawings are awful.

6890: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Sigrid's_dungeon artist:lapma blind_eyes bowling_ball casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan drugs painted_underwear

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Sigrid's_dungeon artist:lapma blind_eyes bowling_ball casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan drugs painted_underwear

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bluedraggy: This looks vaguely familiar. :)
"Sorry I broke your bowling ball!"

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lapma: @bluedraggy: Oh god, I think I know what are you talking about.

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Caps: Is she trying to sit on the bowling ball?

3936: accidents_waiting_to_happen animation artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad crossover fansnark firearms modern_clothing text

accidents_waiting_to_happen animation artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad crossover fansnark firearms modern_clothing text
showing 10 of 13 comments

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Rick2tails: I just dare someone to update

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Cws: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupdate
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(͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°)

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MakingAkhajiitcry1: A pulp fiction reference?

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Kewot_Rokar: Now, what I should have done was specifically ask for a picture that looked like this: https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/aYwgDN0_700b.jpg
Except Samuel is wearing Katia's robes, and shouting "Say update again!

This however, a pleasant surprise. Kaz has brilliance.

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Bagman: @BadReligion: Is it in a jar of dirt?!

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Limiria: I Dare you, I DOUBLE DARE YOU motherfucker say update ONE more GOD DAMN time.
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ElstientheFallenKnight: ...update

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bluedraggy: I blame XenoYparxi for reminding me of this. It's time to resurrect it.

6888: Athletics acrobatics artist:Zargothrax character:Quill-Weave modern_clothing monochrome not_sure_if_racist water_walking

Athletics acrobatics artist:Zargothrax character:Quill-Weave modern_clothing monochrome not_sure_if_racist water_walking

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Zargothrax: I have several long-time unfinished drawings, some of which I decided to finally make at least presentable instead of letting them fade into oblivion. This is the first one.
Some of you may recall that Quill is an acrobatics trainer in game. This is her at level 100 in acrobatics.

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KuroNeko: That water splash is just gorgeous I love that looooong tail, makes everything more dynamic.
This is an interesting design choice for Quill-Weave, it looks like a mix of Daggerfall argonians and calamity from No Evil.
Amazing work as always :)

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bluedraggy: Is she actually running on top of deep water? I think so! What's most impressive is being able to convey that through just lines.

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: Thanks! I don't want to take too much credit for the splash though. I googled something like "cartoony splash" then referenced one of those. My attempts without using a reference looked awful. As for the design, it just came out that way, my style is still far from well defined.
@bluedraggy: She is, and thank you! And to clarify here a little (and why the racism tag was needed), here is the reference I was using when drawing this:

The idea came from the mechanic in Oblivion that allowed the player to "run" on top of deep water once they reach 100 in acrobatics.
And a fun-fact: There was a first attempt at drawing her legs, which resembled the original image a lot more closely, but it looked so broken I had to discard it. Then, I referenced hurdlers.

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Dominik: Still looks just amazing! That water and her running are really good. Nice reference too

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Whistle: Wow, a very interesting idea for a drawing,

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DarthVader: The Jesus Christ lizard

6887: artist:lapma black_eyes character:Katia_Managan dress happy song_and_dance

artist:lapma black_eyes character:Katia_Managan dress happy song_and_dance

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Zargothrax: Nice re-imagination of the cloak of grey tomorrow!

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Rick2tails: to quote an old meme "i`m a kitty kat and I dance dance dance " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaA_cs4WZHM

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KuroNeko: Another adorable little drawing, I love that tail stocking.
I already said it but the cloak of gray tomorrow colors goes very well with that dress.

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lapma: @KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: Thanks, im still w8ting for somebody to get background reference. KuroNeko dont spoil it.

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Dominik: Adorable, indeed

6886: character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing text

character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing text

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KuroNeko: Of course, cats always love to eat rats :p
(also, am I the only one that read that as I love Kazerad at first?)

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semiafro007: kebabs are delicious

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Dominik: @KuroNeko: nope, you are not

6884: artist:Whistle character:Katia_Managan monochrome questionable very_casually_underdressed

showing 10 of 13 comments

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Rick2tails: nice work!

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KuroNeko: Looks nice, her left arm is too thick but otherwise I think you did a good job

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Whistle: @KuroNeko: the problem is that I tried to depict her hand with a curved shadow, it seems that the problem is that it is thick and not only but because the shadow does not lie correctly, there are a lot of mistakes in this work.

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APayne1776_2: Whoa dude that's a pretty sweet box cutter

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Whistle: @APayne1776_2:do you think he's cute?

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APayne1776_2: @Whistle: absolutely

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Whistle: @APayne1776_2: What else do you like besides him ? for example, is it a cute kitty?

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Whistle: I sometimes get less time for painting, I will try to continue to paint.

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APayne1776_2: @Whistle: that compass on the bottom right looks pretty cute as well

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Dominik: Damn, that looks cool!
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