Think before you post. Not even Stendarr will forgive you.
6914: :3 Cosplay character:Katia_Managan magic monochrome
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semiafro007: burn that witch!
6920: Quill-Weave's_evil_armor actual_underwear artist:lapma casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave criminal_scum monochrome text water_with_a_red_x
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bluedraggy: HA! Katia's jealous. Such an attention hog.
Rick2tails: ladies! youre both a pair of cuties!
6918: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:lapma beach blushing casually_underdressed khajiit_racism monochrome pineapple rain text
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Rick2tails: cute
6913: Blade artist:Bluedraggy artist:KuroNeko character:ASOTIL's_angry_horse character:Sworddog dreamteam knock_off law_enforcement modern_clothing plain_background
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showing 10 of 11 comments
bluedraggy: (I know, I know. It WAS kinda my idea. I bear some blame I suppose.)
bluedraggy: Very very rarely, but I think it was about 3 weeks ago he did one. The term I learned tho was from years ago tho.
Caps: She is cute. (For a dog) ; )
Nice drawing. Ay, Kuroneko, why did you want to keep this treasure away from us?
bluedraggy: The easy answer is http://picarto.tv/kazerad but you should sign up and set a notification there to alert you. However, it's EXTREMELY rare. I was practically in shock when I saw that one pop up a month ago or so. Also be aware that he won't be giving away plots or anything like that. Maybe if lucky he'll do some drawings. Sometimes just plays games. But still it's kinda fun when he does anyway. Just don't hold your breath. I think the last one before that was probably 6 months prior. Like I said, REALLY rare.
Caps: @Kuroneko XD
Well, I apreciate your concern about my eyes but try harder next time!!! >:T (Just kidding, It is really rare to see fanart of Asotil's horse and Blade the dog, really nice work ;) they look cute as hell.). Also, Bluedraggy, the coloration looks amazing, really nice work. ; )
Caps: @Bluedraggy I never understood why people love to livestream even if almost nobody watch them. I'm not saying that there is something wrong with it but isn't it the main point that a lot of people watch you doing stuff?
6916: artist:semiafro007 cake character:Katia_Managan firearms modern_clothing
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semiafro007: It´s been a while
Caps: @Semiafro007 Me alegro de que no me que no haya eqicocado, y de que le haya maso menos pegado. : )
pero aun me sigo preguntando en que esta basado. ¿es una referencia a la peli la mascara? Es lo unico que se me ocurre. ; )
semiafro007: No es una referencia de la mascara, es una referencia a esta escenahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA9nAjzZLBo de la pelicula acción mutante
6915: artist:Aak character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra character:your_weird_OC sketch text
6912: artist:IkkyKrrk character:Katia_Managan happy portrait
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Vidiotdragon: "Who else but Katia~!" *catchy cartoon fanfare*
Rick2tails: such a cute kitty
6911: MS_Paint artist:_Capsy character:Katia_Managan character:bartender pixel_art
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showing 10 of 27 comments
semiafro007: En mi pueblo estamos bien, pero se que en las ciudades más grandes la cosa esta chunga, seguro que de casa no salimos hasta por lo menos junio.
En fin, yo estoy muy bien, lo que más me jode es que ahora no me paran de mandar emails con trabajos para hacerlos, pero por lo demás bien.
Caps: @Kuroneko however, I guess I failed the challenge since I don't have a mouse. ; )
I only have my laptop touch pad wich is very hard to make curve lines. That's why I screwed around with it a little to see what I could do and ended up with this. It is obiously nothing like your drawings or everybody else's drawings here but I'm quite happy with what I got at the end.
lapma: @Caps: On touch pad instead of mouse? You outdid the challenge, I can't imagine something harder/ more annoying than drawing on touchpad.
Caps: @Dominik Thanks. ; )
I really apreciate it. @Lapma Thanks. : ) Yeah, touch pads are not the best thing to draw on a computer. I drawed a few more Kattias's faces before these ones, trying different things with each one of them. I ended up a little late doing them, so to don't stay more time I decided to just upload them how I finished them.(that's why the bartender is unfinished) I guess I should have gave him a different fur color since it looks very similar to the color of his eyes. (I don't really know a lot about colors so I tried to give him a different fur color to the one Kattia has) and I should stood a little more time to give him some shadow too I guess. @AMKitsune I used the keys of the touch pad to draw it. |
6907: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Tabby_Catface character:Katia_Managan kittens meme text
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Tabby_Catface: Paint 3D takes it to the new level of crap
Tabby_Catface: still drawn by a mouse though
Zargothrax: This definitely is the apex of this challenge, the one that best captured it's essence.
Rick2tails: no its a butterfly
Tabby_Catface: XD
6297: Blade Katia's_wizard_robe artist:MinnoSimmins character:Katia_Managan character:nightmare_king machete meme missing_tail
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