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6906: Cosplay Kill_La_Kill argonian artist:Bluedraggy artist:sentientsocks character:Quill-Weave crossover knock_off modern_clothing pose

Cosplay Kill_La_Kill argonian artist:Bluedraggy artist:sentientsocks character:Quill-Weave crossover knock_off modern_clothing pose
showing 10 of 15 comments

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KuroNeko: Great work as always. The original drawing is pretty good too, though I find her snout a bit short.

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Zargothrax: It's been a while since I saw something from Sentient here, good lord this is really dynamic! Great coloring too!
@KuroNeko: She's a bit shark-like isn't she? Unique take on her.

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Caps: In case, you can't tell what I said is that she looks amazing ; )
I will love to rube her belly.

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: Oh yes, definitely. And argonians are part fish so it fit.

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Rick2tails: why did I know how posted this before I clicked on it? ;) nice work!

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bluedraggy: @Rick2tails Obviously I'm getting too predictable. Maybe I'll find a sexy fanart of Angry Horse and color that. With a cute skirt.

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KuroNeko: Do you guys think Kazerad don't update anymore because he is afraid of the stuff we're making down there?

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Dominik: @KuroNeko: He's propably just busy irl. But surely he will find some time soon. For now - let's just let him take some time to relax in peace

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Dominik: @bluedraggy: btw, amazing lokking Quill

6909: animation blushing casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra curled_tail painted_underwear pixelated questionable text


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Dominik: Yes - i was really bored so i made this. Kinda feel bad but i guess i deserve it.

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Sashimi: Heh, I was gonna ask why both of you weren't naked, and then BAM!

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KuroNeko: Haha, this is pretty cute and funny.
And your anatomy does looks better. Good work.

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bluedraggy: Suddenly that painted on underwear doesn't seem like such a bad idea afterall, does it!

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lapma: Neat idea.

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Caps: @Bluedraggy I always found it to be a good joke of how the characters can't remove their underwear in oblivion.

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Rick2tails: she should always counter "why arent you naked?"

6908: accidents_waiting_to_happen artist:AMKitsune artistry character:Katia_Managan mouse text

accidents_waiting_to_happen artist:AMKitsune artistry character:Katia_Managan mouse text
showing 10 of 11 comments

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AMKitsune: Also, it's technically a day late, but when has posting in a timely manner ever mattered around here? (not so subtle update joke)

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KuroNeko: This is actually pretty cute. Maybe we should make a special tag for these things? Especially if there's more every years.

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Tabby_Catface: Didn't expect such a nice art from you! Sadly, Katia always messes everything up when it comes to drawing...
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Bettervvizer: Love this!

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Zargothrax: Quickly now, before Quill finds the two of you!

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Zargothrax: @AMKitsune: Don't you worry, this is actually pretty nice and cute! And even if it was bad, that would be more than acceptable in this context.

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Caps: Awww, she is such a cutie.

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Caps: I can only imagine that the mouse is the one who end up painting something with his tiny hands instead of Katia.

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Dominik: Pretty adorable

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Rick2tails: Katia thats a rat not a mouse

6905: Katia's_wizard_robe TES_Online artist:lapma black_eyes character:Katia_Managan pig text

Katia's_wizard_robe TES_Online artist:lapma black_eyes character:Katia_Managan pig text

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lapma: There is a new free pet pig in ESO added with Jester eveent.
Just don't tell Katia that pig is called Princess

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APayne1776_2: Hug that hog
This is cute

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semiafro007: honey boo boo

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KuroNeko: Awww look at those eyes, she's just adorable.
The big cat is kinda cute too.

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lapma: Oh and since it is kinda TES online post i will take this opportunity to say that it is free to play for some time, so if you never played it and would like to try it is good time to try it out.

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Caps: Really cute. ; )
Though that tiara will give her away in any moment.

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Rick2tails: hugs from Katia would be the best

6902: artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan khajiit_racism portrait text

artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan khajiit_racism portrait text

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KuroNeko: It's draw a cat with the mouse day!

I've got an idea! Next April's 1st, every artist here, upload your best attempt at drawing Katia, or any other Prequel character with a mouse. Will probably be funny seeing each other struggling like hell.
Ehh, what am I saying noone will remember this comment by then.

This is actually my second attempt, I had spent way too much time on the first one and I thought it looked too good for a silly april 1st thing, so I drew it again.
You can see it bellow if you want:

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Zargothrax: You redrew it just so that it could look worse? That's the spirit boi!

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Zargothrax: Btw, that first attempt looks pretty damn good for a mouse drawing.

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lapma: Wow madman actually redrawn it to be worse/actually better!

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: @lapma: I don't almways redraw my stuff, but when I do, it looks worse than the original.

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Caps: She looks amazing. ; )
I didn't know you were good at drawing with a mouse too.

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Caps: Oh jeez, your forst drawing looks amazing too. I didn't know you redraw it.

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KuroNeko: @Caps: I didn't know either lol. And thanks :)

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Caps: XD
You are welcome. ; )

6896: artist:Aak character:Katia_Managan criminal_scum drugs modern_clothing monochrome text

artist:Aak character:Katia_Managan criminal_scum drugs modern_clothing monochrome text
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MrSkelet: I dont know that i'll end this work or not but i will probably delete this giant pines-word... Or i wont i like it

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Dominik: Really good work, that giant text looks nice too

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Caps: It looks really cool. I like it. Though I don't know what those words are saying.

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semiafro007: I like that style, nice work

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Tabby_Catface: Mirrored "Dick" in Russian. За оригинальность тебе два, но стиль рисовки действительно хорош :D

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KuroNeko: That's an interesting style. Nice calligraphy.
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TempIntel: This may be weird, but it reminds me of old mint related food adverts, like a mint flavored cigarette lol. Really cool unique style!

6872: argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave fear featured_masterpiece monochrome text

argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave fear featured_masterpiece monochrome text

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(The artist is iguanamouth, I recomend you to check his stuff, it's great)

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Zargothrax: Reminds me of pangolins, with the big scales on the tail. And the head became a lot more dragon-like, pretty nice! Wonder what this specimen hoards.

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax:
Take your pick https://imgur.com/gallery/VZODc
There's two more but the mods will kill me if I post them

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Kazerad: @KuroNeko: aww come on, if you mean the “horde of dildos” dragon drawing, we have stuff more risqué than that on the booru itself.

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KuroNeko: @Kazerad:Eh, I thought it would be a bit too much but since I have God's blessing, don't mindif I do
Here they are plus a few more: https://imgur.com/gallery/5XcRI.

also my personal favorite:

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Caps: It would be really cool if Argonians could actually do something like this.

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My favourite one from all the hoards of dragons.

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KuroNeko: I really didn't expect this would be featured. Thanks

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damrok4321: It deserved that, nice job @Kuroneko

6900: armor artist:lapma black_eyes character:Katia_Managan elsweyr

armor artist:lapma black_eyes character:Katia_Managan elsweyr

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KuroNeko: Really nice painting. I really like that background.

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Dominik: Cute

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Caps: This is actually a good painting. I don't know how I missed it.

6901: artist:KNOWNvictor casually_underdressed character:Rajirra portrait sunlight

artist:KNOWNvictor casually_underdressed character:Rajirra portrait sunlight
showing 10 of 15 comments

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Sashimi: @KNOWNvictor: Oooo! Very noice! Thank you for treating us with this gem.

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bluedraggy: @Caps - I'd say it's a fair trade.
To say this is very nice feels insufficient. By all rights it should be a featured masterpiece. Instead we get Jay Leno Cat.

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Whistle: it's indescribably beautiful

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Whistle: as if she wants to tell you something looking in the eyes without using words

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Caps: @Bluedraggy yeah. XD
My first original comment was about how can he just describe it as not great, not terrible. When it should be in a museum. : P

... I wish I could massage her shoulders. She looks really cute.

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Caps: Jesus, Jay Leno has a huge chin.

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Zargothrax: This such a gorgeous piece!
(Stark contrast to what's about to come )

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Tabby_Catface: Nice and warm rendering here should be featured IMHO
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durandal: Featured masterpiece please!

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Dominik: My gosh it looks fantastic! That fur fur looks incredible

6903: MS_Paint angry artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan text

MS_Paint angry artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan text

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lapma: Well, i remember it...


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Dexterosaurus: This reminds me that jester guy from Carnevil

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Zargothrax: I'm glad I'm not the only one taking on the implied ms-paint constraint. Nowhere did I say you have to use ms-paint, but it just somehow comes naturally to mind when drawing with a mouse doesn't it? Perhaps it's because that's what everyone drew with as a kid.
And I'm glad I wasn't the only one who didn't even attempt to fix the mess the paint bucket tool makes near contours

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lapma: @Zargothrax: It kinda is like this, someone says mouse you think MS paint

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Caps: @Dextersaurus oh jeez, that's a game I haben't heard in a long time.

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Caps: She looks nice as a jester. ; )
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