Challenge the rules at your own peril.

6679: adorable artist:lapma braids character:Little_Katia guar_plush kittens

adorable artist:lapma braids character:Little_Katia guar_plush kittens

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Jadezzar: D'aaww. Little one is fuzzy and adorable indeed .

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Rick2tails: such a cute little scamp

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KuroNeko: What an adorable little kitten.

6672: Strength argonian artist:Bluedraggy artist:Zargothrax character:Quill-Weave knock_off modern_clothing night poledancing questionable

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bluedraggy: Thanks Zargo! I took your advice. The bikini is technically the exact complementary color of QW's major color, but adjusted for intensity, brightness etc. Did a few other tweaks and I think I got rid of that line on her mouth properly. It's been my experience that ppl who have such a toned body really like to show it off as much as possible, and QW definitely wants to show off her 10-pack.

And yeah, I've been testing the Mod's Thin Yellow Line for a long time. This I have no worries about. Until you get an image removed, you haven't really pushed the boundary enough I say!

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Zargothrax: @bluedraggy: Thank you very much Bluedraggy, she looks dazzling!

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lapma: @bluedraggy: At least we won't be bored at the mod council meeting.

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Rick2tails: Quill makes me wish I was a lesbian XD

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Tabby_Catface: @Rick2tails: Technically, being a man makes you a true lesbian. https://youtu.be/qCTbFN0EsDM

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Rick2tails: @tabby_catface thats just me saying in a roundabout way I wanna do Quill XD

6678: Quill-Weave's_house artist:lapma bath casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan fear painted_underwear playing_cards questionable questionable_sanity

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semiafro007: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lV8i-pSVMaQ

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Zargothrax: That paint looks difficult to wash off.

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KuroNeko: Aww poor girl, she needs a hug
If I can make just a small criticism, I think her breasts should be more apart, she's not actually wearring underwears.
But that aside, this is a very good drawing, this is cute (and a bit sad)

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Rick2tails: it doesnt need to be washed off.the hair will grow out eventually

6677: Sneak artist:Whistle character:Katia_Managan very_casually_underdressed wilderness

Sneak artist:Whistle character:Katia_Managan very_casually_underdressed wilderness

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KuroNeko: Compared to the last full body drawing you did the anatomy is way better, that's a beautiful scenery you've drawn, good job.

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Tabby_Catface: The smaller kat you draw, the harder is to see your mistakes, eh?

eventually, I really enjoy this picture.

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Zargothrax: This is how camouflage works in nature. Ahem. <narrator voice>
Here we can see a female khajiit, in her natural habitat. This one has been spotted regularly, prowling in these fields, which is likely to be her territory. She's spying the area for prey. Clever girl. We have little information on their population, though we can assume their numbers are declining due to deforestation, and expanding agriculture in the area.

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Tabby_Catface: @Zargothrax: I knew someone's gonna do it after all! And due to you I just won a deal, yo!

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Kazerad: It's this, kind of.

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Whistle: I love my muse, and, unfortunately, I draw a character well only without clothes, because I saw a lot of links, let's say, with perfect shapes and figure, aaaahhhhh, and I understand how to draw correctly. (* _ *)

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Tabby_Catface: @Whistle: well, you should learn anatomy at least before you can say you know how to.

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Tabby_Catface: @Kazerad: also, lol

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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface:Yes, I study ... in my own way

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Rick2tails: pretty kitty in the fields

6675: Like_a_Witch-Hunter Tintin accidents_waiting_to_happen artist:semiafro007 character:Katia_Managan character:Weedum-Ja confusion fire fire_safety

Like_a_Witch-Hunter Tintin accidents_waiting_to_happen artist:semiafro007 character:Katia_Managan character:Weedum-Ja confusion fire fire_safety

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KuroNeko: Ah yes, a panel from "The mudcrab with the golden claws" right?

Your abillity to emulate other artstyle will always amaze me, this is great!

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Tabby_Catface: Yo kitty are you mad?

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Vidiotdragon: "I'm helping!"

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Zargothrax: This is what happens when you don't level int.

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AMKitsune: I have no idea what the context is meant to be for this, and I feel strangely ok with that XD.

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lapma: Silly kat

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Rick2tails: if you put that all in a metal bowl or something it wouldnt be as crazy as it seems at first

6676: Khajiit artist:KuroNeko beautiful character:Katia_Managan monochrome

Khajiit artist:KuroNeko beautiful character:Katia_Managan monochrome

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KuroNeko: I had some fun with clothes and anatomy. I had to censor it a bit though.

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Zargothrax: Nice jug(s) she has. Great drawing!

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: What would you say was your inspiration for the outfit? I'm getting old Mediterranean vibes from the overall style and trim pattern.

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semiafro007: ahh, stupid vase. Good work Kuro!

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: Thank you!

@AMKitsune: You're right, I based her clothes on ancient Greek/Roman clothes (though I took some liberties, especially around her chest)

@semiafro007: Thanks, here's the version with the vase out of the way if you want it: https://www.deviantart.com/kuronneko/art/Aquarius-Katia-824216770

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Tabby_Catface: You drew a nice vase, pal! like it alot!

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KuroNeko: @Tabby_Catface: That's a really nice vase isn't it? :p
Thanks, glad you like it.

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lapma: Nice outfit, that is a convenient placement for a jug, I wonder what is inside of it...

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Jadezzar: Someone please remind me to make Kat kill Gharug, Durga slays Mahisashura style...

6671: artist:Whistle character:Katia_Managan portrait sad tears

artist:Whistle character:Katia_Managan portrait sad tears

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Whistle: In this art, I try to show my emotions

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Whistle: when drawing

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Tabby_Catface: хм...
попробуй добавить больше деталей, таких как максимально простые тени, напрмимер.
и ещё совет - если делаешь это в Paint, можешь использовать инструмент "кривая" для того, что бы сделать контур чётче и ровнее, ведь там ты можешь выставить положение линии до пикселя, прежде, чем оставить её на рисунке. Сделай линии ровнее и формы симметричнее. Если хочешь, что бы на тебя обратили внимание, конечно

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Tabby_Catface: well, this is sure better then it's previous version.

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KuroNeko: Hey it's not that bad, I can't see any major mistakes and the background looks pretty.
And if you feel like crying when drawing then it means you're a true artist, everyone feel like shit when looking at their own art.

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Whistle: @KuroNeko:Thank you, I do not mind if you talk about my mistakes, I will accept them (if they are constructive)

6674: adorable argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave portrait text

adorable argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave portrait text

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KuroNeko: I had forgotten to upload that thing.

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AMKitsune: Huh, nice

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6654: adorable artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave comic friendship good_end letter literary_endeavors monochrome tears text

adorable artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave comic friendship good_end letter literary_endeavors monochrome tears text
showing 10 of 16 comments

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bluedraggy: ...also, do they not have locks in Anvil? Jeeze!

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PermanentFace: What if we just fire Kaz and have KuroNeko finish the story.

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Whistle: This very cute

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KuroNeko: Ah crap, I frgot to edit the mistake I made with Quill's finger in the last panel, oh well.

@semiafro007: thank you. Quill is a good hearted lizard and deserve al the praises.

@Tabby_Catface: Thanks

@OgTariq: Yeah me too, and I'm afraid that when Katia go back to Anvill it will be the last time we see Quill-Weave.

@bluedraggy: Katia finally learned to use her lockpick, that's how much she succeeded since Quill last saw her (Or more likely Quill was too drunk to lock her door)

@Un_Mapache: We'll see, I'm pretty sure Katia will show her gratitude to Quill-Weave once she get back to Anvil, what I'm more worried about is that it might be the last we see Quill-Weave and it would makes me sad to never see my favorite character again.

@PermanentFace: You'll end up with the same delays but whith a more shitty writing.

@Whistle: Thank you.

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Rick2tails: if we dont like Kaz`s writing , you know there is always fan fic ;)

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AMKitsune: This is the wholesome ending that last picture needed. Thank you for not leaving the lizard sad.

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Zargothrax: Oh, dear little lizard... This is wholesome.

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Caps: Don´t play with my heart like that.

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Caps: Why do you hurt me like this?

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Skoon: This is what we have all been waiting to see for years.

6670: Strength artist:Zargothrax casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave monochrome poledancing questionable

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Zargothrax: Not too long ago I posted a drawing of Katia poledancing, and Bluedraggy wrote something like, if only we could get Quill to do the same. Well, we could.

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KuroNeko: Wow you've drawn Quill and she looks amazing!
I like how you made her more muscular than Katia, it's fitting, considering she's supposed to travel across all Cyrodil.
Also, I first glance I mistook the space between her arm and the top of her head for a helmet she was holding to prevent it from falling off.

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lapma: Muscular gals are not my thing, but i can't deny that this is great piece of a drawing.

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Awesome work!

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: @lapma: @Caps: Thank you! By the way, the reason I usually draw her to be significantly stronger than Katia is that she's an acrobatics trainer.

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bluedraggy: Hey Zargo! I took this thing and ran with it, but want to be sure you're okay with it before I upload it. I did modify it a little - the outfit pretty substantially - but I think you'll be okay with it:

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Zargothrax: @bluedraggy: Aww, you could have just uploaded it, would've been more of a surprise. But while we are at it:

I left in a mistake, maybe you could fix it. It wasn't such a big issue so as to ask for mods to replace my image, but since you haven't uploaded yet:
see the red line? I left that there by accident.

The outfit changes are welcome, I just wasn't brave enough to make it so small
In any case, your color choice is something one would normally wear under clothing or for sleeping. You could choose a complimentary color, in this case it would be a matte blue-ish turquoise, or something around that. But in my opinion, there is a much better option: black (or a dark grey), considering the "occasion".

See you on the other post!

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Rick2tails: this looks nice!
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