Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip.
6647: Anvil_docks artist:Whistle character:Katia_Managan rags
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showing 10 of 23 comments
Whistle: @Tabby_Catface:Кстати я не использую графический планшет или обычный планшет,а просто мышка и из за этого трудно рисовать.
Tabby_Catface: @Whistle: Возможно лучше в таком случае, взять бумагу и карандаш и сделать ровный набросок, или так называемый скетч/эскиз, поверх которого потом нарисовать цифровой арт в программе. Я таким часто промышляю.
Whistle: @Tabby_Catface: Мне нужен еще совет если можеш дать, как рисовать все что угодно будто глаза,обьекты,тела,и многие другие помимо что нужно смотреть это на все как на фигуры ? чтобы проще была ассоциация ,и еще какие знание нужны для дальнейшего развития улучшение мастерства ?
Tabby_Catface: В принципе, мысль ты понял верно. Пока учишься рисовать формы, полезно будет так же использовать референсы с настоящих обьектов или существ. Дальше идет техника затенения, которую, кстати, тоже легче освоить, если разбивать всё на элементарные формы. Полутени, поведение цвета под тенью и засветами, смешивание цветов, отражения от других поверхностей (учти, что в реальном мире ВСЕ поверхности имеют отражающие свойства).
Если я чё то пропустил, (а скорее всего, так и есть), предлагаю поискать более подробную информацию на ютубе.
Tabby_Catface: пжлст)
Tabby_Catface: https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/999#search=Tutorial
6646: character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch
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TotallyNotMe: One of my friends did this, so be nice.
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somethingsomething: Tell your friend it is cute!
KuroNeko: It's nice, there is some errors with the anatomy but it looks good, I like the fluff on the top of her ears.
If you want I can correct some of the mistakes so your friend can see how to improve.
TotallyNotMe: @KuroNeko: Well, maybe he will get the hang of it, he hasn't been drawing too much, but if you want to help with some aspect of the drawing, You can.
KuroNeko: So the three main problems I see here are her torso which is too large and long, her right arm which looks dislocated, and her hips which are too thin.
Here I made some corrections, ![]() I shortened her torso and made it thiner while making her hips and legs larger. Also from that angle only a part of her right arm is visible due to perspective. I hope this help. |
6426: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan smiling
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semiafro007: this reminds me of a perfect blue scene
6648: Katia's_wizard_robe Kvatch accidents_happen artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan redraw sickly
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Tabby_Catface: But, ya know, regardless of her intoxicated inner world, she looks very cute here.
3909: VESTS artist:REALLY_GOOD_AT_ART_ANONYMOUS_MYSTERY_MAN artist:RPK artist:Suta character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad iconography knock_off organized_religion pineapple text updates
6640: Katia's_wizard_robe Quill-Weave's_evil_armor artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave chiaroscuro looking_badass monochrome text unwelcome_guests
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Rick2tails: akward!
semiafro007: We need more evil Quill conquering the world vs Katia at 3am looking for BEANS
semiafro007: @DOOMGUY11: right, the happy ending would be Quill ruling the world or destroying it
6369: Katia's_wizard_robe Mercantile amulet_of_silence brown_eyes character:Katia_Managan smiling
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Zargothrax: Just say it has a partial silence enchantment on it, but the effect only works if you wear it. Everything sells better if enchanted!
Rick2tails: isnt this kind of questionable content? fetish wear?
Unidentified_BA: @Rick2tails: Not overly? It's pretty harmless, and the intent isn't sexual.
Kisargo_the_Khajiit: Unidentified_BA:yet...
6397: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Pyriax character:Katia_Managan smiling
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showing 10 of 19 comments
Dominik: Looks good and i don't see any reason why it would be unacceptable. Goodluck in the fanart section!
Rick2tails: some fantastic work here Pyriax!
Kazerad: Just FYI: the image has been replaced with a modified version containing a less ambiguous level of masturbation. The original image started a huge moderator debate over what that hand was doing!
Rick2tails: boo! BOO I say! XD there wasnt anything showing that . its people making assumptions. she could of been adjusting her clothing .but I`m not a mod so whatever
Zargothrax: Gentle reminder of where the boruu's borders are.
Btw is this still"questionable"? She looks immensely slutty, but there's no nudity nor suggestive actions going on anymore, so I think it shouldn't be.
Rick2tails: theres absolutely nothing in this picture questionable unless youre offended by women having breasts and need them to hide them in some loose baggy robes or if youre offended by a glimpse of thigh.neither of which should apply here I would think.
Vidiotdragon: I like dis. tempted to put it as my phone background.
Kisargo_the_Khajiit: SO CUUUUUUTTTEEEE!!!!!
6423: Giant_Quill-Weave Katia's_wizard_robe adorable artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave dreams happy monochrome sleepy text
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showing 10 of 11 comments
semiafro007: Then she will marry a donkey. I love that Quill is smiling, that's what she wants to happen
AMKitsune: In her dreams, she's crushing buildings with her stony scaled feet and swiping entire armies away with broad swinging blows from her mighty tail.
In reality, her leg's twitching like a dog's and the tip of her tail's flicking back and forth across the floor.
Haroldisgod: I think it’s something to do about her neighbor
Zargothrax: Epic! And cute. Really well drawn! Nice original take on the wizard robe. I also like how you managed to make her look non-questionable and naked at the same time by making her draconian
KuroNeko: @Miki: I can understand, being an unstopable murderlizard must be amazing.
@semiafro007: Yup she just want to solve all her problems Alduin style. @AMKitsune: this sounds absolutely adorable, I need to draw that ! @Haroldisgod: That and a bunch of other stuff that is wrong in her life. @Zargothrax: Thank you very much.
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aracialsluragainstkhajits: i never knew how much i wanted to see this- is that a female aggy? ok nevermind,no. this is the WORST thing. how dare you disrespect our lord!
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aracialsluragainstkhajits: or am i just very bad at things and oh god ive already forgotten so many thigns how does aggy look again oh wait maube thats a normal ;elf im a doofus fricc
KuroNeko: @aracialsluragainstkhajits: @aracialsluragainstkhajits: Don't worry it's just Arvena, Quill-Weave's Dunmer neighbour who have pet rats.
Kisargo_the_Khajiit: Love it
2916: artist:Adroma mercandise photo text
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...Oh god, it's never going to make it through UK customs ;,( ... I remember a time when my dad was selling decoupaged ones, shipping was a nightmare.
Think I chose wisely having it delivered to my workplace though.
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