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6613: Kvatch_arena_armor beach character:Katia_Managan crossover dreams night text
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semiafro007: is this reality or a dream?
Rick2tails: sure!
3551: adorable artist:Bishop books braids character:Katia_Managan character:Little_Katia guar_plush text
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showing 10 of 19 comments
Verskon: Truly saddening.
But hopeful knowing that she will one day be a Witchhunter! Or least act and think like one.
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Bishop: @Maroc: It's fine, It's got pretty pictures and shit. She'll get the message.
@Verskon: Maybe, but she'll never be a kid again.
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Katia is known for reading a lot though, so this is great! You guys forget Katia is a huge dork.
Toryu-Mau: It is both a thoughtful gift,
and an act of passive aggression. At the same time. Holiday logic is confusing >):^? |
6606: artist:Tabby_Catface character:Katia_Managan horn_and_drunky monochrome photo pineapple sketch very_casually_underdressed
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Tabby_Catface: Sorry for them bad drawn paws.
semiafro007: oh no, she is going to do the TRICK
KuroNeko: @Tabby_Catface: You're not a true artist if you don't struggle to draw hands, it's like a requirement.
Rick2tails: I love nudes (of certain characters only) too but if there`s no nipples (or they arent covered up implying they are there ) I dont think it really counts as nudes at most "cartoony nudity" which is a different thing to me
Tabby_Catface: @Rick2tails: I could say I love nudes in case of drawing them by myself. Think it's the main thing you should learn to if you wanna draw your characters properly.
Tabby_Catface: It may also turn out in some funny ways sometimes
6611: Blunt Cosplay a_Hat_in_Time artist:lapma character:Little_Katia modern_clothing
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lapma: Some time ago A.M.Kitsune was wondering how would Kat look in nyakuza outfit, i decided to draw it.
Rick2tails: that is once again cute!
6610: artist:lapma character:nightmare_king monochrome portrait silhouette
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AMKitsune: A little while ago when thinking up ideas for the Halloween theme thing, we considered putting the nightmare king in the background of the site before changing over to the soul cairn theme that we ended up using.
Lapma very kindly provided this vector of said king which was going to remain mostly invisible until the 'lightning' in the background flashed, revealing his ominous silhouette for a few seconds before fading away again.
AMKitsune: @OgTariq: The booru doesn't know how to display thumbnails for svg files, so Kazerad made a generic one to get the job done.
Rick2tails: sPoOkY !
6609: argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Weedum-Ja character:nerevarine character:your_weird_OC monochrome portrait
5342: adorable braids cake character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch
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showing 10 of 12 comments
Cremafied: @XenoYparxi: Sorry XD I figured that if she never got the nightmares that in an AU she'd be living a pretty good life and wouldn't of lost her braids ya know?
Rick2tails: and chocolate cake on a regular basis?
Rick2tails: well that or shed be a big rolly polly cat
Toryu-Mau: ... Is that a "Regular glass of water" ? >):^?
One can never be too sure without the red X after all.
Cremafied: @Toryu-Mau: That makes me wonder actually! Would she be as intolerant so alcohol? Like it is an individual thing but how you develop takes part in it as well. So if she had a consistent access to food and water in her life would she get as plastered by a single drink?
Toryu-Mau: @Cremafied: ... Body mass index does come into play for alcohol tollerance, as having more fat cells and tissue volume allows a body to diffuse alcohor over larger area at slower pace.
So yes, to an extent she would be able to hold her booz better if she was better fed and had more weight on her. >):^] But only to the range her hereditary traits will allow. There's also the possibility she damaged her livers early on in life through binge drinking, and that's why she goes into toxic shock so easily. >):^/
Tabby_Catface: hey, that looks great
6600: artist:EpicDespacitoMan236 cake character:Katia_Managan lined_paper_club monochrome photo plain_background smiling text
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semiafro007: true happiness
EpicDespacitoMan236: Since Katia's birthday is 8th of Sun's Dusk (aka November in TES)I decided fuck it and drew some more Katia. Kind of happy with the way it came out and I hope whoever is looking at this at least enjoys it, even if it isn't the best drawing ever
Zargothrax: At some point she'll be older in real life than in Prequel.
6605: Ayleid_ruins Katia's_Thief_Tunic artist:lapma ayleid_well butterflies character:Katia_Managan magnus
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Rick2tails: this is a cute peaceful drawing
semiafro007: meditation time
6330: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:lapma blood character:Katia_Managan
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@lapma: A fearsome beast indeed.
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@DarthVader: Fine but next time think twice before punching the cat.
@Jadezzar: Oh nice, you have good tastes, Peryite is pleased with you.
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