Tag the damned artists. If you do not know the artist, attempt a quick image search before leaving the tag blank.

3548: artist:Todo_Deygulash casually_underdressed character:Nah questionable red_eyes teeth

showing 10 of 18 comments

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PermanentFace: I'd let her lick jelly off my neck, if you know what I'm saying.
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MetalC0Mmander: @PermanentFace: You'd let her bite your dick?

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Myeyah: Wait isn't this part of the clothing called a mantle?

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Beetleguy: Isn't she based off of a real person? Like, someone Kaz knows?

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Rick2tails: I signed up for an account just to comment on how nice this picture is. I should of signed up a long time ago.I`m a big fan of the comic

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Vidiotdragon: Did she always have that much hair?

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PermanentFace: @MetalC0Mmander: I'm saying I'd have sexual intercourse with her.

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furnut: oh hell yes.

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ThatFurrySqueeker: This makes me rethink everything I didn't like about vampires
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Micropipi69: Does anyone now who marceline from adventure time is?

3597: adorable artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

adorable artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

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DOOMGUY11: Sketch 4 life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
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Micropipi69: This is pretty good!

3644: adorable artist:Furnut character:Katia_Managan text

adorable artist:Furnut character:Katia_Managan text

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furnut: When the stream is back online, people froth at the mouth and yell APPLES. This is known.

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CoCoNO: Owww, that apples m8. I could do this all day

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Vidiotdragon: I like apples.

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bluedraggy: Apples! APPLES! Joyous APPLES! Yippee!
(So now newbies will understand the phrases too. This is a good thing!)

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sHiiNe: Very nice appels are good.

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Rick2tails: cute as fuck! :)
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Osrs_life: pineapples!!!!

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Vidiotdragon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enaPu_kf-8g
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Micropipi69: Dont you mean


3685: Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit artist:EKToRNo character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece inconsistent_rendering knock_off photo plain_background text

Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit artist:EKToRNo character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece inconsistent_rendering knock_off photo plain_background text
showing 10 of 17 comments

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bluedraggy: I can't believe it - they actually made it the featured masterpiece! EKToRNo should be proud. But I must say, it does give the whole booru a nice fresh scent!

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EKToRNo: @bluedraggy: Proud? Maybe. Confused/surprised? Definitely.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: 10/10 amazing

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korblborp: much chuckles

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PermanentFace: Why.

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EKToRNo: @PermanentFace: Why not?

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Rick2tails: when life gives you lemons...

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Enheldor: @Rick2tails: Make Katias.

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Micropipi69: It took me to long to realize that she is a lemon.

3784: Khajiit monochrome questionable sketch text

showing 10 of 16 comments

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Merfn4d: I'd be happy to give it to you, but I don't think it would fit.
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BadReligion: w0t?

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Sanded: Mine's kinda loose and stretchy so it'll probably work.

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strikyer: yeah take it, please don't hurt me
"without the skin, we are already one"

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unknown_victor: Yea sure, I wasn't really using it anyway.
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Odraode: No but thanks for asking

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Gren: Attack on cat.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: who made this
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Petrified_Yo-yo: Attack on Katia?
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Micropipi69: As you wish meaty one.

3888: Katia's_wizard_robe Night_in_the_Woods character:Katia_Managan character:Mae crossover magic_fire telekinesis

Katia's_wizard_robe Night_in_the_Woods character:Katia_Managan character:Mae crossover magic_fire telekinesis

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AMKitsune: Forget the nightmare eyes, Katia's got remotely detonatable/pilotable Molotov cocktails!

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Dugar: They make a great pair.

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Rick2tails: ready to take on the world !

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CoolestUsername: I'll pay a nigga to make one with gregg and katia. not kidding hmu
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HERMAEUS_MORA: I just started playing this game this morning and I love it to bits.
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Micropipi69: Gregg does,in fact,rule.

6337: Katia:_Enter,_Two Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Zargothrax blood character:Katia_Managan character:greater_impmaster_murderboss grievous_bodily_harm meme questionable_sanity tavia's_shop_storage_room text

Katia:_Enter,_Two Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Zargothrax blood character:Katia_Managan character:greater_impmaster_murderboss grievous_bodily_harm meme questionable_sanity tavia's_shop_storage_room text

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Zargothrax: Not even Flex Tape can fix Impmaster after this one
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Lurci: "May this sacrifise pleases Phil Swift, deadric prince of flexing and sealing."

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KuroNeko: That's really awesome. I like how you did the insides of the imp and the dripping blood (shouldn't this be tagged questionable by the way). Nice detail with the burned gloves too.
Also did Katia got bitten by a vampire? because she kind of look like a bat.

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Dominik: "Indeed, but you will have to clean this mess :/ "

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: Thank you!

I was experimenting with the ears. I referenced real cats. The outer side of the ear, near the head has a strange structure that I tried to replicate. Thing is, Katia is generally cartoonic/simplistic in design, so if you put something detailed on her, it drives the attention in a way that makes the viewer think it is an important detail. It so happens that on bats they actually are. Add to it that I made the ears too big (again), and now you have a bat-cat (again. Not the first time I turned Katia into a bat. Seems like a habit of mine at this point). Blood is also a pretty strong connection to vampires, plus you can see her fangs... Yeah it all kind-of subconsciously suggests vampirism. besides, it's not like she wasn't bitten by a vampire

as for questionableness:

I'm glorifying violence and brutality here, not lewdness and lust! The proper way two mortals should connect, not fondling. With Daedra mods nothing stands in the way of the marvelous mayhem, divine destruction and gorgeous gore as long as we keep our degenerate desires to ourselves. Let the rage and fire guide our way

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MinnoSimmins: "To show you the power of flex tape, I sawed this imp in half!"

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: Flex tape maybe not, but have you tried some flesh tape

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: 10/10 would pre-order!
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Micropipi69: I just sawed this imp in half!

3204: Kvatch_arena_armor adorable animation applied_telekinesis artist:AMKitsune artist:Cider character:Katia_Managan lateral_thinking questionable telekinesis text

showing 10 of 14 comments

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AMKitsune: @MetalC0Mmander: While there are a few little things that now occur to me as not being right (like her tail not matching up with her moving torso and her head staying at the exact same height all the time), her back isn't standing out too much to me. However, what you're seeing might be unnatural stretching between her static neck and moving hip areas. It's the little things like this that I'm currently missing that would make this all the better. Thanks for voicing your views.

(Then again, it might also just be because the original image had quite a sharp curve in her back which isn't translating too well into animation. Who knows?)
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MetalC0Mmander: @AMKitsune: Yeah it's more making a static pose which such action in it into a animation that's bugging me.

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AMKitsune: There we go. That should be a little better now.
Better leg movement, a head the moves with the rest of the body, additional rainment details, a tail that's actually attached to her spine now, a less stretchy back and just because I can, a transparent background (which makes practically no difference here whatsoever XD)

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DavidTheZettaNerd: Hello. Yes, sir. We came to your house over a sexual abuse report. Now if you'd please let us in.
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MetalC0Mmander: @DavidTheZettaNerd: What?

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furnut: It's aiding me in my pan---uhh, panda drawings.

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Vidiotdragon: The belt, it did nothing!

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CaptainLackwit: Uh, speaking of which... Whatever happened to Cider?

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Toryu-Mau: Max Cringe Achieved!
With this much humiliation of personage, one could burn down this side of the interweb. But don't. Please.
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Micropipi69: Just pull a little harder and...
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