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2177: Khajiit Quill-Weave's_bed artist:RedRuin beautiful casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan monochrome morning_after questionable

showing 10 of 19 comments

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Grape: I didn't fight for your rights. I fought for the minds of innocent children. </3

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KillerfishSG: I don't see how this would be tagged "lewd"? O_o

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Geravind: Wow, she looks pretty realistic! (except clavicles maybe) But... why does she have an argonian face?
The emotion is clear and delicious! But something with the facial details is not... -well-... feline.

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KingClaws: I've seen more explicit pictures in childrens books.

Honestly the linked version should be allowed to be posted here.

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AMKitsune: I know some other people will see this as being lewd and questionable simply because it contains nudity (partial or otherwise) but I think it's actually a very beautiful rendition of the scene.
Pose, details, lighting, it all looks like it could have been painted from a real life reference.
I have to ask, did you paint this in colour then desaturate it or was the whole thing actively painted in greyscale? The reason I ask is because I notice that she's missing the lighter colouration (or shading in this case)on the front of her torso. Just a little thing that is often overlooked but really helps make Katia as recognisable as she is.

Also, I don't know if you're aware, but looking at the histogram of this, there's nothing at the higher and lower ends of the brightness range. I don't know whether that was a conscious decision on your part, but applying a quick 'auto curves' adjustment to it really ups the contrast, making the light glow and the shadows deeper without loosing any of those glorious brush strokes. Something to think about I suppose. In case you're interested, I've made a quick comparison of the same image with different level adjustments on it to show how some of the various level adjustments can look.


The second image should be 'mathematically perfect' (with a 0.11% clipping threshold) as far as pixel levels go, with (practically) none of your original detail being lost. The third image is just some further tweaking I did purely by personal taste. Your image will look slightly different from one monitor/screen to the next so no single image will look the best on all devices. Make of that what you will.

Once again though, this is an extremely beautifully made scene that I personally wouldn't even consider questionable. The version that you linked should really be kept up to as it's a shining example of actual 'artistic' nudity. Extremely tasteful and well put together.

I really hope we'll be seeing more of this style of artwork from you in the future.

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Tahrey: Since when was a low cut blouse considered in any way explicit? Only answer if you can name an example from the last 25 years in countries without heavily filtered internet. I think I've seen worse than this on high street advertising hoardings.

Presumably the NSFW applique on the thumbnail is simply because a nippley version happens to be linked in the source.

Artwise, me likey lots, though it took a moment to work out that it wasn't (WE DON'T TALK ABOUT) The Razorblade Incident.

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bluedraggy: I like the NSFW designation actually - not that THIS is, but the linked one is gorgeous too. And nothing calls attention like a Questionable! I bet stats show those get a lot more hits than nonNSFW.

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woundedkneecap: Beautifully painted, Katia sits up in bed and wonders not only "who was in my mouth?", but "why?"

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Kewot_Rokar: Probally the best Invision of a khajiit I have ever seen. Good job.

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CandyDragon: This is questionable? I'm just clicking the random button and there are some gems here.

3290: Blade accidents_happen artist:Cider blood character:Kazerad cooking grievous_bodily_harm monochrome

Blade accidents_happen artist:Cider blood character:Kazerad cooking grievous_bodily_harm monochrome
showing 10 of 11 comments

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Maroc: Shoot em up reference?

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FonkDerok: "I have all my fingers... And the knife goes chop chop chop..."
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Riddle78: I think in a previous contest,Kaz,or one of the entrants,my memory's awful,somehow,on pure accident,completely mangled their hand in a non-permanent way. I think it was the baking contest. I think this image references that.

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Toryu-Mau: PB & B : The Bread that Thirsts. }: ]
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MetalC0Mmander: @Riddle78: Don't know if Kaz did it too but I know one guy cut himdelf trying to open up a can with a knife yes.
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ammurin: @FonkDerok Technically, he hasn't lost any fingers, It's still possible for kaz to win!

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Triskelion: http://i.piccy.info/i9/69902597cd392f6f34859d6c5e63a68a/1472848715/58680/1063005/Canned_chicken.png

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AMKitsune: "Oh... bother... Now I'll have to re-clean this knife before I can use it again. What a mild annoyance..."

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Kewot_Rokar: How did they get this picture of me?

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CandyDragon: I imagine this is what was happening to Kaz for this last update

974: Burger_King artist:Plague_of_Gripes character:Katia_Managan dreams fear featured_masterpiece

Burger_King artist:Plague_of_Gripes character:Katia_Managan dreams fear featured_masterpiece

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VashTheStampede: Well no wonder she's scared.

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CandyDragon: Gold

5071: actual_underwear artist:kandlin casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave monochrome pie questionable sketch

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Rick2tails: in honor of Pi day the other day. Quill drawn holding some pie ..in a bikini

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Sashimi: Nom,nom!

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CandyDragon: I can get behind this pi day thing :P

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CandyDragon: Also, SilentOrbWeaver would like to say, that this is a very good drawing, if a bit rough around the edges, and deserves much more attention than what it got.

SilentOrbWeaver would've done it but no pc access so yeah.

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Rick2tails: well its a bit rough because it was a free 15 minute drawing done by the artist Kandlin .he does a twice a month sketch stream where he draws 15 minute sketch requests for patreons of his .

5074: Kvatch_arena_armor angry_giant_hands dreams fear forest lined_paper_club pencil_drawing royalty tears

Kvatch_arena_armor angry_giant_hands dreams fear forest lined_paper_club pencil_drawing royalty tears

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Anowon: Katia is having another bad dream about giant kings.

What started off as a practice drawing of a hand turned into this abomination. There was a random character in place of Katia originally, but I changed it to Katia in order to post it somewhere, hence the cape. I couldn't draw her face correctly .

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CandyDragon: @Anowon: Yeah faces are hard

this gives me adventure time vibes

5070: artist:Radian character:Weedum-Ja hist_glands obscurity questionable very_casually_underdressed

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Geravind: Щека чуть не там, разрез рта всё равно чуть пошире должен быть, даже если эмоция делает обратное.
В районе крестца выпуклости не будет, хвост -- продолжение позвоночника.
В полностью разогнутом положении руки бицепс ТАК не будет, а вот трицепс как раз будет напряжён весь.
Угла тазика не вижу -- там обычно едва заметная неровность.
Светильник слева-сверху от нас, а на сисе тень от руки такая, наче светило у нас с левой стороны лба.
Край рёбер тут будет выделяться чуть сильнее и на боку, и вон там к переходу на животик.
Между ягодицей и нижней частью хвоста переход должен быть вполне заметным "ущельем", а вот ближе к крестцу уже плавный.
Для такой длины торса шея коротковата (хватит думать о минотаврах, когда рисуешь).
Перепонки на ушках заканчиваются дугой, а не прямой линией. Даже если ухи полностью растопырить, ближе к направляющей у перепонок всё равно будет закругление.

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Radian: @Geravind: А почему ты думаешь что это мой рисунок? ;)

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XenoYparxi: That biceps tho

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Geravind: @Radian: К тебе обращения не было. Кхаджит не думать -- Кхаджит критиковать. :р

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Radian: @Geravind: Хех, а вообще у меня как обычно, где-то увлекаюсь и переделываю по десять раз а где-то очевидной фигни не замечаю.

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CandyDragon: @Geravind: Вау. Это законная художественная критика. 10/10

5053: character:Katia_Managan character:Sheogorath text

character:Katia_Managan character:Sheogorath text

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Geravind: Wizard's beard?...

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Norad2: You know it to be true.

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Toryu-Mau: ... One does not simply BE Sheogorath.
Unless it's Cheddar Friday with extra Gouda, and Caesar Salad gave permission to The Mud Crab.
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Sunny: Shouldn't this also have the "questionable sanity" tag?

5067: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow character:Katia_Managan fansnark smiling text

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow character:Katia_Managan fansnark smiling text
showing 10 of 11 comments

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Lowenkrieger: i said it once and i'll say it again
this needs to get FEATURED

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Pocky: @Raydio:

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madmanransom: Now this is a fine way to say "screw your rules".

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Baz1S: don't mind me just looking at the updates

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DarthVader: @Pocky: SUCC!
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Sunny: Are those her hands? Or her feet? Or something else?

And what rules are supposedly being screwed? I don't see it.

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AMKitsune: "This is where I'd put my update... If I had one!"

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Pocky: @Sunny: katia's limbs transcend this cosmic plane. they are both her feet and her hands, but also neither.

1921: Kvatch_arena_armor Quill-Weave's_bed Quill-Weave's_bedroom amulet_of_silence artist:_lockerobster bed censorship character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave dawn monochrome morning_after pixelated romance sketch sleep-over very_casually_underdressed wall-sword

Kvatch_arena_armor Quill-Weave's_bed Quill-Weave's_bedroom amulet_of_silence artist:_lockerobster bed censorship character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave dawn monochrome morning_after pixelated romance sketch sleep-over very_casually_underdressed wall-sword
showing 10 of 15 comments

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Sasquatch_boote: @scrubert This is my fetish
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MetalC0Mmander: For some reason I can't make an artist tag for this submission, can someone help me out here?

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Kewot_Rokar: Quill fucked up.
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TemporaryFace: @MetalC0Mmander: I think the artist tag is dependent on a mode of capitalization, and because this database is kind of trash if you enter it once incorrectly you can never enter it correctly again. It will remember your first capitalization and 'correct' any future attempts to that standard.
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TemporaryFace: @MetalC0Mmander: But you can cheat by inserting an underscore between the colon and the artist's name. Like so.

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lockerobster: @TemporaryFace Thanks for that mate. I wasn't sure how to properly add the artist tag till after I uploaded.

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Unidentified_BA: Lovely tagging, for real.

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dtlux14: Quill Weave's turn to wake up in bed with a partner. At least this time someone woke up in her bed after a night, it wasn't something for said person to regret.

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Mr_O: Those lines are immaculate!

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CandyDragon: Actually I really like this drawing wow.


If only

4065: Team_Fortress_2 anachronism artist:Hahstuz character:Nah dwemer_technology looking_badass medic plain_background red_eyes vampirism

Team_Fortress_2 anachronism artist:Hahstuz character:Nah dwemer_technology looking_badass medic plain_background red_eyes vampirism

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Mhauhz: As promised, I said I'd put up a fanart as of my birthday. My birthday is in April 27, but I decided to pull a twist and post ahead of time, for a change.

Since Kazerad didn't say a word about what he wanted, I just got Nah into a medicinal activity where she can have red herring juice from afar! I hope Squiggles approve this, because I also pulled a Katia and messed up this image a bunch before it ended as it is...

I'm not really satisfied, but I kinda like this, and I'd have to keep my word anyway. If Kaz updates before the 28, I'll whip up a second one somewhere along the first week of May!

I'll compliment whoever gets every extra detail I put in here.
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ElstientheFallenKnight: i AM NURSE OCTOBERFEST!!!!

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Rick2tails: this is pretty badass :)

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Mhauhz: @Rick2tails: Hey, thanks! Coming from someone with so many drawings from Kazerad himself, I'm surprised.

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Toryu-Mau: Manual care is best care, indeed.
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Butterscotch: "they should call you whiner Dr. Noooo!"
Closest to nah I could get with these circumstances.
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