Lesser beings should be ashamed of their uncovered body. Tag such images with "questionable".
5007: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow angry character:Katia_Managan meme sketch
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showing 10 of 11 comments
Sashimi: @Pocky: You have to ask one of the administrators. You can notify them in the 'Report image' box in the left hand column.
LuminosityXVII: @Pocky: Did somebody tell you this wasn't good cause I will flood all their inboxes with obscene amounts of angry frowney faces
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
LuminosityXVII: And then piledrive them through a table with an angry frowney face on it
>:( Don't worry it's no trouble, I'm already doing it for bluedraggy after the Raj thing
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Sunny: Why would you delete it? It's awesome. My only criticism would be that it needs to be larger.
PermanentFace: This image has Permanent Face's approval.
5025: artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan digitigrade dungeons green_eyes looking_badass magic
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Radian: @Geravind: Катя набралась опыта и стала сильней :| Несколько надоели картинки где Катя вся такая милаха, захотелось немного брутальности.
CandyDragon: Damn. Looking tough. I like it. Slightly manly. Looks like she's real mad at something. *shakes fist at the cruel world
Geravind: @CandyDragon: Actually, she's blocking incoming fire with that gesture. The facial expression displays her efforts/magicka consumption of that shielding.
CandyDragon: @Geravind: Oh I see it now. Neato. I thought it was part of the background; it's somewhat vague.
Zargothrax: Absolutely badass!
Un_Mapache: "I'm here to block fire and kick ass. And you are running out of fire."
5032: artist:redout character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC inconsistent_rendering knock_off painted_underwear text
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Rick2tails: must be some killer shrooms you got there man!
CandyDragon: Well this... this is certainly something.
The guy saying "freedom" is giving me some French vibes though. |
5036: character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering knock_off portrait
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Itchybaboon: As many people have pointed out, this is NOT the Milky Way galaxy, but our understanding of Oblivion. Anyway, makes a nice phone wallpaper so yeet.
CandyDragon: New constellation! For some reason I feel hopeless... and sad when I look at it...
Flora_The_Herald_Of_Gai: I don't know know why but I just wanna see someone make this kinda pulse to the beat of a song. Maybe like a rap song er something.
2573: Compact_Story Safety_hat artist:wingsofwrath booze character:Katia_Managan confusion crossover hoodie_katia pineapple star_wars
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showing 10 of 13 comments
Arcsome: I love how vader is all like "yes my lord" and she is just like "first we take over the moon to establish a universal taco shop" lol
wingsofwrath: @ CaptainLackwit @Nyflex Well, I figured that if there was anybody to get drunk and accidentally take over the Universe it was our Katia. Her pineapple and yo-yo trick is simply THAT impressing. Sure, stumbling and accidentally pushing Palpatine down an air shaft might have also had something to do with it, but still, it's a really good party trick and if there's something the Sith love is good party tricks.
@Arcsome Not really at that point yet. Right now she is more at the "I did WHAT last night ?!" stage.
Tahrey: Strong shades of Robin becoming a senator after eating an entire bowl of Creme Eggs in Shortpacked!, here :D
wingsofwrath: @Tahrey Ha, never thought of it this way, but now that you mention it, it's probably what I was subconsciously channelling when I drew this.
wingsofwrath: @Tahrey: Ha, never thought of it this way, but now that you mention it, it's probably what I was subconsciously channelling when I drew this.
Darth_Vader: I need my master
Lord_Vader_777: We need more of this
DarthVader: What is thy bidding my master?
5030: Night_Eye character:Dmitri_Argoth character:Katia_Managan drunk night stranger_danger
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PermanentFace: And a new chance to break out the 'stranger_danger' tag!
CandyDragon: And then Katia sexually assaulted a poor hapless necromancer
5014: Prequel:_Precede artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan khajiit_racism rags sad text
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Rick2tails: thats speciest!
CandyDragon: Speciesist?
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Asperger_kitten_1337: specist
5029: character:Dodger dodger:_break_the_law redraw
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Asperger_kitten_1337: "You can see colors. The feeling of left out has filled you."
3569: actual_underwear artist:Furnut booze character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave hist_glands impure_thoughts pineapple questionable rope very_casually_underdressed
showing 10 of 14 comments
Rick2tails: I was wondering that myself.Itd be neat to see Kaz draw in a stream
Rukkaru: @sHiiNe you could watch the stream on https://picarto.tv/Kazerad
I said you COULD because picarto doesn't save streams, so for you to watch his streams, you really just have to be at the right place at the right time PROTIP: when he does streams, he always posts a comment on prequel, so beware
Bluedragon: Also, if you sign up for an account on picarto, you can have it send you email when he goes live. That and an alert on my phone gets me notified within minutes.
Rick2tails: thank Rukkaru!
furnut: @sHiiNe: also, be sure to click the heart icon to follow him. I think that's how you get an email notification as soon as he streams.
CandyDragon: @Rukkaru: Is this still a thing that happens or is he more spontaneous these days?
4996: Skyrim artist:lapma casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan spear
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=ಠ_ಠ= What's written above her ( . )( . ) ?
Skyrim + spear? -- Unacceptable!
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