Serve your overlords. Submit images.
5095: Kvatch_arena_armor cake character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra telekinesis witch-hunter_control_panel
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Lowenkrieger: cromch
CandyDragon: Cue chocolate cake french kiss
Rick2tails: cake foe everybody!
5051: Avatar_The_Last_Airbender Zuko angry artist:doxhun character:Katia_Managan crossover fire magic_fire monochrome text
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Atum_Doxhun: I did this some time ago, should've uploadedbit earlier but oh well. Sorry for any lack of tags, it's my first upload.
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SilentOrbweaver: I know it's Zuko, but every time I read all caps "HONOR", I do it in the exaggerated Worf's voice. "This Khajiit has NO HONOR".
Anyway, nice drawing. Would you mind if I crop all the empty white edges for you? It's fine even with them, but I think it would fit better without them.
Atum_Doxhun: @SilentOrbweaver: no problem go ahead, just drag my signature closer to the pick if the crop demmands it, I also think I might colour it someday
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SilentOrbweaver: Well, I made a report for the replacement, but just in case, I'll leave a link here. It will expire in one day.
CandyDragon: I wonder how much support those shoes have
FriendOfFennecs: Cool! But is her scar from an Agni Kai, or just from using Eye of Fear too many times?
296: abstract artist:Monster10 modern_art
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CandyDragon: Like what even is this?
LuminosityXVII: I like how this was submitted in 2013 but all the comments are from 10 days ago.
Also, it's clearly StarFox.
Sashimi: @LuminosityXVII: Oh, well since it's StarFox, this should be appropriate! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uieM18rZdHY
LuminosityXVII: @Sashimi: Haha omg, that thing! It feels like a blast from the past but it also feels like it was yesterday, somehow.
5088: Cosplay artist:8Aerondight8 character:Katia_Managan crossover merchandise questionable
Rick2tails: oh wow! this is awesome!
Un_Mapache: Nais
PermanentFace: Not everything with a khajiit butt in it needs to be celebrated.
Rick2tails: @permanentFace but everything with Katia butt should be (also maybe bartender butt and traitor girl butt too )
Flora_The_Herald_Of_Gai: So much cake lol
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBqkBBfmcfU
5037: Space accidents_happen character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology modern_clothing rude text
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stirfrytoasty1: The Khajiit have already climbed to the moon before. Maybe you should've brought some pals?
Glandziu: Hang in there! (I'm pretty sure you don't need to, since orbital mecahnics will do it for you :P)
Polan of rescuing yuo!
DarthVader: Maybe she’s orbiting around my Death Star!
CandyDragon: @DarthVader: I don't think the Death star is massive enough for that... It's mostly hollow.
Now, Starkiller Base on the other hand...
DarthVader: @CandyDragon: you must be mistaken, the Death Star may not have very strong gravitation but it can however make small things gravitate.
CandyDragon: @DarthVader:But at least if you fall towards the Death star you don't plummet to your death, whereas if you fell into Starkiller base...
Glandziu: @CandyDragon: Didn't expect to find people who know something about rocket science here...
And to the Starkiller, you could technically land on it, given that you brought a thick wooden shield up there (yay for ablatives), but the landing would be classified as "hard lithobraking" at best |
5090: blushing character:Rajirra food ironic_lewds questionable very_casually_underdressed
showing 10 of 13 comments
CandyDragon: @Kazerad: This is arguably worse. If unsexy was the goal then mission accomplished. Unless someone has a food fetish, which I know some people do. Then this is actually better than the last one.
SrLupinotuum: why she seems to enjoy it so much?
LuminosityXVII: Whaaaaaat the what.
I get done recommending hollandaise sauce to my friends (it's amazing on chicken & waffles), and two days later this happens. I haven't had any other cause to think about the stuff in like a year.
LuminosityXVII: In other news, I believe it may now be a while before I put hollandaise on anything.
Well played, Pocky, BA.
Rick2tails: Id rather go sweet like chocolate sauce or whipped cream then savory myself.But girl has fur and everybody knows how gross getting hair in your food is.I think in reality this wouldnt be as sexy as some think.
Sashimi: @Rick2tails: True, but when the mood comes, one can overlook many things. And having a khajiit gf is inevitably going to involve a mouthful of fuzz.
Flora_The_Herald_Of_Gai: That heart shape kills me lol
Reminds me of high school. Kinda. My crew liked to draw shapes with food on each other. It was pretty weird. |
5073: Cosplay artist:8Aerondight8 casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan crossover dragon_age
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Rick2tails: this is a good look for her!
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Asperger_kitten_1337: nice
CandyDragon: The middle east/india bazaar type look [i]is[/] pretty nice
CandyDragon: wow I swear i can format
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Asperger_kitten_1337: looks like a very comfortable outfit, too
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Butterscotch: Can't tell if that is a happy face, or if she is planning something diabolical!
5093: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan magic_fire night stars
5086: casually_underdressed censorship character:Rajirra ironic_lewds questionable text
showing 10 of 29 comments
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Sashimi: We should do a double date, just no swinging m8 not into that shit.
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Sashimi: What if we got kaz to draw our OCs meeting, they do look kinda similar. (kinda like how khajiits look simular...... That's not racist right?)
Sashimi: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Kaz would be compelled to create a strange and unusual pic, but it'd be hilarious! And I'm sure all them Nords look the same to khajiit. ;)
Rick2tails: draw it anyway Kaz! ;)
2326: Khajiit Kvatch_arena_armor anachronism artist:taveiver201 character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave firearms group_photo modern_clothing propaganda
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Why QW reminds a vulture here?
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