
3580: character:Quill-Weave featured_masterpiece fire text

character:Quill-Weave featured_masterpiece fire text
showing 10 of 11 comments

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Argonians are actually warm blooded :O!

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Rick2tails: its cold out in a lot of places atm

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PermanentFace: That's not the lizard from panel five, is it?
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Jety_Lefr: BA, you're not suppose to like it. It's not a good job. It took 2 minutes to make.
It's supposed to be bad.

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Skoon: @PermanentFace: That sounds like an old horror film.


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Unidentified_BA: @Jety_Lefr: Too bad, I featured it. Take that, negativity!

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PermanentFace: But seriously, isn't the lizard from panel five green?

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Kazerad: @PermanentFace: It's blue! I'm removing the tag.

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vm4jJQFXWp4

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: very relevant, really captures the TES universe amazingly

3590: artist:korblborp character:Katia_Managan monochrome pineapple questionable

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korblborp: no yo-yos here!

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: The yo yo is in the other picture before this, some where.

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PermanentFace: Not sure if casually_underdressed, very_casually_underdressed, or censorship.

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CaptainLackwit: Yo, anatomy's hella good.

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Rick2tails: @permanentface I`d say pineapple pasties myself

3587: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic adorable artist:breadcipher character:Katia_Managan happy portrait tongue

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic adorable artist:breadcipher character:Katia_Managan happy portrait tongue

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Blep!

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Rick2tails: adorable!

3584: character:bartender musicality questionable very_casually_underdressed

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Bluedragon: S'thengir joins the band, though he's none to happy about it. He does enjoy hitting things repeatedly with sticks though, which almost makes up for the embarrassment. He wouldn't admit it, but the view from the back of the band ain't bad either.

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mrojo27: nice!

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Rick2tails: heh sexy ! :)

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Pepsidude: Man, the bartender is never happy, is he?

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sHiiNe: @Pepsidude: What do you mean? Can't you see the happiness in his eyes?

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bluedraggy: I actually did give him the SLIGHTEST of upturned edges to his frown. And gave him a nickname. S'thengir "Three Sticks" the Bartender.

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Rick2tails: three sticks? I see what you did there >;)

1723: Kvatch_arena_armor adorable adventure character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra friendship text

Kvatch_arena_armor adorable adventure character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra friendship text
showing 10 of 11 comments

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VashTheStampede: I'd love I if the world looked like a cartoon.
(World suddenly looks like Uncle Grandpa)

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CaptainLackwit: This artist is great. Upon seeing that he too was a prequel fan, I thoroughly painted my pants with excitement.

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Itriedmanitried: Upvote! If I could.

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Zokva: dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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Sky_the_Cat: Well, looks like my phone's got a new wallpaper.

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CaptainLackwit: @Sky_the_Cat: Huh. it's just the right size for that isn't it?

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Man_Of_Mer: My mind is having a sensory overload. SO FRIGGIN CUTE.

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Pepsidude: Too cute! <3

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sandwich_lord_: I feel like this is what would happen

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3585: character:Katia_Managan knock_off

character:Katia_Managan knock_off

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Frootloopmuffin: So the other day me and my buddies were playing Pathfinder and one of their characters was a cat-person type thing. So I thought "Hey! I could use this!" So now I present to you: Storm Bladeheart! (Original picture for comparison.)

3510: Booze_O'Clock Khajiit accidents_happen acrobatics argonian artist:Furnut bar booze character:Katia_Managan criminal_scum erect_tail gold merchandise questionable

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furnut: Not sure if questionable. Please tag it if you think it is.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Questionable ony for the fact that's a pretty wide split, also panties.

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sHiiNe: "Excuse me for dropping in"

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bluedraggy: I could have SWORN those were pineapples busting on the floor.

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Geravind: @bluedraggy: EVERYONE saw pineapples there with the first look -- it's a fucking magic, and Khajiit isn't gonna explain the shit.

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Maroc: -insert joke about her putting the mask on other Khajiit and no one being the wiser-

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furnut: @Maroc: Best getaway plan!

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Mundymundee: "Khajiit is innocent"

3582: Katia's_wizard_robe amulet_of_silence character:Katia_Managan redraw snow telekinesis

Katia's_wizard_robe amulet_of_silence character:Katia_Managan redraw snow telekinesis

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happysdauber: Wow, I didn't really expect this to be so large (sorry about that)--
But anyways, a little doodle of Katia. I hope you all like it!

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Really well done!

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happysdauber: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Thank you so much!

3301: adorable artist:Furnut character:younger_Katia monochrome text wizard_hat

adorable artist:Furnut character:younger_Katia monochrome text wizard_hat
showing 10 of 13 comments

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @AMKitsune: 1 x Traveler's heart stolen. <3

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Vidiotdragon: The Toohoo has taken over Katia...
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Stankloid: You still don't have a big wizard beard, so no!

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Stankloid: Well she cast a spell on me, so, she must have something going for her. No excuse me while I collect my hugs.

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Toryu-Mau: Not Enough Beard I Say ! ! !
Wait, I'm in the AOE ! Hrk...
where's that insulin injector... Aargh... .
* Crumples into a quivering heap *

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furnut: @Toryu-Mau: [Katia then steals clothes and everything from Toryu-Mau]

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Yes you are a real wizard.
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MetalC0Mmander: Well she does throw fireballs so why wouldn't she be one.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Uh, you don't have a long wavey beard. So no

3570: Katia's_Thief_Tunic character:Katia_Managan

Katia's_Thief_Tunic character:Katia_Managan

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Is a smol katia.
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