Moderators can add new Daedric Fun Tips. Kazerad probably won't even notice, and the site does not log who added them.
3635: artist:Bluedragon artist:Kazerad character:Nah musicality questionable stringed_instrument very_casually_underdressed
Bluedragon: Last of the Not-Yet-Ready-For-Clothing Players. It's Nah "The Killer" on lead guitar. Now I know what you're thinking... Well, you might be thinking "where's her nipples" first, but ALSO you might be thinking "why is she fretting air?" Here's the answer: I don't know! Ask Kaz! I didn't ever quite get that. But it's still cool IMHO.
As for the nips, I just think that's over the top even for Questionable so I left them off. If you're desperate, I'll have it up at e621 soon enough, or at my tumbler http://bdprequel.tumblr.com if you're desperate for it. Love the bats though. By the time I was done I fell in love with the bats.
Bluedragon: Well... there ya go! That's a reason! I've decided to officially call it "fretting by willpower". She uses her perfectly normal human willpower to fret the strings however she wants without needing to use her fingers. (Or she's drunk.)
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Streetwind: If we get any more uploads of this band, it'll have to get an official booru tag... how about, "Les Questionables"? :P
XenoYparxi: If this is lead guitar then Katia plays on a bass guitar?
bluedraggy: Yup - Katia on bass. (Couldn't help it. I play bass.)
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forestOverlord: I think I've figured it out. Just before this picture was taken her guitar strap turned into two bats.
Rick2tails: this turned out pretty nice (and even more so the other version)
Bluedragon: BTW, I meant to say this to forestOverlord - That's an AWESOMELY GREAT explanation. It is now, as far as I'm concerned, the canon explanation. Explains both the bats and the weirdly dropped guitar. Love it! Happy accidents can lead to great things. Kaz should be drunk more.
3648: Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit amulet_of_silence artist:Makimb0 character:Katia_Managan monochrome plain_background sketch
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showing 10 of 13 comments
GoodIdeasAreOverrated: NICE, JOIN US, ONE OF US.
Rick2tails: this is cute
3645: artist:GoodIdeasAreOverrated character:Aggy
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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Sorry for late post, stuff happened, as always, you can find the poll on the source. LETS KEEP THIS GOING.
3636: artist:Bluedragon artist:Kazerad character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan character:Nah character:Quill-Weave character:Weedum-Ja character:bartender group_photo hist_glands musicality questionable very_casually_underdressed
showing 10 of 21 comments
bluedraggy: I considered ASOTIL. He would be great on drums, but I don't know what he would look like without his armor. (has he ever been pictured without it? It's kinda his defining characteristic).
As for Sigrid, Rajirra and Gro Upp, they're all mean f***s and don't deserve to be in the band. And then I thought XenoYparxi is right - he was the producer and ran off after stealing their cables and amplifiers. :0 Bottom line - I don't like em so I don't pay $ for them in my band! So there! :)
bluedraggy: (Gro Upp probably stole their clothes too.)
aedan122: @bluedraggy:Has a drawing that kazerad considered canonical like asotil hair.
aedan122: @bluedraggy Has a drawing that kazerad considered canonical like asotil hair.
aedan122: @bluedraggy:
Has a drawing that kazerad considered canonical like asotil hair. http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/2264#search=character%3AASOTIL
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MetalC0Mmander: @Osrs_life: Because the lizards don't have nips acording to Kaz, the ghost is etheral and having them on Nah would be too much.
Enheldor: @MetalC0Mmander: Pretty sure they were there on the original but Draggy felt some censorship was needed for this posting.
Bluedragon: MetalC0Mmander and Enheldor both got it exactly right. I did a full-on nip version on that site that starts with 'e' though. But I thought it a bit much for here, and didn't want to start an edge-war of decency.
3615: adorable artist:Bishop braids character:Little_Katia chiaroscuro
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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Hehe, I love her facial expression.
Rick2tails: very cute
AlexBlackRaven: "Im a lost kat, pls help" facial expression. love it
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Daniel_Feldspar: There's a special place in my cold heart for ink and watercolor. Nominating masterpiece status.
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Dis is cute for sure
3643: argonian artist:Furnut character:Quill-Weave impure_thoughts questionable very_casually_underdressed
furnut: Whenever the stream goes offline, people scream NEKKED LIZARDS. Nobody knows the origin of this phonemone.
bluedraggy: Never understood this one. This should be the phrase when the stream comes back online. As in, "Draw Nekked Lizards!" But... it's not so, information is power to the newbies! (But can they triforce?)
Rick2tails: naked lizards is all well and good but what about naked kitties?
Jersh: I made a profile soully to explain the meme. One time when the stream was really bad and it froze, when you refreshed it said kaz looped saying naked lizards. After telling the world of my discovery, they started using it as a way of saying streams down.
Boaty: The amazing thing is that the "apples" mini-meme was also born during the same stream as "nekkid lizards".
Both stuck, and now new stream viewers are completely confused about both, wonder why the hell everyone is saying "nekkid lizards" and "apples".
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Morbidjoke: What is 'apples'?! I know NEKKED LIZARD but what IS 'Apples'.
3446: actual_underwear casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan questionable_sanity text
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showing 10 of 11 comments
Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Yes, I enjoy the expression, very good shading, too! ;3c
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BadReligion: I see insanity in those eyes...
...I like it! insanity + cats combo reminds me of... http://vimeo.com/44186017
Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Even if she tried she'd just fail at that too. She probably doesn't even realize she'd need to do it 9 times.
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DarkD: Well - it's how one ascends to immortality - failing to die until the very end of the universe. Maybe even not then.
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Stankloid: One day her madness finally reaches its peak and she goes through with it. She crumples limply with a grunt, there's a faint clanking as she drops her machete to the ground. Faintly in the distance she almost thinks she hears a few notes of a sad song, she's not even sure it's real. and as everything fades to black a tears down her face, which is smiling with relief. There's a sudden jolt. She looks around in shock which quickly turns to horror. She finds herself standing in the doorway of a building she entered not too long ago, as if nothing had ever happened.
Toryu-Mau: Shoosh~ Pap.
ShooshooshShoooosh~ Papappapap, Pap, There. Pale brothers are here for Moirail support. >):^[ (Please don't kill us all, please don't kill us all.) |
3620: Cosplay adorable artist:Furnut character:Katia_Managan character:Sworddog monochrome text
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sHiiNe: The daggers attached to the cats leggs look like stilts. Also Dogia is incredibly cute.
GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Whaaaaaat! Thanks FurNut! Not what I completely expected but still pretty good
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3641: artist:GoodIdeasAreOverrated character:Quill-Weave lined_paper_club sketch text
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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Ayyyyy, day 2! Was relatively fun to draw this!
Quill Weave won the poll next to "that one kvatch guard that stopped Katia from smashing Stephanes face in with a rock" Like always, you can vote on the poll. Link in source You can still join! Just start from day 1: which was Katia, or not idk do whatever
XenoYparxi: I think you should start from drawing from nature (just a simple figures, like cup or something) to better understand the forms and other stuff. I think it would be helpful for you
3653: artist:Kazerad cake character:Katia_Managan monochrome painted_underwear text
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So Katia's other weakness is
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Nice emotion there.