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3643: argonian artist:Furnut character:Quill-Weave impure_thoughts questionable very_casually_underdressed

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furnut: Whenever the stream goes offline, people scream NEKKED LIZARDS. Nobody knows the origin of this phonemone.

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bluedraggy: Never understood this one. This should be the phrase when the stream comes back online. As in, "Draw Nekked Lizards!" But... it's not so, information is power to the newbies! (But can they triforce?)

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Rick2tails: naked lizards is all well and good but what about naked kitties?

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Jersh: I made a profile soully to explain the meme. One time when the stream was really bad and it froze, when you refreshed it said kaz looped saying naked lizards. After telling the world of my discovery, they started using it as a way of saying streams down.

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Boaty: The amazing thing is that the "apples" mini-meme was also born during the same stream as "nekkid lizards".
Both stuck, and now new stream viewers are completely confused about both, wonder why the hell everyone is saying "nekkid lizards" and "apples".
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Morbidjoke: What is 'apples'?! I know NEKKED LIZARD but what IS 'Apples'.

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Rukkaru: Apples is what everyone says when the stream goes up again. Also, people sometimes say variations of nekkid lizards, like "Semi-nekkid lizards" when the stream is lagging or almost going down

3446: actual_underwear casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan questionable_sanity text

actual_underwear casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan questionable_sanity text
showing 10 of 11 comments

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Bluedragon: Well, I note she kept her bra! :)
Nice work btw. Great expression.

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chef555: Just like I play mount & blade

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Yes, I enjoy the expression, very good shading, too! ;3c
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ammurin: ;_;
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BadReligion: I see insanity in those eyes...

...I like it!

insanity + cats combo reminds me of...

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Even if she tried she'd just fail at that too. She probably doesn't even realize she'd need to do it 9 times.
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DarkD: Well - it's how one ascends to immortality - failing to die until the very end of the universe. Maybe even not then.
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Stankloid: One day her madness finally reaches its peak and she goes through with it. She crumples limply with a grunt, there's a faint clanking as she drops her machete to the ground. Faintly in the distance she almost thinks she hears a few notes of a sad song, she's not even sure it's real. and as everything fades to black a tears down her face, which is smiling with relief. There's a sudden jolt. She looks around in shock which quickly turns to horror. She finds herself standing in the doorway of a building she entered not too long ago, as if nothing had ever happened.

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Toryu-Mau: Shoosh~ Pap.
Papappapap, Pap, There.
Pale brothers are here for Moirail support. >):^[ (Please don't kill us all, please don't kill us all.)
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Osrs_life: Or you know

3620: Cosplay adorable artist:Furnut character:Katia_Managan character:Sworddog monochrome text

Cosplay adorable artist:Furnut character:Katia_Managan character:Sworddog monochrome text

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furnut: a request from IdeasAreOverrated. Dogia and Swordkatt

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sHiiNe: The daggers attached to the cats leggs look like stilts. Also Dogia is incredibly cute.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Whaaaaaat! Thanks FurNut! Not what I completely expected but still pretty good

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Verskon: Magic Cat! BURN IT ALL MY CHILD.

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Geravind: Yay, it's cute!
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3641: artist:GoodIdeasAreOverrated character:Quill-Weave lined_paper_club sketch text

artist:GoodIdeasAreOverrated character:Quill-Weave lined_paper_club sketch text

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Ayyyyy, day 2! Was relatively fun to draw this!
Quill Weave won the poll next to "that one kvatch guard that stopped Katia from smashing Stephanes face in with a rock"
Like always, you can vote on the poll. Link in source
You can still join! Just start from day 1: which was Katia, or not idk do whatever

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XenoYparxi: I think you should start from drawing from nature (just a simple figures, like cup or something) to better understand the forms and other stuff. I think it would be helpful for you

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Dugar: I like this. Nice enough job.
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Osrs_life: Day 2 and already 300000% percent better than i can draw. Keep going!

2334: Cosplay Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Dogheir character:Katia_Managan

Cosplay Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Dogheir character:Katia_Managan

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Man_Of_Mer: Cosplaying? YYYEEESSSSS!!!

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Gren: @Man_Of_Mer: I just wish Katia had such a beautiful halo of flowers like that one.

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Gren: The girl is such a beauty, BTW.
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Dogheir: Hey!! This is me. I was talking about prequel with someone and suspected if I googled 'katia managan cosplay' something would show up, since I'm like the only person doing this :p I wish I had better full body shots since I put a lot of work into the robe itself (tho I need to redo parts of it)

3637: artist:GoodIdeasAreOverrated character:Katia_Managan lined_paper_club photo text

artist:GoodIdeasAreOverrated character:Katia_Managan lined_paper_club photo text

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: This is a weird challenge I made, from literally 0
drawing experience, I will work my way up to actually maybe drawing good art. No guarantees of success tho, you can join in the fun too!

Straw poll on who I should *ATTEMPT* to draw next in source

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: *I could literally feel everyone judging me as I drew this*
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Odraode: That's a pretry good start! Don't feel judjed, just have fun fanarting! :P
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Decimus: You have to start somewhere, the hard part is keeping up practice. It's like any other skill, like learning to play an instrument or speak a language.

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Rick2tails: I`ve seen much worse starts. the key to developing any skill is practice.Looking at rl is very important too. drawings are a step away from real things so drawing drawings makes i another step away. Just keep drawing and you`ll get those 10,000 bad drawings out of you quicker.

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Preston_Garvey: your sheets are horrifying

3545: Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan crossover featured_masterpiece legend_of_zelda

Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan crossover featured_masterpiece legend_of_zelda

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Physicallyfat: im happy for her and I like this cape

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sHiiNe: Better than nothing. :)

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compaqness: Love that expression :T

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Toryu-Mau: What? It's got "Stealthy" written all over it.

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Draws-For-Coin: Wind Waker? That looks like it! I love that Zelda game!

3640: artist:Lekisceon character:Katia_Managan green_eyes masser portrait

artist:Lekisceon character:Katia_Managan green_eyes masser portrait
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Lekisceon: Oh dear, it actually post the full Res....

Anyway, this is a very very very old sketch. Just wanna get it outta my system as my style have evolved since the time I sketch her.

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XenoYparxi: The shading is nice, but the shadow on the neck is too bright (if this is the atmosphere color then all most darkest spots should be about the same color)
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Streetwind: Goodness, I now have several additional cavities in my teeth.

3628: artist:makingfailure beautiful casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan long_hair monochrome sketch

artist:makingfailure beautiful casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan long_hair monochrome sketch

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Preston_Garvey: The Kat sit and stares at the nothing.

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damrok4321: i wish i could draw That

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Bluedragon: I feel like a time traveler who can't interrupt an impending disaster because it would break history. No Katia! Put the razor down! It won't improve your life, no matter what you think!

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Looks all deep and philsophical and shit

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Verskon: Feels like a drawing done in art lesson, for obvious reasons.

But Katia's one interesting Khajit given her having supposedly long hair. Which I don't recall any Khajit to have as far as I know of.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: ...Ra'Jirra?

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makingfailure: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: the request was for Katia pre-razor incident.

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Myeyah: I really like your linework on this one!

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furnut: Razor Incident incoming....

3638: artist:XenoYparxi character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing monochrome musicality sketch stringed_instrument

artist:XenoYparxi character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing monochrome musicality sketch stringed_instrument

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XenoYparxi: A little teaser of what i'm doing and going to do in the future

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Rick2tails: looks cute
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