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3698: Safety_hat character:ASOTIL character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

Safety_hat character:ASOTIL character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch
showing 10 of 21 comments
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BadReligion: -Uh Oh
-Don't tell me someone just posted Katia x someone?
-And fandom (mainly tgwakw) gonna start drama again?
-Most likely

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aedan122: @BadReligion: o yea!

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Enheldor: Katia X Villager with a Backpack is the best ship!


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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @BadReligion: Actually I didn't start anything, or even plan too. If you are going to incite things by being incredibly pretentious, that's on you.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @aedan122: Oh no doubt, Asotil is a good character, but I just like Quill better is all. Mostly because she encourages Katia to be better, instead of solving all of her problems, like Asotil seem to have done.

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aedan122: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Now that you've commented, who does the emoticons here? Because I would like to ask Some emoticons of asotil.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @aedan122: Ask kaz, when he gets time I am sure he wouldn't mind.

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aedan122: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: thank you!

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Grape: @aedan122: Actually I think AMK drew most of them! Well, the ones that weren't downscaled versions of previously existing kaz drawings

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aedan122: @Grape: thank you!

3709: artist:Bluedragon artist:Kazerad character:Traveling_Enchanter character:Weedum-Ja fire friendship happy obscurity

artist:Bluedragon artist:Kazerad character:Traveling_Enchanter character:Weedum-Ja fire friendship happy obscurity

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Bluedragon: It is what it is and I'm done with it now. Shipping? Na, not really. I just like to imagine obscure side-characters' lives.

They just enjoy each other's company on a cold winter night with some hot chocolate around a fire while the snow falls outside. Prob. a year or two before Katia comes along I figure. A commission I got from Kaz. Waiting on the next one though. I've got an entire fanfic around it!

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Rick2tails: pretty sweet picture. nothing like hot chocolate around a fire when its cold

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Rick2tails: agreed.

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Enheldor: Good ole Enchantmen and Weedum-Ja.

3708: character:Katia_Managan pixel_art portrait

character:Katia_Managan pixel_art portrait

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Amazing, the intricacy of the linework, anatomy, the story it tells, and the color palette...It all comes together harmoniously to create a masterpiece

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aedan122: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: very cool!

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tronn: I feel as if the uploader is trying to send us a message, but what it means...?
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it means i should emmigrate

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reiler12: DAGGERFALL COVENANT!!!!!!!!!!!

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Enheldor: This should be an emoticon.

3697: Night_Eye artist:Frootloopmuffin character:Katia_Managan knock_off plain_background wallpaper

Night_Eye artist:Frootloopmuffin character:Katia_Managan knock_off plain_background wallpaper

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Frootloopmuffin: It was super late, I was super bored, I was in a super artsy mood, so I made this. Not particularly super though...

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reiler12: @Frootloopmuffin: Now I have discovered like what blue fire has opened the flow of magic of this khajiit in Skyrim at Magic College. FOR DAGGERFALL COVENENT! AAAAAAAHHHHHH

3702: artist:Anks casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan pineapple questionable ribbon yo-yo

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XBGT: Made by very talented friend.

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furnut: Aw hell yis

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Rick2tails: very cute

3705: Khajiit artist:Iago_Pilera blushing character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC drunk not_sure_if_racist

Khajiit artist:Iago_Pilera blushing character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC drunk not_sure_if_racist

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Iago_Pilera: The Main Characters from PREQUEL and BOOTLEG having a drink at Inter-dimensional Cat Bar. Part of a comic strip I'm working on.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: dey luk laik dey going to hab sexi tiems?

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Iago_Pilera: *Angry Space Marine Noises*

3646: artist:GoodIdeasAreOverrated character:ASOTIL

artist:GoodIdeasAreOverrated character:ASOTIL

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Sorry for late post, stuff happened, as always, you can find the poll on the source. LETS KEEP THIS GOING.
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Osrs_life: Good drawing, i guess the next thing to work on would be more in depth detailing

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makimb0: Man, this makes me think I should really start drawing something every day. Ya know what? I'm gonna get started right now!
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Odraode: 100% officinal names :-P

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reiler12: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: It is not possible, we need some book or person who knows the true name of Asotil in the comici, all I know is that before entering the imperial army, he was from the field. I need to look for farms. lol justice

3704: artist:QstDaeday character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave crossover monochrome sketch

artist:QstDaeday character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave crossover monochrome sketch

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qstDaeday: i redrew a picture a friend of mine did for another pal. it was Katia, Quill-Weave, and some rabbit character. i think it's supposed to be max from sam and max but i dunno.
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MetalC0Mmander: Katia you need to get better firends. But I see you're getting the hang of it with Max over there!

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furnut: I was gonna ask, is that Max? :D

3696: artist:Kazerad blushing character:Dodger character:Quill-Weave impure_thoughts monochrome sketch

artist:Kazerad blushing character:Dodger character:Quill-Weave impure_thoughts monochrome sketch
showing 10 of 15 comments

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Enheldor: @Rick2tails: Well, ask Tronn for the first one. As for the second one, http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/3376, I was making a thing and didn't know it wasn't supposed to have been posted yet.

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Rick2tails: so it was posted more then once and edited? really guys. if youre not the commissioner nor the artist you really should ask before doing these things

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Enheldor: @Rick2tails: Before making humorous edits to a post? I linked to where I got it from.

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Kazerad: @Rick2tails: I view it as relatively acceptable for a booru-type-site as long as the source is referenced properly. These sites usually revolve around collecting art more than uploading originals.

But when I'm the artist and it's being uploaded to a site I own, I think it creates an understandable confusion about whether the place it was first seen should be listed as the source, or if this site itself retroactively becomes the source (by virtue of being owned by the artist).

I don't know how it usually works for commissions! Is the commissioner's page considered the source?
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BadReligion: Meh, I won't complain about seeing this again. : ^)


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Rick2tails: @kazerad well its your art so if you posted it .thatd certainly be fine. If I the commissioner posted it,thats fine since you gave me permisiion to do so. But someone else posting it,not mentioning who it was for or where it was taken from seems a bit rude.
I particularly am annoyed when the image starts getting edited still with no credit.The picture is a follow up to the first one with my character and Katia.And having some backstory or ref to the image I feel makes it less confusing and a bit more fun.Of course I`m biased a bit since the art was for me. But I know personally I`d never go to someones gallery take a copy of a commission and post it without either asking or at least mentioning to the person I`m doing it with credit to where it was first posted. Still its less annoying then when people post things to e621 then whine about ocs in the picture.It`s like well if it bothers you maybe pay an artist to draw what you want instead of whining about it not magically appearing for free? or even draw it onesself. I obviously wanted to share this picture to a degree. thats why I scanned it and posted it online.I could of never posted it anywhere and no one would of ever seen it.But bottom line is your ok with it and I have a credited version up so its all ok.

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Rick2tails: @enheldor you credited the first posting of the picture which said "source unknown" so it would lead people to believe the person who posted the picture you edited it was the person it was for and was also ok with the edit. I`m not really bothered by the details of the edit.but when people edit pictures other then coloring a black and white picture (and even then it can be a problem there if they color it wrong) then it seems a 2nd disrespectful act on top of a first even though in this case you didnt mean any harm. Nobody can stop people from posting art all over the net ,nor can they stop people from editing art either.It still doesnt make it not be a bit rude is all I`m saying.

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Enheldor: @Rick2tails: Changed the source to here.

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Rick2tails: @Enheldor thanks. I dont mean to be drama lama about it or anything

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Enheldor: @Rick2tails: No you're good. Even if you hadn't brought up some good points about posting, I was going to change the source to yours now that I know whose it is. I was mainly waiting to see if one of them would get removed due to duplicates.

3701: Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan knock_off text

Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan knock_off text

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Rukkaru: This started as a joke and is merely a recoloring. The original art piece is on the source.
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