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3745: character:Katia_Managan sketch

character:Katia_Managan sketch

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Preston_Garvey: It looked so much better from afar, not to be insulting but it looked alot more thick

3744: character:Katia_Managan sketch

character:Katia_Managan sketch

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PermanentFace: This is the reason the 'fine_art' tag was created.

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Preston_Garvey: Thrack, the ears are too big. Those are fox sized

3707: CHIM artist:_Verskon character:Katia_Managan glowing_eyes magic telekinesis witch-hunter_control_panel

CHIM artist:_Verskon character:Katia_Managan glowing_eyes magic telekinesis witch-hunter_control_panel
showing 10 of 13 comments

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: I don't think it captures who Katia is, I think?

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Verskon: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: I suppose it isn't as witchhunter-ish as one would think, but this is me imagining what Katia may look like after years of training and honing her magical abilities.

She basically became an entirely other person so to speak.

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Rick2tails: she looks awesome!

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Boaty: I like to imagine that this is Katia, 15-20 years in the future (age 35-40).

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strikyer: nope, I think it's her in less than a month

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Vidiotdragon: Was this a reference to something? I feel like I've seen this on a Magic card :D

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Verskon: @Vidiotdragon: In truth, I made this based off of how the Jedi meditate. Since I felt mysticism is quite similar to the force and that Katia wouldn't look half bad as a Jedi.

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PermanentFace: @Verskon: Witch Hunters are practically the opposite of the Jedi. Jedi are all about harmonious submission to the flow of a universal force. Mysticism is all about taking a crowbar to that force and making it your bitch.

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Verskon: @PermanentFace: That actually explains a lot, I was simply under the assumption that like a Jedi she would find peace within herself and better focus upon her powers. But yeah, I suppose their ideology differs alongside their methods. Hmm, I wonder what a true Witchhunter would look like.

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Norad2: Katia found the additional pylons.

Wonderful drawing, by the by!

3739: Katia's_wizard_robe annoyed artist:EKToRNo booze character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan drunk night text

Katia's_wizard_robe annoyed artist:EKToRNo booze character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan drunk night text

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Rick2tails: well if youre drunk I`m sure its much harder *steals he bottle and gives her chocolate cake instead and snuggles*

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Skoon: We may never know at this point!

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Rick2tails: I second this.

3734: Kvatch_arena_jumpsuit The_Running_Man Yellow_Team artist:8Aerondight8 character:Katia_Managan crossover

Kvatch_arena_jumpsuit The_Running_Man Yellow_Team artist:8Aerondight8 character:Katia_Managan crossover

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8Aerondight8: I feel old...

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Eyy, that's pretty good!

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Rick2tails: Taco Bell anyone?

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Rick2tails: oh wait never mind I was thinking of demolition man.

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8Aerondight8: @Rick2tails: Another great movie!

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8Aerondight8: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I didn't draw this because I wanted to put Katia in a skin tight suit, nope!

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furnut: haha i remember the Running Man. good old Arnold flick. nice work :D

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8Aerondight8: @furnut: rewatched it recently with a friend

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Rick2tails: the skin tight suit is just a necessary element of the picture. not fan service at all in any form!

3738: Prequel:_Precede artist:EKToRNo candle character:Katia_Managan rags reading

Prequel:_Precede artist:EKToRNo candle character:Katia_Managan rags reading

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: "Mudcrabs, like all crustaceans, can only feel hate."

3725: artist:_Terence_Fletcher character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave musicality stringed_instrument

artist:_Terence_Fletcher character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave musicality stringed_instrument

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Terence_Fletcher: "Now answer my question, kitty. Were you rushing, or were you dragging? Answer!!!

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Terence_Fletcher: Hello, everyone! I found this comic about 2 weeks ago and decided to draw some fanarts after I finished it.
This is unfinished. Will add some color later while polishing Quill-weave a little bit. It's 11 P.M. in Korea, so i want to play some CS:GO before going to bed. Please add some tags if you don't bother(I'm new to this kind of website and 'adding tags' are not common thing in Korean websites. Sorry!).

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Terence_Fletcher: *'adding tags' is

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unknown_victor: Haha, if you posted a few days earlier I wouldn't have gotten the reference.
Welcome to the fandom and keep up the good work!

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Enheldor: @Terence_Fletcher: Here is some tagging help:
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XBGT: Whiplash was a fucking piece of art

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furnut: I just looked up and watched the movie trailer to understand this reference. Good J-I mean, Nice Work :D

3735: Khajiit accidents_waiting_to_happen adorable artist:me beautiful character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering missing_tail modern_clothing monochrome night

Khajiit accidents_waiting_to_happen adorable artist:me beautiful character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering missing_tail modern_clothing monochrome night

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strikyer: This was created after reading an unsatisfactory reply, so I done it to show how easy it is to drawn a nazi daynosaur w/ layzers and a katia throwing fireballs on the threat

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Rick2tails: i see she casts fireball but can she cast magic missile?

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Enheldor: Wow, I did nazi this coming.
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MetalC0Mmander: I've never seen a tag section that drunk before.

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8Aerondight8: Seriously who's the rider really supposed to be like from the original picture?

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gm01epic: To all who have come here, I apologize for the aforementioned unsatisfactory reply that caused this demonstration of beauty that has likely dumbfounded you with its pure wonder

3731: Dark_Souls argonian artist:makingfailure character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC monochrome sketch

Dark_Souls argonian artist:makingfailure character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC monochrome sketch

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AMKitsune: You're right, that is a very tiny argonian.
You know what this calls for...
Assume the master blaster position!

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aedan122: Do it, do katia!Uha!Ha!Ha!Ha!

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angrybacteria: @AMKitsune: I think it might be a Kobold.

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Grape: Poor katia doesn't know to check the chain.

Or the teeth. I guess that's the bigger red flag here.

3722: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text

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Rick2tails: drawing cat girls is definitely art! ^_^

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Verskon: Drawing cat girls is best type of art.
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BadReligion: meh, I prefer reptiles

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AMKitsune: Introducing the Quill of Animus.

Coming soon to all reputable mages guild locations!
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MetalC0Mmander: @AMKitsune: This please me

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woundedkneecap: @AMKitsune: That's amazing!
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