Think before you post. Not even Stendarr will forgive you.

4201: artist:BlakeWolf5113 character:bartender happy monochrome portrait sketch

artist:BlakeWolf5113 character:bartender happy monochrome portrait sketch

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BlakeWolf5113: And here's for you Rick2tails! I happy bartender. I hope that works for you. I also may do some more commissions or something later but for now I wanna finish this little "project"
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Furrymoan: please new emote mods

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Rick2tails: it does amuse me to see a smiling bartender.

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BlakeWolf5113: Well I am glad I could help!

4196: artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan daedra flame_atronach magic_fire

artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan daedra flame_atronach magic_fire
showing 10 of 17 comments

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Lykozze: @Geravind: Well, just based on that description I feel I should make a regular Katia with metal plates nailed to her flesh. That would look very painful, though...

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: @Geravind: Ah, alright, I get it now! I still think my statement structure to mean what I meant was correct, though.

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Geravind: @Lykozze: Don't forget vast raised haircut with... ahem (mini-horns?) on the sides.
And metal is not like "nailed to her flesh", it goes actually through all the body, you perv!
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Vinarto: This Actually Goes With A Stupid Theory I Had, That Katia Is Actually A Reincarnated Flame Atronach.

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Under_Score_: For a moment I thought she was flipping us off.

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CoCoNO: I love this for reasons

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Sybracus: So this is a Katronach?


I'm not sorry.

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Geravind: Awww... :3

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: @Sybracus: Normal Katia is already a Katronach, though.

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DoubleTapMaster: wowowo, i like that crossover!

4193: Kvatch_arena_armor The_Witcher animation character:Katia_Managan crossover knock_off telekinesis

Kvatch_arena_armor The_Witcher animation character:Katia_Managan crossover knock_off telekinesis
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Tam_Lin: >Geralt: Extrapolate
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Dahooligan: Only katia can fuck up so bad that she can levitate objects using a sign specifically designed to be a force push
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Sunny: @Dahooligan: Maybe the table is being pushed up from the ground?

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Rick2tails: thats thinking like a witch hunter Sunny!
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ElstientheFallenKnight: @Dahooligan: I think it's called "practicing" she's getting used to this new magic

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damrok4321: I see even in America witcher is popular :D It makes me very proud of CdProject, a studio from my country :) Also Geralt Looks amazing as Aggy

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DoubleTapMaster: HAHAHA, omg that is great!

4198: angry artist:BlakeWolf5113 character:ASOTIL character:Aggy character:Dmitri_Argoth character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Katia_Managan character:Nah character:Quill-Weave monochrome photo portrait sketch

angry artist:BlakeWolf5113 character:ASOTIL character:Aggy character:Dmitri_Argoth character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Katia_Managan character:Nah character:Quill-Weave monochrome photo portrait sketch
showing 10 of 18 comments

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makimb0: @makimb0: CTRL+ALT* oh my god we need an edit function.

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makimb0: @makimb0: This mistake is going to haunt me for like two hours

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BlakeWolf5113: @makimb0: lol

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BlakeWolf5113: @makimb0: I know, I feel you man. I'm a perfectionist. That's why this art took my so frickin long to make. Because I wanted to be good. And according to yall, it was!

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BlakeWolf5113: @A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Okay so you are probably wondering why they are angry. Right? I first was going to draw this when I had a conversation with Cam about a Kaz stream and got really angery, but was too lazy to do it then, so instead I uploaded other art. Anyways, now I think it kind of represents the emotion right now in the comment section.

Any other questions?

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BlakeWolf5113: @BlakeWolf5113: Oh and just on that note, for some reason ASOTIL was particularly really hard to draw. is does look wierd at all to any of you guys? Cause I think he does.

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BlakeWolf5113: And sorry to load like a ****ton of comments on my own art but one more thing. Whomever gave me the tag sideways,


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Rick2tails: even normal human girl is angry at the delays. what would be funny is to draw a happy smiling bartender on the same page as everyone else frowning/annoyed/mad

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BlakeWolf5113: @Rick2tails: I don't get the first thing you said (Are you talking about Nah?), but I might be able to squeeze that in in Part 2 of Angry Cat, Making a cat enraged: The Fanadventure

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Rick2tails: normal human girl is the name i use for the not a vampire just wants to lick grape jelly off of your neck gal

4169: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra eyepatch fansnark monochrome portrait text

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra eyepatch fansnark monochrome portrait text
showing 10 of 11 comments

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protofun: Oh god its so epic looking

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Lykozze: Beautiful! They look really annoyed!

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Pronin: June isn't for another 6 days. You posted this too early!

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OppoQuinn: I love the way you draw Katia

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Rick2tails: posted too early but I assume that youre assuming it wont be posted before the next 6 days? watch Kaz will post on may 31st to spite you ;) (we can only hope)
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ElstientheFallenKnight: You're so angry you didn't say that you were angry right
"I had really angry"

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cataphractz: It's already noon.

get it together kaz

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furnut: She looks so heroic in the center!

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PermanentFace: It's already NOON in JUNE, Kaz!

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Rick2tails: its always noon somewhere

4190: Khajiit artist:Triskelion booze character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid portrait rags sunglasses text very_casually_underdressed

Khajiit artist:Triskelion booze character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid portrait rags sunglasses text very_casually_underdressed

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Triskelion: Individual pieces can be accessed through the "source" link.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Words cannot describe how great I find these.
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Furrymoan: bottom left is lewd please censor, my son uses this site

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Enheldor: @Furrymoan: Furry porn!? On my good Christian booru!?!

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Rick2tails: furry porn on my computer? It may be more common then you think!

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BlakeWolf5113: Trixter is that you?
Or is someone using your art?
Or are you using someone else's art that this person either made or just happened to also use? ?????

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BlakeWolf5113: Also it ain't porn guys

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Rick2tails: its always porn

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Triskelion: I'm Trixter, yes.

4188: Etch-a-sketch artist:BlakeWolf5113 character:Katia_Managan monochrome photo

Etch-a-sketch artist:BlakeWolf5113 character:Katia_Managan monochrome photo

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BlakeWolf5113: BlakeWolf5113: YEY! My second art on the booru!!!

OK so, The backstory on this is that I was cleaning out my room and I found an old Etch-a-Sketch and the first thing I thought to do is draw Katia. This is my second and final draft.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Appropriately crying.

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BlakeWolf5113: I don't know how to tag artist right, I think I screwed that up so I'll need help on that, but anyways...

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BlakeWolf5113: @giao : hiding under that smile

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Unidentified_BA: @BlakeWolf5113: Yeah for some reason, it's being stubborn. Don't worry, we will fix it. Nice drawing btw!

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BlakeWolf5113: Thanks

4178: armor_design character:Katia_Managan sketch text

armor_design character:Katia_Managan sketch text
showing 10 of 14 comments

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cardomajig24: @Pronin: I'm glad you think so, i've been reading comments and analyzing a lot of what i've been drawing to try and make it better.

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Lykozze: One shudders to imagine what infeline thoughts lie behind that mask, what dreams of chronic and sustained sadness.

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Enheldor: @FriendOfFennecs: @Lykozze: ♫Do you believe in magic? In a young cat's thoughts... How the Well can free her and fill her right up.♫

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Kazerad: If I take off that magicka pump will you die?

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cardomajig24: @Kazerad: No, but it would be extremely painful.
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MetalC0Mmander: @FriendOfFennecs: Do you believe in magic, in a young girls heart?
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MetalC0Mmander: Fuck I didn't see what was posted before. Damm you lack of an edit feature!

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Enheldor: @MetalC0Mmander: RIP. If it's any consolation, the two that I wanted to do were posted while was at work.

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Kazerad: @cardomajig24: You're a big cat.

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cardomajig24: @Kazerad: For you

4183: Katia's_wizard_robe Really_Long_Sausage artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave monochrome text

Katia's_wizard_robe Really_Long_Sausage artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave monochrome text
showing 10 of 12 comments
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picartosux: @MetalC0Mmander: That was because the commission was something like "Draw Prequel in a different art style", Kaz even used Illustrator for this.

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FriendOfFennecs: I thought Kazerad couldn't make them more adorable than they were already. Guess I was wrong.
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Furrymoan: Oh god why does Quill look like a tree frog

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Enheldor: I have one of these printed from the stream. I haven't coloured it yet, but I did digitally colour one to make knock-off Prequel.

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Frootloopmuffin: @fastolaf: Wait, I'm still confused as to why you never had a coloring book as a kid?

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I only had a few colours in my pencil case.
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Stankloid: How am I supposed to color my favorite Prequel character when Aggy isn't even on the page?

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: We actually have this event going on in my church where we take care of 4 year old little kids, and I'm one of the assistants. I am incredibly tempted to just up and go print a bunch of these and hand them out to the children to color and take a photo of the results. They get to keep the original paper, of course. I want them to look back to this 10 years from now, and search up what the hell prequel was in the first place.
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Sunny: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: That's a good idea that is definitely not overrated. Go ahead and do it!

4179: Artist:J4H3AD Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow character:Katia_Managan machete shrine statue

Artist:J4H3AD Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow character:Katia_Managan machete shrine statue
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J4H3AD: Poor cellphone picture of the now shaded drawing I did the other day. Did a couple edits on linework beforehand too, and tried to get it looking like stone like a statue and/or shrine.
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J4H3AD: And next time I buy a sketchbook, I'll invest a little more than $0.50. This paper texture is TERRIBLE for a pencil artist like myself.

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Pronin: Nice.

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Rick2tails: this looks pretty good

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AlTan: I'm glad to see one more pencil artist here. Pic is good. I go to redraw (for practice).
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J4H3AD: @AlTan: Feel free. If someone can pull this off better than I can, have at it!

I don't feel like I'm a very good pencil artist, and I've got a particular style I rarely deviate from (maybe good and bad at the same time). I'm worse with any other media. Colored pencil I can pull off, but I tend to be too timid with color, and don't have enough a palette to be really diverse with it. It ends up feeling like drawing with cheap crayons with slightly better shading.
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