
4215: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic character:Katia_Managan khajiit_racism snow streets_of_Kvatch text

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic character:Katia_Managan khajiit_racism snow streets_of_Kvatch text

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MudcrabWalker: : 3

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Rick2tails: if family guy knew of prequel. I could see this being a gag

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MudcrabWalker: yeah heheh
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picartosux: Why isn't he incinerated in flames? Or at least mildly on fire?
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: LET THE FIRES OF HELL RAIN ON EARTH

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Rick2tails: dont burn up Tom Jones!

3940: character:Katia_Managan drugs khajiit_racism missing_tail modern_clothing smoking text

character:Katia_Managan drugs khajiit_racism missing_tail modern_clothing smoking text
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Our troubled no feeted youth

4216: animation artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology

animation artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology

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Lykozze: I was playing around with some very simple pixelart animation after seeing Furrymoan's dwarven corvette. I lack experience with stuff like this, so I don't know if this is horrible or not. However, I still hope you like this little mecha.

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protofun: Looks like a starbound mecha. Damn, I need some Katia race in starbound.

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Kewot_Rokar: Awesome.

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MudcrabWalker: run!!! it's catzilla!!!!
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picartosux: Okay, this is actually really amazing. Good job.

4207: artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan drugs painted_underwear saliva

artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan drugs painted_underwear saliva

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mr_cat: welp she ded

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MudcrabWalker: her eyes remind me of a frog, lifeless with no emotions what so ever.
don't worry kitty, one day you'll be back....
one day

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Rick2tails: shes not dead shes stoned out of her gourd there

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mr_cat: isnt she alergic to skooma?

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Enheldor: @mr_cat: I think she's allergic to Moon Sugar, causing a reaction in anything made from it, legal or not.

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Paulverizer: Whoever said skooma is bad for Khajiit
was clearly not a Khajiit on skooma!


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mr_cat: @Enheldor:witch skooma is made out of moon sugar right? cuss last time i checked skooma was made of moon sugar =/

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Enheldor: @mr_cat: Yes that's what I said. But you can't say someone is allergic to the end product if they are allergic to something in it. Other things go into skooma that could cause an allergic reaction if someone was allergic to them. It's like saying "I'm allergic to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." Is it a peanut allergy? Is it a gluten allergy? Is it a strawberry allergy? Who knows, not me.

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mr_cat: alright dud =3

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GNFS: She'll be fine after other 47 bottles though.

4204: Kvatch_arena_armor adorable artist:DoubleTapMaster character:Katia_Managan merchandise questionable

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DoubleTapMaster: Well, i was pretty bored so i was thinking about drawing an questionable art, so here it is, i hope it's not that bad, haha.

And now, i actually see some mistakes, damn.

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Lykozze: Yup, that is quite questionable. It looks pretty good, just watch out that you don´t just pose her for the sake of looking "good". Let her at least search for her glasses or something or you´ll just end up drawing porn (though there is nothing wrong with that).

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Bakannon: @DoubleTapMaster: Man, I totally share that sentiment about seeing mistakes in your art AFTER uploading it, I hate that feeling, but I kinda just try to accept it, learn from it and move on. And hey, I think you did a good job. I mean, I'm not buttologist, but I think you did a good job with the butt as a focal point.

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DoubleTapMaster: @Lykozze Haha, i know, i don't want to draw porn, i just wanted to do first questionable art.

But anyways, thanks for good words!

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Rick2tails: its certainly not porn its just cheesecake or maybe even just a fortunate point of view.

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Preston_Garvey: whats she looking for?

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Paulverizer: Could be T H I C C E R

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DoubleTapMaster: @Preston_Garvey ... Well... Umm, she dropped her amulet? Yea! Amulet, that's right!

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DoubleTapMaster: @Paulverizer Never T H I C C enough.

1890: blood character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid meme questionable revenge

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Sasquatch_boote: Cute
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BumbleBear319: "Just gonna...leave this here"

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Gren: @BumbleBear319: This is just like reverse-pickpocketing in Skyrim.
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jegjurel: this meme fresh AF

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Fucking love this :v

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Love it!

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Rick2tails: that will leave a mark!

4211: artist:korblborp character:Katia_Managan crossover monochrome samurai_jack

artist:korblborp character:Katia_Managan crossover monochrome samurai_jack
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: That ain't a suit my dude

4161: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro featured_masterpiece green_eyes

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro featured_masterpiece green_eyes
showing 10 of 33 comments

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Enheldor: @Baz1S: I really like it when you guys write here in Russian. I use Goggle translate to try to figure out what was said and to see how close Google is to a perfectly understandable translation.

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Baz1S: @Enheldor: I translated few of my russian lines into english and result is surprisingly accurate . But there's 1 thing. You'll never be able to translate geravind's speech. He distorts almost every single word on purpose, so only native speaker will understand the meaning (not always ).

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BlakeWolf5113: New featured masterpiece. 2 Thumbs up!

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Geravind: @Pronin: Сам ты руськый ...проходи, мальчик, не мешай, "ПОМОГИт...!" О_о
@Baz1S: Кхаджит не виноват -- Кхаджит так чувствовать. И среди буржуев есть адекваты (Каз -- нет), всем лучи! =*_*=

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Geravind: @Pronin:
Pronin said:
Капитан тонет вместе со своим кораблем D:

Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender...

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RoninSmall: Мне что-то стыдно стало, я свалку развел...
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picartosux: @RoninSmall: Всё стало только хуже после того как я сказал не спамить на русском, это пиздец грустно. Надеюсь что модераторы в итоге это подчистят, но я боюсь что они считают что у нас идёт умное обсуждение. Хотя на самом деле мне интересно насколько хуже это может пойти.

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Radian: I'll get some popcorn for with next painting...

@Pronin: No idea, usually I get much less russian comments.

@Enheldor: Enjoy :D I'm pretty sure there is many people from other countries\languages, but russian one is more or less active.

@BlakeWolf5113: Whoooo!

@Geravind: В целом согласен. Надо бы таки заскульптить Катькину голову, буду увереннее себя чувствовать.
To others: it's mostly critique and it's mostly useful only for me.

@RoninSmall: @picartosux: А мне весело :D Хотя в этот раз действительно многовато, но я не сказал бы что кто-то виноват. Просто мой арт так хорош что собирает стадионы :D

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furnut: Most excellent catty strokes as usual! :D

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MakingAkhajiitcry1: БЛИН
For amerikans here
I say it looks good with all strokes good paint skills! Блин for you

4209: Sneak artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan khajiit_racism

Sneak artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan khajiit_racism

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Lykozze: Here is Katia, indulging in the favourite pastime of every khajiit. I wonder if she will be successful in her daily shopping.

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Enheldor: I like these. I can't quite explain why, but that thumb on the floor looks weird to me.
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picartosux: I just noticed Katia has 5 fingers in your drawings. 0/10 too many fingers.

(It still looks cool, just needs a khajiit_racism tag)

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BlakeWolf5113: .
@enheldor: it's because her thumb goes over her hand. She's gotta be like double jointed to do that.

@picarto: yeah she has 5 fingers but only 3 toes... strange

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Rick2tails: Katia is totally a thief...cuz shes stolen my heart!

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Lykozze: Thank you for the criticism, I'll try giving my drawings 4 fingers from now on. The thumb really annoys me as well. It is one of those things that you only notice after the image is uploaded.
But this is why I upload: I want to learn to be better at artwork. Two months ago I could only really draw stickfigures. So thank you everyone for letting me know this stuff so I can continue to improve!

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AMKitsune: @Lykozze: If two months ago you could only draw stick figures, then you've been improving a great deal in a very short time. Hat's off to ya.

As far as drawing hands goes, you've always got a couple of references stuck to the ends of your arms in case you need a bit of guidance.

4208: Gay_Elves Safety_hat angry artist:BlakeWolf5113 character:A_Stranger character:Caenlorn character:Isolde character:Lelle character:Maenlorn character:Matt law_enforcement monochrome photo sketch

Gay_Elves Safety_hat angry artist:BlakeWolf5113 character:A_Stranger character:Caenlorn character:Isolde character:Lelle character:Maenlorn character:Matt law_enforcement monochrome photo sketch

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BlakeWolf5113: Okay so, Blah blah blah, part 4, blah blah blah, more characters, blah blah blah, color it someone.

Ur friend, The Wolf guy with a name and numbers.
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