4274: Blade Katia's_wizard_robe artist:madmanransom character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC fansnark meme monochrome text
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madmanransom: I got bored and had free time. Color coming soon (yes, with the belt and no text in the margins).
Pronin: I don't know who this "Hodd Toward" is but he seems like a legit honest guy that would never lie.
4273: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:SolidtaryStealth character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch
3312: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Sret character:Katia_Managan crossover magic_fire monochrome text training
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showing 10 of 12 comments
cataphractz: @FonkDerok He got busy with work, It's hard to tell now that he doesn't do livestreams anymore
XLINE: http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=america_ani&no=1466834&page=1&search_pos=-1447958&s_type=search_name&s_keyword=Sret
Sret draw this
Toryu-Mau: With tutor like this, you too could be an Imperial Mage.
Just don't learn Shock rune from this one, no amount of insurance will cover that one.
ReynaldKhei: my two favorite khajiits <3
4269: artist:Lykozze character:Rajirra featured_masterpiece plain_background spear
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ElstientheFallenKnight: I bet that's her reaction after katia Sold her spear
bluedraggy: If ever she dare to show her face again! Katia should tell her friend Asotil about her. I wonder if her actions actually broke any specific lae though? Loremaster Kax might know.
bluedraggy: Oh, and very nice work btw! Esp love her sparkly sad eyes.
MudcrabWalker: it's the traitor!!!
Rick2tails: yes you should be frowning! you done goofed up worse then Katia. at least Katia is honest and not rude to people on purpose
bluedraggy: I had to check - she sold it for 20 septims. Resale for 25 seems reasonable. I once heard markup of %50 in retail is typical. So a nice discount shop.
3820: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic animation artist:SilentOrbweaver character:Katia_Managan night pixel_art snow streets_of_Kvatch
animated ![]() |
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SilentOrbweaver: @XBGT: Yes, it is indeed a pixel art. Or, like someone may call it, a "Magical-blocky-moving-picture-thing". Glad you liked it.
GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Wow! The new update looks great!
bluedraggy: Deep breaths, Katia. DEEP breaths! Now... PUSH! Congratulations! You're now the proud mother of a bouncing baby pixel!
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SilentOrbweaver: @bluedraggy: A bouncing baby pixel? Like, just one pixel? As far as I know, healthy Khajiit's pixel litter consists of 3 to 5 baby pixels. Must be rough one.
Mhauhz: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: I sure hope so!
For a second, I though that was a peek at the actual stuff... ![]() |
4267: character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology text
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Nafaalilargus: Just my shitty Emblem of de sad catz for BF1.
Sorry for the tags, first time posting.
ThrackerzodTheNormalPony: Mine would look worse.
MakingAkhajiitcry1: Could you make a link to it ?
MakingAkhajiitcry1: @Nafaalilargus you just make a link to it and then share it
1305: applied_telekinesis artist:unknown character:Katia_Managan lateral_thinking levitation questionable telekinesis
Blue_Dragon: Because I lurk 4chan constantly. Was debating on this or the nipless version, but since both prolly should be questionable, why not? And because I suck at guessing the artist, though I SHOULD know, I don't.
Blue_Dragon: Oh, nevermind. GOTTA be Rek.
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SomeShadyGuy: @Blue_Dragon: I don't think it's Rek. I'd guess it's the same one who did http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/1143
tronn: I removed the 4chan tag because even though the picture was posted there, its contents aren't 4channy in itself.
Man_Of_Mer: Quite questionable, but cute to some extent.
Blue_Dragon: @SomeShadyGuy: You're right. I actually looked up that image on e621 and found it there under Rek. But that was an edit. I shoulda known better!
Rick2tails: Katia here makes me feel tingly in places ^_~ also what did she cast a levitation spell on her boobs?
bluedraggy: Ah, 2014. We we're all so young and naive then. We thought Katia would go on forever. And those great fanartists, where have they gone? I blame the Frey holiday disaster outfit. Too conservative.
4263: angry artist:BlakeWolf5113 character:Kazerad monochrome photo portrait sketch
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BlakeWolf5113: So, sorry it's sideways, and sorry it took so long, but here is my drawing of Kazerad. Hope you enjoy. And I also have not drawn a full body Katia yet so that may be next. Anyways, see you next!
Karmo: wheres the vest
its not Kazerad without a vest and why is he so damn angry,did he get another 50k messages about the update?
Preston_Garvey: Kim Jon Kaz?
Karmo: @BlakeWolf5113: oh no its not bad,its just that theres a distinct lack of Kazerad's favourite article of clothing,or at least from what i've been told that is
it's still better than what i can draw,thats for sure
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Nafaalilargus: So that is how kazman looks like, never would've guessed.
bluedraggy: Only when he isn't wearing makeup.
1302: artist:YeOldeAlekk character:Katia_Managan comic crossover dwemer_automaton five_nights_at_freddy's monochrome sketch
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KillerfishSG: I knew sooner or later someone would draw this
Man_Of_Mer: Damnit! I've been drawing something like this for weeks! Oh well, good thing I've got other content on the way.
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MetalC0Mmander: I would be interested in seeing what you've got right now even if you don't want to keep working on it.
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Petrified_Yo-yo: Crying oil lol
angrybacteria: The real horror game here is Prequel's update schedule.
4275: Kazerad:ADVENTURE Nirn animation artist:Furrymoan character:AMKitsune character:Grape character:Kazerad character:unidentified_BA ext fansnark maps spacecraft
And what am I missing? Aldmeris aside. I even have Yokuda and Pyandonea. I made Atmora a bit small, but I'm assuming most of Atmora is just ice, and wouldn't register as a landmass on a map.
Shouldn't Lyg be off to the southwest though? Also I have absolutely no idea what it looks like.
I'm too much of a fag too, but I'd be lying if I said I cared about anything outside of Tamriel and maybe sometimes Akavir.
TBH most of the time I just upload photoshopped pictures of Vivec to r/TrueSTL.
Sweet animation mate.
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"I could probably come up with something in that time."
Also, AMK's medical standards for the win. If their heart's still beating, they're fine XD. Studied under the esteemed Dr. Zoidberg didn't you know?
Also with this whole universe hopping bullshit that's actually possible
c0da makes it canon i guess
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These are very high quality. Great job!