A higher power gifts you comment boxes, do not sully them with unnecessary linked images

4085: ALMSIVI Daedric_text character:Aggy character:Vivec dunmer dwemer_technology

ALMSIVI Daedric_text character:Aggy character:Vivec dunmer dwemer_technology

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Note: The 'y' character in 'FURRYMOAN' does not appear to be the usual Yahkem symbol.

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damrok4321: what is written there by deadric?

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PermanentFace: @damrok4321: See above.

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Pronin: @damrok4321: "Superior Besties" and at the bottom it says "Furrymoan did this."

4086: Aggy:_Pass_Down adorable argonian artist:Cider artist:Furrymoan artist:Makimb0 knock_off royalty

Aggy:_Pass_Down adorable argonian artist:Cider artist:Furrymoan artist:Makimb0 knock_off royalty
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Furrymoan: Was feeling sorry for the argonian slave girl, so I made her into a noblewoman

edit of Makimb0's edit of Cider's artwork

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FriendOfFennecs: Aw, now she has even more reason to be happy.

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PermanentFace: Let Argonians Have Nice Things

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Rick2tails: very pretty
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BadReligion: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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makimb0: Too royal for Katia ship, 6/10 at best.

(Seriously tho, nice work!)

4081: Aggy:_Pass_Down adorable argonian artist:Cider artist:Makimb0 knock_off

Aggy:_Pass_Down adorable argonian artist:Cider artist:Makimb0 knock_off

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makimb0: Made an edit of ( http://www.prequeladventure.com/this/shhsecrets/aggy6_31476237.gif ), removing the shackles. Cute Argonian lady is now 100% less enslaved! Yay!

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makimb0: Also the original image is from the new side story http://www.prequeladventure.com/aggy-pass-down/
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MetalC0Mmander: Oh I didn't realise what those shackles meant.

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Nyflex: Now they look like a normally cute couple. I love it

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Rukkaru: I don't know if she really was a slave... As far as I know slaves don't wear clothing, also she looks too lovely and happy to be a slave, and is in a situation I can't imagine a slave in. Although that would be weird, the only explanation I can think is that's her "style". Or kaz really has no idea how to draw slaves...
I'm still definitely adding her to my "waifu" list :p

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FriendOfFennecs: @Rukkaru: Technically, it's Cider who wouldn't be knowing how to draw slaves in that case; Kaz didn't draw pretty much anything in this sidestory.

In any event, this lady is super adorable and I want to see more of her.

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PermanentFace: Argonians have languished to long in slavery. I approve of this artist's efforts to help them escape their chains.

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makimb0: Fixed a couple of things that I noticed could be done better with my edit (right arm, neck) here is the edit of the edit.
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MetalC0Mmander: @Rukkaru: Unless I'm missing something I've never heard that lack of clothes were a prerequisite to be a slave. Maybe nice ones In some case but she doesn't seems to be wearing those right now. And it's not because she's happy at thqt momment that she can't live in a terrible situation normaly with others. But it is possible that remains of shackles are really in this season. Hell it wouldn't be the first time I've seen that I think.

495: artist:TVHead character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC romance

artist:TVHead character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC romance

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Bob: ಠ_ಠ
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theladystone: (Fallout: new vegas 2010)

4076: artist:kaz character:bartender character:your_weird_OC impure_thoughts questionable text

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Rick2tails: now in color thanks to my friend who goes by the name jeffybunny . again its not like the bar was spotless to begin with

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fastolaf: Why's it questionable?
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mesmatch: Sticky with *what*?

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Enheldor: Ha! Gross.

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Rick2tails: well the visible things in the picture isnt questionable but the subject matter is. I have a more questionable picture I`ll be posting shortly of the bartender.

4074: character:Katia_Managan fansnark knock_off portrait text time

character:Katia_Managan fansnark knock_off portrait text time
showing 10 of 11 comments

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Sanded: @Cws: If I could turn the page
In time then I'd rearrange just a day or two
Close my, close my, close my eyes

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Dugar: TOO REAL!

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Pronin: Kaz said if he finished it before the 30th, he'd just spend the rest of the time until the 30th testing it. Kaz never said he would be done by the 30th.
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ElstientheFallenKnight: Kaz used to work with valve conformed

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FriendOfFennecs: Don't despair! There are about six hours left (from where I am)!
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ElstientheFallenKnight: A coding problem is what prevented this from happening.... A CODING FUCKING PROBLEM

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Skoon: @ElstientheFallenKnight: Must be an interactive update, eh?

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Badalai: I wish they would update about now -_- .....

4075: artist:EKToRNo character:Katia_Managan levitation misuse_of_tail modern_clothing sunglasses telekinesis witch-hunter_control_panel

artist:EKToRNo character:Katia_Managan levitation misuse_of_tail modern_clothing sunglasses telekinesis witch-hunter_control_panel

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Rick2tails: 2 cool 4 update?

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Mhauhz: The rE(K)ToRno of Alolan Katia, updated with more agressiveness, and sunglasses!
Maybe she's just checking air currents?

4077: character:Larndwerian monochrome plain_background sketch

character:Larndwerian monochrome plain_background sketch

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Mhauhz: I didn't really expected fanart from a barely-there sidestory.
Pleasantly (and weirdly) surprised!

656: artist:Chochi batman character:Katia_Managan not_sure_if_racist questionable text

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Bob: Rape face engaged :D
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MetalC0Mmander: I think I deserve some explanations here...

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4073: character:Kazerad character:bartender inconsistent_rendering photo

character:Kazerad character:bartender inconsistent_rendering photo

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mrojo27: less than 24 hours kaz

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Rick2tails: I have faith! ..not a lot..but a little bit
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