Moderators can add new Daedric Fun Tips. Kazerad probably won't even notice, and the site does not log who added them.

4137: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic angry artist:KingOfDegeneracy magic_fire

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic angry artist:KingOfDegeneracy magic_fire

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DoubleTapMaster: Uh oh, why so mad?

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Rick2tails: shes tired of waiting?

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DoubleTapMaster: @Rick2tails Hahaha, i think it's the main problem xD

3967: artist:a_scottish_ginger_furry attack_on_titan character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro crossover magic_fire text witch-hunter_control_panel

artist:a_scottish_ginger_furry attack_on_titan character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro crossover magic_fire text witch-hunter_control_panel
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Petrified_Yo-yo: Hehehe... nice

4080: Blade action_pose actual_talent character:Katia_Managan fireball knife looking_badass magic_fire

Blade action_pose actual_talent character:Katia_Managan fireball knife looking_badass magic_fire

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Wafflehead_Man: It's absolutely fantastic. Great work!

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Rick2tails: she looks like a total badass here! awesome work!

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furnut: great flow of action there
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Petrified_Yo-yo: That looks great! Id that knife from the game or what. (I've only played a bit of oblivion)

4130: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow character:Katia_Managan food

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow character:Katia_Managan food

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Rick2tails: awww.. I thought from the thumbnails those were pizzas

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Banana60229: This food is called "Zongzi"."Zongzi" is the traditional Chinese food,just like rice dumpling.

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AMKitsune: @Banana60229: Much like mr.2tails, I also mistook the thumbnail. I thought the lid of the container was a shield XD.

Looks like Katia's found employment as a waitress. Let's just hope she earns enough to be able to afford some of that delectable food for herself.
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picartosux: I still refuse to believe she's not dual-wielding a pizza and a shield.

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Pronin: @AMKitsune: She takes Kaz's orders while he streams himself drawing commissions for people.

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Enheldor: I thought they were an apple pie and a cherry pie.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Am I seriously the only other one who thought that this was an Asian thing from the get-go?

4116: Kazerad:ADVENTURE animation artist:Furrymoan character:AMKitsune character:Grape character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad character:unidentified_BA fansnark spacecraft text

Kazerad:ADVENTURE animation artist:Furrymoan character:AMKitsune character:Grape character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad character:unidentified_BA fansnark spacecraft text
showing 10 of 29 comments

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Makkon: I like where this is going

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: @Makkon: WE ALL DO

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Xeredek: Reminder! this is still BA's theme song:
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Sunny: Furrymoan, you are awesome, you should feel awesome, and you deserve to have awesome things happen to you.

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Enheldor: I think I'll post my command on the next update; it's probably close to being done.

Kazerad:ADVENTURE never updates again

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Furomone: @Enheldor: I'M working on it but it's fucking massive holy shit

I underestimated animating four characters with unique walkcycles and an animated background

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Enheldor: @Furomone: That's what she said.

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Mhauhz: I'm probably way too late, but
> Commenters : Be.

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Toryu-Mau: ...It's so beautiful. ( Single tear rolls down )

4113: Kazerad:ADVENTURE VESTS animation artist:Furrymoan character:Grape character:Kazerad character:ebil_kazerad character:your_weird_OC fansnark firearms magic

Kazerad:ADVENTURE VESTS animation artist:Furrymoan character:Grape character:Kazerad character:ebil_kazerad character:your_weird_OC fansnark firearms magic
showing 10 of 16 comments

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Xeredek: Grape: be Grahp

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: >Grape: Inform Unidentified_BA that you have successfully intercepted Kazerad, and to initiate part 2 of the plan. We're jumping universes, baby. Oblivion, to be exact!

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Enheldor: Grahp: be not dead and team up with Ebil Kaz.

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Makkon: Dude, the animations in this are great!

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Furomone: @Makkon: Cheers man. The next update is gonna be heavy on the art, my wrist is killing me already

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Grape: I don't even visit the fanart and I sorely regret leaving <3

Also @Xeredek: grahp is never coming back </3
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picartosux: @Grape: Well, this is why we have fan-canon like this: we can bring back Grahp by the sheer power of will!

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furnut: Those Grapey circuitry activation coming out of his hands is awesome and a bit creepy.
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Furrymoan: @furnut: powered by 100% natural grape juice

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Toryu-Mau: Dude be like, SHAZAM!!!
By the power of purple fruit!

4112: Kazerad:ADVENTURE MS_Paint VESTS animation artist:Furrymoan character:Grape character:Kazerad character:your_weird_OC fansnark inconsistent_rendering text

Kazerad:ADVENTURE MS_Paint VESTS animation artist:Furrymoan character:Grape character:Kazerad character:your_weird_OC fansnark inconsistent_rendering text
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Furrymoan: Episode two! This is fun, so I might do more. Submit prompts if that's a thing you want.

I don't know if this is legal or not please dont ban me
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picartosux: If we finish a story about the update before the update itself releases then Kaz needs to rethink his life choices. Also, >Yes pls.
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Furrymoan: @picartosux: Aw I was already planning >No

And I'll do my best to make at least fifteen episodes, I have a whole Starwarsy plotline planned out, but we'll see what the prompts are

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Algebrag: That feeling when meme comic gets updated before the actual comic is updated. Yeah.

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Mhauhz: WHOA. The animation quality took a dive upward.
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Furrymoan: @Mhauhz: Lol. I did the first one in MS Paint, then added Grape in Photoshop. I'll be using PS from now on, just because.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: These are actually amazing

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Makkon: I like the purple guy, he's pretty awesome

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Toryu-Mau: Well, that came out of... whichever field ...this came out of.
Do Extrapolate.

4121: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Makimb0 character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Makimb0 character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

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makimb0: Slowly crawling out of the uncanny valley.

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makimb0: change to

We need an edit button cause I'm the type of person that finalizes what I write after I post it.

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Pronin: Nice work! I love the way you did the eyes and feet. I can tell this took a few attempts, especially around the head.

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makimb0: @Pronin: Thanks! And yea, I'm having the most difficulty making the head come out the way I want it right now, but I'll get it down eventually.

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Rick2tails: practice makes perfect (or close to it anyway! ) keep drawing Katia and youll have her looking as you want eventually. this is cute if a bit rough

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makimb0: @Rick2tails: Yeah, I'm getting there. It's definitely a lot better than a couple months ago!

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DoubleTapMaster: OMG, i really like that "cartoonish" Katia! You should draw more of it! ^3^

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makimb0: @DoubleTapMaster: Thanks mane. I don't draw very frequently though, but I'll try to draw more whenever I have extra time!

4088: artist:Cider artist:picartosux character:Kazerad character:Larndwerian fansnark inconsistent_rendering knock_off meme photo text

artist:Cider artist:picartosux character:Kazerad character:Larndwerian fansnark inconsistent_rendering knock_off meme photo text
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picartosux: Okay, I know what you're thinking, and it's "holy moly, what monstrocity is this? How could anyone possibly understand what this means?!" It's because you didn't know about deep fried memes, and now that you've make yourself familiar with them you can come back to this page and comment "wow this unfunny", but I still beat you to this by making it a tag!

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Algebrag: what
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BadReligion: Agree

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Baz1S: Say nyet to skooma!

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Cws: he did FUCKING so well

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cataphractz: follow for free update

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Kaaz: Lmao, I love this

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mrojo27: Thank you for this. I needed it

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Toryu-Mau: It seems this one has marginal understanding of the art of irony. >):^]

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GNFS: I told you bro, I told you about the hiatus

4118: amulet_of_silence artist:unknown_victor casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan questionable

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Rick2tails: this ones a little more questionable since shes facing the viewer almost and doenst have the bikini. but I think its till pretty tasteful and artistic partial nudity.

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DoubleTapMaster: Uh oh, that's pretty sexy... <3
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