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4180: Golden_Sun artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan crossover surreal

Golden_Sun artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan crossover surreal
showing 10 of 14 comments
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Furrymoan: It looks like it could live in a cavern in morrowind
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Fallout?

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PermanentFace: @Lykozze: Digimon? Beast Signer?
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notafurryipromise: Fire Djinn from Golden Sun.

How bow duh
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notafurryipromise: @notafurryipromise: *Mars

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Lykozze: @notafurryipromise: Yes, we have a winner! I guess it was pretty obvious with the connection to fire and stuff. Then again, not everyone knows Golden Sun.
Here is a Mars Djinn:
<img src="https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/goldensun/images/9/98/MarsDjinniGif.gif/revision/latest?cb=20090612062044">

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Lykozze: @Lykozze: Well, I could not have messed up that link more than I did... Just believe me that they look pretty similar, except the color, the ears, feet and the tail.
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notafurryipromise: @Lykozze: Sweet!! :) For a moment I thought Kewne from Azure Dreams, but that's obscure af

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Darth_Vader: Abra Pokémon Katia Managan edition

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damrok4321: Kinda looks like kagouti

4171: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:Cws character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra eyepatch fansnark knock_off portrait text

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:Cws character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra eyepatch fansnark knock_off portrait text

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: I did an "edit" of Cws art, so credit goes to him! I think that's obvious since the original is, like, literally a post away. Anyways, I used this really cool website that color's something FOR you to make this. Check it out here: https://paintschainer.preferred.tech/

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Makkon: that's a pretty cool piece of software, thank you for introducing me to it!

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: @Makkon: Oh, crap, right. I keep forgetting that you're low-key good at art :V Anyways, it's all cool! Hope you'll be able to create more cool art in the future with that.

4163: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:cataphractz character:Katia_Managan snow streets_of_Kvatch

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:cataphractz character:Katia_Managan snow streets_of_Kvatch

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cataphractz: hello remember when i would post these Bored Katia thingies occasionally because i didn't.

Honestly I totally forgot that I was making these and left Katia about to burn her tongue off for a month. She's fine tho it's just like sipping a hot cup of tea too fast and it burns the tip of your tongue and you go

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DoubleTapMaster: Hahaha, good to see more work from you! I'm waiting! ^_^
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Furrymoan: Huh, this looks very Calvin and Hobbes.

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Blepping Katia is Best Katia.

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protofun: Feeling so sorry towards Katia since I was the guy who said she needs to use magic. Get well Kat

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Enheldor: @Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: I would love a blepping Katia emoticon for here.

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Rick2tails: maybe if I kiss it ,then it will make her booboo better? XD

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tronn: I like your style and I like you!

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cataphractz: @tronn: Thank you!

4041: character:Katia_Managan crossover fansnark internet samurai_jack text

character:Katia_Managan crossover fansnark internet samurai_jack text

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AMKitsune: Watcha!

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damrok4321: I will never abandon this comic.
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AGMsInbound: @damrok4321: We got Samurai Jack back after years, there is still hope.
Nearly 18 months though.
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CipherSyndrome: Dang I was hoping the comic would update and join Rick and Morty and Mc Ds on the same day. I know this is late to be said but I didn't know either the sauce or Rick and Morty came back till this morning
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BadReligion: ok let me think about something orginal...



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GNFS: Monkey's paw is summoned

4084: character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering knock_off meme photo text

character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering knock_off meme photo text

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Algebrag: great, I failed

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CaptainLackwit: There is no error here.
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AGMsInbound: I've re-read this comic too many times so I'll just direct you to panel 382.

Yes I know you're making a joke, I just can't help it.
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Sunny: @Algebrag: Actually, it kinda fits. No need to remove it.
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ElstientheFallenKnight: She gives reverse emotions she actually smiling but..shes not

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GNFS: Is that moot?

4164: abstract artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan looking_badass magic_fire

abstract artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan looking_badass magic_fire
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Dahooligan: Thats... preety neat acually. +10 for style points.

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DoubleTapMaster: Oh wow, i really love that style! :o

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protofun: I need more of these in my life
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MetalC0Mmander: I don't know what kind of artstyle this is but sure ain't abstract.
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Other-than-nothing: This reminds me of a sticker. Love the style though. Sometimes detail is not what's required to make it look good

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Radian: I'd say this is very stylish. Could become neat icon or something.

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Rick2tails: this is really neat! almost seems like a logo of sorts

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Dugar: Badass

4156: artist:Furnut character:busty_dunmer_slave_owner dunmer dwemer_technology green_eyes questionable text

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furnut: Thanks Cider, for that amazing woman holding the leash.

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Pronin: A bit late but still nice.

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DoubleTapMaster: Oh man, finally someone draw her! I wanted to make this before but i forgot about that character, anyways, this art is beauty! More! *3*

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PermanentFace: It's about time we got fan-art of this lovely slaver scum, but I'm not sure this image really captures her particular, ah, physique.

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Mhauhz: Wrong site, miss.

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CaptainLackwit: OKAY

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Enheldor: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Yangrel: @PermanentFace Working on it.

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Dugar: I came

3424: animation braids character:Little_Katia character:Quill-Weave monochrome

animation braids character:Little_Katia character:Quill-Weave monochrome

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kognta: are at cats good updating!

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Vidiotdragon: She's gonna rub the fur right off her head if she keeps petting that fast

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Gren: Taking it to the next level:

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Nyflex: [patting intensifies]

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Maroc: Grens for is perfect xD

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4175: armor character:Quill-Weave machete missing_tail

armor character:Quill-Weave machete missing_tail

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cardomajig24: I thought i'd try having fun with some colors and lineart for the first time drawing quill-weave in a poorly thought out armor design. How'd I do, obvious anatomical mistakes aside?
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ElstientheFallenKnight: looks pretty good but whats wrong with her left foot? the other's fine but that left one looks like it's been stomped. and that left hand has one fucked up thumb

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cardomajig24: @ElstientheFallenKnight: I procrastinate my anatomy practices a lot. I'm trying to get better.

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cardomajig24: @ElstientheFallenKnight: And by procrastinate I mean I focused too much on pleasing people with my drawings rather than actually getting better. It was hard to convince myself finish this as silly as it sounds, because I knew it wouldn't be that great.

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Pronin: This could be good but you really need to work on those proportions.

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cardomajig24: @Pronin: Proportions where specifically.

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Lykozze: Badass looking design! The missing armor at the knees and elbows may look unsave at first, yet it could also lead to surprising freedom in movement. The only part that annoys me is the neck armor since it seem very restricting.

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cardomajig24: @Lykozze: Thank you! It was actually inspired from a combination of old Noxus armor and the Sterak's Gage that Aatrox wears. Noxus aimed to let their soldiers not only move freely as you had stated, but also gore their enemies from various angles.


I'm actually gonna be posting a draft for some hazmat-suitish armor that I think would be really good on Katia.

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cardomajig24: @Lykozze: And yeah, I couldn't figure out how to make a chainmail texture so I just kinda gave up and drew more plate armor

4174: Artist:J4H3AD Blunt Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow character:Katia_Managan machete monochrome

Artist:J4H3AD Blunt Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow character:Katia_Managan machete monochrome
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J4H3AD: Attempted drawing a shrine to Kazerad (and/or Katia, depending...) based off the shrine of Talos you see everywhere in Skyrim.

As it turns out, drawing characters you've never drawn before can be difficult. Drawing stone is also difficult. Drawing cloth is difficult. But really, drawing stone that is supposed to look like cloth on a character you've never drawn before is REALLY difficult.

I'm planning on doing more, and giving this a bit more context, and maybe eventually color/shading. No promises though. Last time I made a promise for a drawing, it was complete 6 months later. (Sounds like someone else we all know)
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Camio: Actually quite similar to what I had made. The only differences was that the ax was a normal wood cutter's ax, and she was facing up to the Kazerad before her.

But this is well done. Very well done. Much better than any drawing I could make. Well done indeed.
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J4H3AD: Thank you sir! Of course, the woodcutter's axe would be canonically more correct, I was just going off the mental image she had on several occasions (that I can't seem to find) with a proper war axe.

It's encouraging to hear it's well done. All I can see are the mistakes, but that's the curse of every artist ever that looks at his own work for too long. I might do some tweaking before going crazy, but I thought it'd be better to post it before I inevitably redraw it so many times I ruin it.
(with talk like that, you understand why I empathize with Katia so much)

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DoubleTapMaster: My god, so many GOOD art this month. Keep it up!

Sadly it's not a comparison for my art.

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Lykozze: Amazing work! You can definitely see the resemblence to the shrine of Talos. I guess it will be easier to distinguish cloth from stone that looks like cloth once it is colored.
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