Play nicely with other mortals. For we shall not play nicely with you.
4164: abstract artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan looking_badass magic_fire
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Dahooligan: Thats... preety neat acually. +10 for style points.
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MetalC0Mmander: I don't know what kind of artstyle this is but sure ain't abstract.
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Other-than-nothing: This reminds me of a sticker. Love the style though. Sometimes detail is not what's required to make it look good
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4156: artist:Furnut character:busty_dunmer_slave_owner dunmer dwemer_technology green_eyes questionable text
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3424: animation braids character:Little_Katia character:Quill-Weave monochrome
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4175: armor character:Quill-Weave machete missing_tail
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ElstientheFallenKnight: looks pretty good but whats wrong with her left foot? the other's fine but that left one looks like it's been stomped. and that left hand has one fucked up thumb
- Reply - Reply - Reply - Reply https://i.ytimg.com/vi/GBzdRApeqWI/maxresdefault.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T68kzENkq0U/maxresdefault.jpg I'm actually gonna be posting a draft for some hazmat-suitish armor that I think would be really good on Katia. - Reply |
4174: Artist:J4H3AD Blunt Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow character:Katia_Managan machete monochrome
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J4H3AD: Attempted drawing a shrine to Kazerad (and/or Katia, depending...) based off the shrine of Talos you see everywhere in Skyrim.
As it turns out, drawing characters you've never drawn before can be difficult. Drawing stone is also difficult. Drawing cloth is difficult. But really, drawing stone that is supposed to look like cloth on a character you've never drawn before is REALLY difficult. I'm planning on doing more, and giving this a bit more context, and maybe eventually color/shading. No promises though. Last time I made a promise for a drawing, it was complete 6 months later. (Sounds like someone else we all know)
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Camio: Actually quite similar to what I had made. The only differences was that the ax was a normal wood cutter's ax, and she was facing up to the Kazerad before her.
But this is well done. Very well done. Much better than any drawing I could make. Well done indeed.
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J4H3AD: Thank you sir! Of course, the woodcutter's axe would be canonically more correct, I was just going off the mental image she had on several occasions (that I can't seem to find) with a proper war axe.
It's encouraging to hear it's well done. All I can see are the mistakes, but that's the curse of every artist ever that looks at his own work for too long. I might do some tweaking before going crazy, but I thought it'd be better to post it before I inevitably redraw it so many times I ruin it. (with talk like that, you understand why I empathize with Katia so much) - Reply Sadly it's not a comparison for my art. |
4126: character:Katia_Managan crossover firearms serious_sam
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Choz: @DoubleTapMaster: Oh we do know, i played it like 10 years ago in the good old shooter days, i miss to those times seriously.
4173: abstract artist:Lykozze character:Gharug_gro-Upp clover
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ElstientheFallenKnight: damn ain't that drawing a LUCKY bastard
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4170: 3D Kazerad:ADVENTURE Numidium artist:Furrymoan character:Grape character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC dwemer_technology
showing 10 of 11 comments
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ElstientheFallenKnight: wow you are more active than kazard himself I mean WOW you are not as lazy as that fucking bastard working on the damn update(no offense Kaz)
- Reply But anyways 3D animation and a song sounds awesome! Can't wait to see it .
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picartosux: @Furrymoan: Jesus fucking CHRIST. And just two weeks ago I was thinking "haha nice meme cool paint skills, oh wait shit he's actually fucking amazing".
I really need to see what this is gonna look like when it's done. I feel like I'm having a fever dream and this is totally not real because there's no way anyone would put this much effort in something like that. This is just amazing.
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picartosux: Oh and by the way, I've for some reason decided to make a short crappy uninspired bland dumb Ebil Kazerad theme (or something to that extent) just because I wanted to contribute something to this. If anyone is for some unknown reason interested in that, it's here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xd2kfd0sxorlee7/ebil.mp3?dl=0
To be honest, I just mostly wanted to see if I can make music like that. Turns out it could've been worse.
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Furrymoan: @picartosux: Ooh, not bad! I like it. Very Super Metroid, which is fitting, cause that's what my artstyle is mainly based on.
Though I feel it'd be more fitting for Grape, it sounds vague and mysterious, just not very... EBIL.
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picartosux: @Furrymoan: Oh hey, thanks! I guess you're right, but I mean, do we know anything about Ebil Kaz anyway? Also, I've named the file as "Ebil" because well, maybe it's more of a theme for the entire Ebil crew. Or something. I dunno. I just had an idea in my head and I wanted to execute it.
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Furrymoan: @picartosux: And you executed it brilliantly. Godspeed sir.
Mind if I use the leitmotif in the video? I'm animating Grahp attacking the Vine right now, and it actually fits quite well.
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picartosux: @Furrymoan: I mean sure, if that helps you can use this for anything you want. To be honest, I'm not sure what I'm doing and you talk like I'm a musical genius, it feels so weird. Thanks for the kind words though.
4172: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic character:Katia_Managan gray_eyes
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4084: character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering knock_off meme photo text
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Yes I know you're making a joke, I just can't help it.
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