Deliver fleeting happiness to a fellow mortal. Comment on their works.

4151: JoJo's_Bizarre_Adventure Katia's_Thief_Tunic character:Katia_Managan crossover

JoJo's_Bizarre_Adventure Katia's_Thief_Tunic character:Katia_Managan crossover

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DoubleTapMaster: Well, i'm sorry, but i wanted to do crossover with Jojo Bizarre Adventure's ... Anyways i hope it's looks good.

I used some random "Skyrim Wallpaper Forest" by Google, so i don't know who make this "photo".

But really guys, it's time to stop.

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Pronin: Plot summary: The worlds angriest Khajiit goes to Cyrodiil to fight a vampire. Nice work but the Jojo needs to stop for a bit. Also, the tunic could be a bit lighter and match with the style of the art style of the face.

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DoubleTapMaster: @The_guardsmen No no, it's really time to stop, haha.

It's really time to stop guys, haha.

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XenoYparxi: It's just a beginning

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Rick2tails: "the worlds angriest khajiit" but that looks nothing like the bartender at all!

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Enheldor: @Rick2tails: Looks exactly like him to me. And like my khajiit neighbour. And like those ones in prison.

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Rick2tails: they all look alike to you eh @enheldor ? how speciest!!!

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Yangrel: O MAI GODO

1211: character:Katia_Managan fansnark painted_underwear sketch updates

character:Katia_Managan fansnark painted_underwear sketch updates

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Nefel: Use telekinesis, duh

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Why would Katia want to get to the next update? It only means more tears.

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SrLupinotuum: By possibilities 40% tears, 59,9% failure and 0,1% free cake

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Bob: Use mysticism.

Cause fuck logic and reality.

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Armael: use third dimension, go around

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Tack: Melt the spikes with fire, then move the hot slag out of the way with telekinesis.
Watch your step.

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1st_Lt_Obvious: Transcend reality. Draw updates on the sharp blades.

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BlakeWolf5113: Use witchhunter logic

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AMKitsune: Stop being 'you' and be the pillar instead.
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picartosux: Just be patient and wait until the update comes to you instead.


Haha I wish :(

4039: Homestuck character:Andrew_Hussie character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad comic fansnark text

Homestuck character:Andrew_Hussie character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad comic fansnark text

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Pronin: This is so true.

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Enheldor: That Katia is quite cute.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Inaccurate, no manly Kaz beard. 0/10

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Toryu-Mau: ( Insert Snarky Commentary )

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BlakeWolf5113: Being a fun of both makes so angry but accepting over this

4157: text


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Baz1S: I was looking at this fucking bottle for almost 2 damn years. How could it be possible to forget it?

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Enheldor: What bottle?

4144: Cosplay JoJo's_Bizarre_Adventure character:Katia_Managan crossover

Cosplay JoJo's_Bizarre_Adventure character:Katia_Managan crossover

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mrojo27: Even more JoJo's! (I don't really like how this one came out, but here it is.)

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Pronin: Show me your stando!I like the way this came out but it could use a bit of cleaning up.

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The_guardsmen: I think I might have started something here

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Pronin: @The_guardsmen: We're just Jojo fans that also happen to like Prequel and Jojo as much as you do.

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DoubleTapMaster: So, it's time for Jojo's crossovers?

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Pronin: @DoubleTapMaster: There's 4 on the first page. I think we have enough for now.

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DoubleTapMaster: @Pronin Yea, same... It's time to stop guys.

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Pronin: @DoubleTapMaster: I had some other Jojo ideas planed but I just might work on some other fanart projects I had planed to help me get better at drawing and using photoshop.
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ElstientheFallenKnight: Her stand is Explosions of racist jokes!

349: 3D Katia's_wizard_robe TES_Oblivion artist:Rather_Inconsiderate_Fellow mod screenshot

3D Katia's_wizard_robe TES_Oblivion artist:Rather_Inconsiderate_Fellow mod screenshot
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Durrsly: Was this ever released?

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pT-Asotil: Give it to me now!


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Skoon: I would still like to have a katia npc wandering Anvil. I could SWEAR there was a mod that did just that but internet searching gives me nothing...

if it did exist maybe it got baaawwwwleted like most of the other good mods out there.

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Pronin: Are there any Prequel mods on the oblivion nexus? I've never found any when searching.

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AMKitsune: While it's not a perfect replica, you can steal her look by giving yourself the in-game items "Green Robe" (player.additem 0007101B 1) and "Tan robe hood" (player.additem 0007101A 1). It's not as good as this mod looks, but it's not too shabby for using vanilla game assets.

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Pronin: @AMKitsune: Thanks but I didn't want to steal the look. I just wanted to know if there were any other Prequel mods for Oblivion, like a follower mod or something.

4149: Kazerad:ADVENTURE artist:Furrymoan character:Grape character:Katia_Managan

Kazerad:ADVENTURE artist:Furrymoan character:Grape character:Katia_Managan
showing 10 of 25 comments
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Vinarto: I Wish I Was Apart Of It.
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picartosux: @Vinarto: I'm pretty sure if every regular did get a role in this comic then it would've been an incomprehensible mess. If anything, we can have a background character as a reference or something, I don't really want us to ruin this experience, man.
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Vinarto: @picartosux: I Here Ya. I Just Had This Idea That I Would Have A Crush On Katia, Plus I Just Wanted To Add To The Story.
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Furrymoan: @picartosux: Yeah, sorry guys. The only characters that MIGHT get added to the roster are other artists, like Ch'marr. But even then, this is such a tiny format, it's hard enough to give these few characters stuff to do and things to say.
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Dahooligan: @Furrymoan: by format do you mean storyline/unable to think up new ideas? Or from the limitations of using only photoshop to animate and making characters do a thing would either require an unprecedented amount of work and / or make action look weird and physically impossible?
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Furrymoan: @Dahooligan: Mix of both, really. Also add the fact that gifs are small, and unless I start using flash (which I don't intend to do anytime soon) there'll be a limit in not only the filesize and my own skill, but the amount of shaded colours, the resolution itself, and the limited amount of text I can cram into this shit.

Also my own overall idea of the storyline is pretty finished. Naturally prompts will influence it, and maybe a REALLY good prompt will turn it on its head, but the gist is there. And more characters would convolute this almost immediately. Let's face it, one guy making gifs is hardly HBO level material.

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AMKitsune: @Furomone: I don't mind in the slightest. It was admittedly a bit of a surprise, but not an unpleasant one by any means XD.

I'd all but forgotten about the dissolve blend mode. I couldn't see much use for such a 'binary' blending mode under normal circumstances, but it's evidently perfect for pixel art of this nature.
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Furrymoan: @AMKitsune:

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EBIL_KAZERAD: @Furrymoan: easy solution.
EBIL Kazerad> use a machine that distorts time and space to make it look like the first flash artstyle. its purpose? the characters also see how they look like and freak out. (only ebil kaz looks highly detailed)
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Furrymoan: @EBIL_KAZERAD: Ooh

that's interesting, thanks mate

also go back to hell i'm still working on the update focused on you

4154: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow MS_Paint adorable character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering sketch

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow MS_Paint adorable character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering sketch

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Toao: Some sketches on mspaint I made with a mouse

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Nyflex: You're gifted. I wish if you had a pen tablet

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DoubleTapMaster: OOOOH, i love that style! It's very cute! Pls moar!

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DoubleTapMaster: Damn, i can't stop looking.

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Pronin: Using a mouse to draw is the worst but these are pretty nice. How long did you work on these?

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DoubleTapMaster: @Pronin I can't agree with you, i'm drawing only with mouse and i can say it's not that easy, but by practicing it's getting better and better haha. ^_^

I need only 50$ to buy Intuos Pro S huh.

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FuzzyZergling: If you're making colored drawings in mspaint it's usually better to use the pencil rather than the brush.
That way, you don't leave those uncolored bits along the lines.

Or you could just go along and color it manually, but that's work :3

4153: Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan plain_background royalty

Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan plain_background royalty

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DoubleTapMaster: Best art so far. xD

4147: Kvatch Tavia's_shop artist:GoodIdeasAreOverrated knock_off snow streets_of_Kvatch

Kvatch Tavia's_shop artist:GoodIdeasAreOverrated knock_off snow streets_of_Kvatch

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Shit, I'm pretty fucking sure that they aren't even that noticeable. But, eh

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Context: I made an edit of the last panel without Katia. Tried to post it here, but fucked up x3, and had to reupload it multiple times. Hopefully this will be the last upload.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: I just realized that that one house within editing range is improperly aligned. Just pretend it's one of those pentagon shaped houses.

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Un_Mapache: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: I like pentagon shaped houses

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Mhauhz: ... You kind of just one of my ideas for the Distraction Contest. G'job!

Now, can I tag someone else's image? Let'sss see.
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