Another booru is not a valid source. Either find the artist's original site or leave the source blank.

4105: artist:Grape character:Katia_Managan portrait

artist:Grape character:Katia_Managan portrait

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Ask Grape

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BrakStarBrak: What if i dont want to ask grape

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Rick2tails: I`d say ask mr peanut butter then

4098: Agility Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Bluedragon artist:Kazerad booze character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC

Agility Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Bluedragon artist:Kazerad booze character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC

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Bluedragon: Katia riding Bryce. Badly. Kazerad commission from way back in the AWSW days. Not 100% sure what Kaz's idea was behind this, but I picture Katia having mistakenly though Bryce was a brute animal that she could ride - and Bryce takes her for a ride. And bottles. (Rumor has it there's an alternate version where the bottles are a bit more transparent though.)

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furnut: that motion blur background works well to enhance the rapid riding action!

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Rick2tails: if that rumor was true I guess I`d mean he likes being ridden I guess. drunken shenanigans it looks like!

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Don't remind them!

4099: Berserk Blade Secunda character:Katia_Managan looking_badass masser pose

Berserk Blade Secunda character:Katia_Managan looking_badass masser pose

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The_guardsmen: posting here for a friend
I helped!

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Rick2tails: looking badass indeed! :)

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Toryu-Mau: Yeah... there's gonna be a lot of joints bending in ways they shouldn't and meat marionette show involved.

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The_guardsmen: @Toryu-Mau: don't be mean the guy is just starting
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ElstientheFallenKnight: and just a second later her arm got cutted off due to her lack of strength the camera got it in time for before the accident happened

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AMKitsune: @The_guardsmen: I think Toryu-Mau was suggesting that Katia looks like she's ready to kick some serious ass and leave her victims significantly more flexible and less reliant on breathing than before... if you get my meaning.

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The_guardsmen: @AMKitsune: i see
it makes some sense now

4045: character:ASOTIL character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan criminal_scum crossover fansnark inconsistent_rendering law_enforcement star_wars text

character:ASOTIL character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan criminal_scum crossover fansnark inconsistent_rendering law_enforcement star_wars text

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Yangrel: For most of the storyline the updates were the guardians of progression and content creation. Before the dark times. Before the merch.
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mesmatch: The Update - an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.

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Rick2tails: this is clever. bravo!

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Toryu-Mau: It's a Trick!!!

4049: Quill-Weave's_evil_armor Safety_hat artist:Bluedragon artist:Kazerad character:Faceless_Mook character:Quill-Weave tears

Quill-Weave's_evil_armor Safety_hat artist:Bluedragon artist:Kazerad character:Faceless_Mook character:Quill-Weave tears

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Bluedragon: Well, you can interpret it as tears of happiness that Faceless Mook threw her a birthday party of sorts. Though, considering the mind that came up with this, probably not. The lot of an Evil Overlord is lonely and cold. And you must order your minions to give you a birthday party.

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Enheldor: I like this. I would have come, if invited; I love parties. Evil Overlords throw the best ones.

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Rick2tails: she needs some party guests.I`d have a party with her if she wanted

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furnut: SO SAD

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: He's doing it out of pity

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Bluedragon: Furnut said that? After the last one he drew? Now I think those ARE tears of joy! She got her clothes back!

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Man, I feel bad for Quill. Like, that aren't even the good type of balloons!
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Toryu-Mau: Now Dans for her amusement Knave!

4056: adorable artist:Bluedragon artist:Kazerad blushing character:Quill-Weave puppy

adorable artist:Bluedragon artist:Kazerad blushing character:Quill-Weave puppy
showing 10 of 17 comments

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Kazerad: @Bluedragon: The Amulet of Silence puppy too! He appeared briefly, as well as several dead wolves.

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Dugar: One dead dog and two lizards hitting the bar after drowning a dog.
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BadReligion: ...I wanna get wasted with Quill so badly. .________.

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furnut: Writers and their quirky habits. I wonder how many pets Kaz had...

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ItsDuck: I'm not suprised she wants to drown the dog, this is the same crazy lady that put mountain lions in her neighbours basement.

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PermanentFace: @ItsDuck: It can be easy to forget, but you're right - this is that same crazy lady.
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MetalC0Mmander: @PermanentFace: @ItsDuck: I went to look that up and I just realised that she's supposed to have horns. Kazerad you fucked up!

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PermanentFace: @MetalC0Mmander: Nope, fins. Kaz has it right.
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MetalC0Mmander: @PermanentFace: Fuck you're right! For my defense they really look like horns in the portrait.

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Toryu-Mau: Left brain says Yes.
Right brain also says Yes, after 0.45 second delay.
Don't be hasty to judge, innocence and cruelty goes hand in hand.

4072: casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan classic_art pineapple yellow_eyes

casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan classic_art pineapple yellow_eyes

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: No, I did not suddenly become good at art overnight. Posted for a friend!

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mrojo27: I really like this colors!

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XenoYparxi: Anatomy has gone wrong But I really like the image

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tronn: I like this Gustav Klimt-inspired reimagining of Katia!

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Skoon: @XenoYparxi: Actually the anatomy is fine! This emulates an old eastern art style that had always exaggerated the length of the figure.
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Furrymoan: @Skoon: So it's not fine, but it's fine that it isn't?

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Toryu-Mau: This could be displayed at a gallery and no one would question the credibility.

4087: Mysticism Prequel text tutorial

Mysticism Prequel text tutorial
showing 10 of 11 comments

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MakingAkhajiitcry1: It is..... a good educational guess
Like your YouTube
Blin it is good

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Nefel: The last time we had a slow reveal story, Ch'marr challenged someone to obtain the full update if they thought they could. So I think your infographic is certainly good enough to slap up on here, Bam.

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Pronin: *Cracks knuckles* "Let's do this." *Frantically start to type on keyboard*

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Mhauhz: Wait, doesn't part of the decryption happen server-side? As in, for example, checking the 'k' and 'L' between our local value and their, and wether Ch'marr's 'L' matches our?
Which makes this uncrackable unless we actually invade Prequel's server?
Or am I just too confused?...

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Enheldor: @Pronin: http://hackertyper.net/

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Skoon: Honestly I don't care. I can wait. I got other shit to do.

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CaptainLackwit: This is actually pretty damn cool. Both that this was written into the site, and that people know how it works.

Like seriously, this is really nifty.

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Bambosh: @Mhauhz: The decryption we see is done entirely locally. I tested this by recreating the webpage with just the relevant elements, all offline. With the version of aggy-data.json I imported, everything worked as intended. The main server-side interaction that we can't break is the timer which pushes new keys to aggy-data.json. Without that, the local version of the story never progresses.

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Kewot_Rokar: I feel like we'll delay the update even more if we do this...

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Toryu-Mau: Clever cookie, ain't ya?

4079: Khajiit artist:Skoon character:bartender questionable text

showing 10 of 16 comments

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CaptainLackwit: I'm dying to see the more risque version since this is, well. Hot.

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Skoon: @CaptainLackwit: It is the same picture but sans the pants and undershirt.

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CaptainLackwit: @Skoon: That is in no way not worthwhile and I wonder how one may gain the ability to view this image, for cat bartender is love, cat bartender is life.

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Skoon: @CaptainLackwit: He's not up tumlbr yet, but do you use Inkbunny? Rick posted him there. :)

If not, I can come back and send you the tumblr link in private message when he's up.

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Rick2tails: also posted on my FA too

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CaptainLackwit: @Skoon: I checked inkbunny but came up with nothing. Of course I may just not be good at Inkbunny, if one can be such a thing.

A PM would be very cool.

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Rick2tails: i@captainlackwit ts posted on my fa and inkbunny on my gallery with the same name I use here. i have it set as a mature picture so you need an account a either to see it

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CaptainLackwit: @Rick2tails: Found it! Oh hell yes. Thank you.
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Skoon: @A_racist_slur_against_Khajits:

335: adorable artist:Prophet_Lord braids character:Katia_Managan dreams guar_plush happy kittens smiling

adorable artist:Prophet_Lord braids character:Katia_Managan dreams guar_plush happy kittens smiling

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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: space whale
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