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4301: Prequel:_Precede artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan rags sickly
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Asperger_kitten_1337: Pukey puke
4285: Blade Katia's_wizard_robe artist:madmanransom character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC green_eyes knock_off meme stranger_danger text
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: I'm confused
4302: Nord artist:madmanransom character:Katia_Managan character:dancing_nord happy impure_thoughts internet meme text
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madmanransom: @Pronin: "There is no such thing as shame, shame is for weak elves." - Dancing Nord, 3E433
AMKitsune: @madmanransom: Whatever the bardic equivalent of a witch-hunter is, this guy clearly thinks like one.
4326: character:ASOTIL character:Katia_Managan comic fansnark inconsistent_rendering knock_off sketch updates
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picartosux: I mean, if we're uploading the entire "update", might as well upload the "true ending", right?
Preston_Garvey: yep
4324: comic fansnark sketch updates
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Asperger_kitten_1337: Does everything have a purpose...?
*ross fortune - bad ending starts playing in the background* |
4317: Safety_hat artist:evilpopcorn character:ASOTIL photo sketch text
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Evilpopcorn: Doodled this during Kaz's stream, Makimb0 said something that made me wanna try drawing something.
makimb0: Happy to be an inspiration to you, popcorn! Really though, if you just keep drawing, you will get better in no time!
Evilpopcorn: @makimb0: By the way, points if you can guess WTF I wrote on the bottom, next to my signature.
realbboy: @Evilpopcorn: Is this it?: "Epic armor I'm far to lazy to lazy to draw" (My handwriting is way, way worse.)
If it's that scribble to the right I think I need to concede to you though. |
4321: comic fansnark sketch updates
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ThrackerzodTheNormalPony: I am Identified BA.
Enheldor: @ThrackerzodTheNormalPony: What happened to you being Thrackerzod out there as well?
3975: artist:Filthypaladin artist:MikeyTheFox blushing character:Katia_Managan questionable tears teeth text tongue
mister_kat: what? xD
mister_kat: ok fine by me :D
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Streetwind: ...Is this the "Game Over" screen of a videogame where you need to help Katia stay sober? :P
Rick2tails: tried? by that expression it looks like I succeeded! >;)
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Petrified_Yo-yo: Yall' need Jesus
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Asperger_kitten_1337: We need a game where we need to help Katia stay sober
4189: Blade Molag_Bal Official_Badass artist:Makkon blood character:Katia_Managan daedra decapitation grievous_bodily_harm knock_off
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showing 10 of 27 comments
Toao: Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Vidiotdragon: You know that is the face of a daedra who has seriously questioned his life choices.
GoodIdeasAreOverrated: @Vidiotdragon: Yeah, he really should have gotten the chocolate chip flavor ice-cream instead of the vanilla one...
Vajjra: I like makkon as an artist and as a musician both.
why is he good at musicianship and artsmanship both?
AMKitsune: @Pronin: Oh, no no no no. The full saying is "Jack of all trades, master of none" and Makkon is very much a master of his trade (from my perspective at least).
AMKitsune: @AMKitsune: Edit: Well, that's how it goes over here. I don't know how the saying is used wherever you are though...
realbboy: @AMKitsune: The full saying (as far as I know) came in parts, with each following part being a retort to the last part.
"Jack of all trades" was completely positive "Master of One" made it negative "But oftentimes better than a master of one" made it positive again. |
4297: adorable artist:Furnut braids character:Katia_Managan character:Little_Katia children fish food happy kittens monochrome waggy_tail
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(Wow - I'm really starting to think like Kaz! That's a bad thing.)
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Expecting nothing but a regular paupers dinner, with a small song and well-wishings, Katia's eye's lit up in shock and awe as she was instead presented with a whole, freshly grilled fish.
As the plate was placed before her, excitement bubbled up within, as her tail rapidly swished from side to side, betraying her feelings to everyone nearby.
"Is... Is this, for me?" She asked her parents, trying her best to remain humble and non-expectant.
Sitting at the other side of the table, each with their plates of hardening bread and bowls half filed with cabbage soup, they replied with big smiles, "Of course. This is a very special occasion. It's not every day a little girl turns [whatever age you think works best], is it?"
With an open jawed smile nearly as big as the fish itself, Katia burst into thanks and hurriedly started slicing up her dinner. After the fist couple of delicious mouthfuls, she noticed that her parents were just soaking up their soup and weren't having anything nearly as nice as she was. Feeling a little disheartened by this, she took her fork and split the remaining fish into thirds, two of which she took in hand, leant over the table and placed on her parents bread plates.
"You'll have some too, right?" she asked.
They both looked at each-other for a second, before her mother turned back to Katia and asked, "Don't you want the whole thing sweetie? We probably won't have another like it for quite a while."
"Oh, yeah, I do... But then you wouldn't get one for a really long time, right? I'd rather we all got to share it anyway, if that's ok..."
Hearing this, her parents both got up, stepped around the table and leant in to give Katia a big hug.
"Of course it is dear." her father replied, welling up from his daughter's selfless gesture.
"It's your special day after all."
"Man, I wonder if anyone replied to any of my dumb nonsensical comments" he thinks to himself, "probably not, but might as well check".
As he clumsily scrolled down the page, something quickly grabbed his attention. There was a gigantic block of text inside a comment. At first picartosux thought that it might be some kind of art criticism, but after rubbing his eyes he looked at it again and realised that it's...
"WHAT?!" he exclaimed in shock, twitching his eye, "someone wrote A FANFIC?!"
Usually picartosux isn't the one who usually reads fanfics, but this is a weird special occasion, since it has already grabbed his attention and his gaze couldn't be averted, so he sighed and read the whole thing.
The short fanfic that he read was as sickly adorable and heart-wrenching as the original art. Atlthough he had somewhat enjoyed that fanfic, picartosux, after having his soul sucked away, curses AMKitsune for writing this painfully cute piece of fiction and also curses FurNut for drawing this awfully adorable picture in the first place. He then proceeds to ironically write his comment in the same style of fiction just to "mock" AMKitsune, slowly realising that this thing is becoming more serious with every new word.
After finishing writing it, picartosux starts wondering where did his life go wrong and why can't he stop himself from doing insanely stupid things. After posting this comment, he tries to wipe his memory of this ever happening to no avail.
"I really should just go to bed" They said with an exasperated sigh, Procrastination though, rules the day for this blighted creature and lacking the conviction to follow through with their own halfhearted remark, they began to Digest the literary buffet.
It was of course, fanfiction, written to lend the author's interpretation to the reader in an unabashed display. nearing the end of the story probablynotafurry noticed the crooked guise of a smile creeping across their face. The Context of the picture worked well with the fanfiction and both fit the tone of the source material as well as adequately providing contrast for the tragic circumstance explored more in depth in the comic itself.
With the story finished, probablynotafurry quickly discarded their smile to replace it with a more stoic and neutral expression and began reading the next post, yet another formidable wall of text, daring those with the patience to overcome its daunting deluge of dictomantic doom.
Finishing the last word with renewed purpose, probablynotafurry found that the second novel just as entertaining as the last, but for very different reasons. With nary a second thought they begin to compose something pointless, unoriginal and and tackles. For what more can you ask of the internet at large?
"This took way to long for how few words there are" probablynotafurry remarks looking over the garbage fire they had intended to release on the residents of the booru. They take a moment to reflect on the possible ramifications of their actions, wither simply commenting because they could is reason enough and how far one can go before their comment no longer pertains to the art at hand. They also wonder if everyone would like their comments more if they got a new car or something. Honestly, probablynotafurry should be more worried about getting to sleep or fixing the gutters or maybe actually coming up with some kind of endi
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