Separate multiple tags with spaces. Separate words of the same tag with underscores ("_").

4269: artist:Lykozze character:Rajirra featured_masterpiece plain_background spear

artist:Lykozze character:Rajirra featured_masterpiece plain_background spear
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ElstientheFallenKnight: I bet that's her reaction after katia Sold her spear

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bluedraggy: If ever she dare to show her face again! Katia should tell her friend Asotil about her. I wonder if her actions actually broke any specific lae though? Loremaster Kax might know.

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bluedraggy: Oh, and very nice work btw! Esp love her sparkly sad eyes.

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MudcrabWalker: it's the traitor!!!

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Rick2tails: yes you should be frowning! you done goofed up worse then Katia. at least Katia is honest and not rude to people on purpose

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Geravind: @Rick2tails: "We were never friends..."

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BlakeWolf5113: Hey! You got it featured! Nice job!
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BadReligion: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

...ye, probably best way to get a stab.

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bluedraggy: I had to check - she sold it for 20 septims. Resale for 25 seems reasonable. I once heard markup of %50 in retail is typical. So a nice discount shop.

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Lykozze: It got featured? Awesome! I thought about making the price of the spear exorbitantly high, since spears seem to be quite rare in Cyrodiil. Or maybe they got banned like levitation.

3820: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic animation artist:SilentOrbweaver character:Katia_Managan night pixel_art snow streets_of_Kvatch

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic animation artist:SilentOrbweaver character:Katia_Managan night pixel_art snow streets_of_Kvatch
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SilentOrbweaver: @XBGT: Yes, it is indeed a pixel art. Or, like someone may call it, a "Magical-blocky-moving-picture-thing". Glad you liked it.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Wow! The new update looks great!

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bluedraggy: Deep breaths, Katia. DEEP breaths! Now... PUSH! Congratulations! You're now the proud mother of a bouncing baby pixel!
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SilentOrbweaver: @bluedraggy: A bouncing baby pixel? Like, just one pixel? As far as I know, healthy Khajiit's pixel litter consists of 3 to 5 baby pixels. Must be rough one.

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Bakannon: Pixel art and animation is always fun to see, nice work!

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Mhauhz: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: I sure hope so!
For a second, I though that was a peek at the actual stuff...
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CyVoltage: Katia's got some broad shoulders
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AGMsInbound: @CyVoltage: It's to support the weight of her failures.

4267: character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology text

character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology text
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Nafaalilargus: Just my shitty Emblem of de sad catz for BF1.
Sorry for the tags, first time posting.

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ThrackerzodTheNormalPony: Mine would look worse.

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MakingAkhajiitcry1: Could you make a link to it ?

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Ditto: I would make this in a hearbeat if I played BF1
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Nafaalilargus: @MakingAkhajiitcry1: How can I do that?
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Nafaalilargus: @Ditto: It's an alright game but it has it's flaws.

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MakingAkhajiitcry1: @Nafaalilargus you just make a link to it and then share it

1305: applied_telekinesis artist:unknown character:Katia_Managan lateral_thinking levitation questionable telekinesis

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Blue_Dragon: Because I lurk 4chan constantly. Was debating on this or the nipless version, but since both prolly should be questionable, why not? And because I suck at guessing the artist, though I SHOULD know, I don't.

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Blue_Dragon: Oh, nevermind. GOTTA be Rek.
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SomeShadyGuy: @Blue_Dragon: I don't think it's Rek. I'd guess it's the same one who did http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/1143

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ShroomBot: That's... Simply Weird... Dx

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tronn: I removed the 4chan tag because even though the picture was posted there, its contents aren't 4channy in itself.

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Man_Of_Mer: Quite questionable, but cute to some extent.

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Blue_Dragon: @SomeShadyGuy: You're right. I actually looked up that image on e621 and found it there under Rek. But that was an edit. I shoulda known better!

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Dugar: hawt

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Rick2tails: Katia here makes me feel tingly in places ^_~ also what did she cast a levitation spell on her boobs?

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bluedraggy: Ah, 2014. We we're all so young and naive then. We thought Katia would go on forever. And those great fanartists, where have they gone? I blame the Frey holiday disaster outfit. Too conservative.

4263: angry artist:BlakeWolf5113 character:Kazerad monochrome photo portrait sketch

angry artist:BlakeWolf5113 character:Kazerad monochrome photo portrait sketch

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BlakeWolf5113: So, sorry it's sideways, and sorry it took so long, but here is my drawing of Kazerad. Hope you enjoy. And I also have not drawn a full body Katia yet so that may be next. Anyways, see you next!

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Karmo: wheres the vest

its not Kazerad without a vest

and why is he so damn angry,did he get another 50k messages about the update?

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Preston_Garvey: Kim Jon Kaz?

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BlakeWolf5113: @Preston_Garvey:@Karmo: damn was it that bad?

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Karmo: @BlakeWolf5113: oh no its not bad,its just that theres a distinct lack of Kazerad's favourite article of clothing,or at least from what i've been told that is

it's still better than what i can draw,thats for sure

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BlakeWolf5113: @Karmo: thanks
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Nafaalilargus: So that is how kazman looks like, never would've guessed.

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bluedraggy: Only when he isn't wearing makeup.

1302: artist:YeOldeAlekk character:Katia_Managan comic crossover dwemer_automaton five_nights_at_freddy's monochrome sketch

artist:YeOldeAlekk character:Katia_Managan comic crossover dwemer_automaton five_nights_at_freddy's monochrome sketch

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Nefel: Need more Katiabot

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KillerfishSG: I knew sooner or later someone would draw this

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Pepsidude: I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner.

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Man_Of_Mer: Damnit! I've been drawing something like this for weeks! Oh well, good thing I've got other content on the way.
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MetalC0Mmander: I would be interested in seeing what you've got right now even if you don't want to keep working on it.
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Petrified_Yo-yo: Crying oil lol

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angrybacteria: The real horror game here is Prequel's update schedule.

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4210: character:Katia_Managan fire_safety inconsistent_rendering meme

character:Katia_Managan fire_safety inconsistent_rendering meme
showing 10 of 14 comments

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Paulverizer: @picartosux

I was trying to capture that shit-eating grin of that little girl on the original photo ;-D

Originally I wanted to make some speech bubbles over the house as well ( screaming Sigrid and this-time-not-so-lucky Gharug gro-Upp ), but I want to save that for a whole original picture lel

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Mezhik: run away flammable objects from the monitor ...
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J4H3AD: This is amazing. Well done! Never would have thought of combining this meme with this webcomic.
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BadReligion: This is ...awesome!
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BadReligion: That face expression ..is just

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Baz1S: @BadReligion: I thought they added twitch emotes to the booru for a second. NotLikeThis
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picartosux: @Baz1S: Just use the Global Twitch Emotes extension for Chrome or something similar SeemsGood

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Paulverizer: @BadReligion: Thanks! ^^

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Paulverizer: Wat.
Whop changed the tags - and what for?

I am confus

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AMKitsune: @Paulverizer: It looks like someone added in a duplicate 'meme' tag (which was subsequently removed) and 'smells_like_burned_ork-meat' and 'totally_not_arson' only seemed to be used on this one image (if there were any others, there aren't now). Sometimes, 'single use' tags like this end up being removed. If I had to guess, I'd imagine that's why your tags were changed.

4268: Cosplay Fullmetal_Alchemist artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan crossover plain_background

Cosplay Fullmetal_Alchemist artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan crossover plain_background

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Lykozze: Wanted to give this combination a try as well. As always I immediately noticed some issues with the lineart right after uploading it. I hope you still like it!

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Enheldor: @Lykozze: I gotta say, women in a uniform look really good. I really like this.

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mrojo27: Great work!

4254: Kvatch character:Katia_Managan comic fansnark monochrome sketch updates

Kvatch character:Katia_Managan comic fansnark monochrome sketch updates

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Preston_Garvey: I had an idea that Lord Scatsbury would have an entertaining reaction to finding that Prequel doesn't update (using this ingame)

I know I don't have the helmets looking the same and I don't care this took too long to do

Panel 1
Scats: What the fuck is going on over there?

Panel 3
Guy w/ stick: How many days has it been?
Guard: The count says it's a monument now.

Panel 4
Scats: Bethesda, BETHESDA!

Panel 5
Guard: Stop that shouting!

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Preston_Garvey: If you want to know who Scatsburry is this is his Skyrim playlist:

He updates his youtube channel only a little bit more than Kaz updates his comic.

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MudcrabWalker: FUCKING LOL 10/10 best comic SO FUNNY TO ME GG

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PermanentFace: What are we even waiting for at this point? What update could possibly be worth this much time?

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damrok4321: Haha that makes me laught xD
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CockPockets: @PermanentFace: The waiting has become a religion. ALL HAIL KAZERAD! HE WILL BRING US MORE SAD CAT!

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Preston_Garvey: @CockPockets: or not

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Toryu-Mau: Yeah... Bethesda's got a reputation for AI's with ironic names.

4266: artist:8Aerondight8 casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing

artist:8Aerondight8 casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing

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Rick2tails: as lovely as that looks on her , that is a really REALLY impractical outfit!
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