All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names.

4395: TES_Skyrim accidents_waiting_to_happen character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro fireball looking_badass magic_fire mod screenshot

TES_Skyrim accidents_waiting_to_happen character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro fireball looking_badass magic_fire mod screenshot

- Reply
jacobc62: @Quites released his Katia mod on the Skyrim Nexus, so I figured I would take a screenshot :3

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Quites: Hmm, that neck - body light diffrence makes me a little worried. Do you have this for a whole time?

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Rick2tails: this looks pretty cool!

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Raydio: Would this mod happen to be available for cnsole, by any chance?

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Quites: From what i've seen race compatibility is avaiable on Xbox so when i'll add her to SE it can probably be run on that console.

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Raydio: Yess

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jacobc62: @Quites: TBH, i never noticed it. I use the UNP body, so that might be the cause.

4373: character:Katia_Managan fansnark inconsistent_rendering meme text

character:Katia_Managan fansnark inconsistent_rendering meme text

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Glorious_Chairman_Meow: Ik that feel
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picartosux: Woah, that's one hell of a shitpost.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: People don't like memes here
Trust me, i have experience about that

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GalaTheFish: No uodate
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Anonymous_Person: Same. I start in a week. It is a fast food job, but still.

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Bob: It'll update one day, it may take forever but it'll come. With hope

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strikyer: we all wait for this update to come

pls kaz I don't wanna be still banned once the update comes it's been 5 months

4386: Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave comic fansnark text yellow_eyes

Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave comic fansnark text yellow_eyes
showing 10 of 27 comments

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Raydio: It's probably not even Kaz's fault for the hiatus. As he has said multiple times: he's not the greatest at programming, so he has other people help him with it. This upcoming flash keeps getting brought up on terms like "this rain rendering is taking forever" or "the curser isn't working correctly". This is stuff that other people do and probably not kaz. I think. Idk, I'm just a reader! And could be completely wrong. I'm just tootin for an update soon, since kaz actually seems to be believing it will be coming shortly.

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Skoon: @Makkon: I think you might misunderstand my position.

As I said, I am also a content creator. So I understand what that entails. I understand things falling through based on other schedules.

I have also been very supportive of Kaz. I have sent a few messages his way and have come to his defense on more than one occasion.

However, one major flaw in his execution is that whatever is holding this up is not being communicated to the fanbase. If something has gone wrong, we'd like to know.

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Toryu-Mau: @Makkon: Agreed. As a meat person, Kaz requires adoration from fellow meat people to motivate progress.
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Tam_Lin: @Streetwind: That is very kind of you to say! Now I'm glad I put in the effort, thank you so much for noticing :)

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Makkon: @Tam_Lin: You might be right, I don't know Kaz that well and you guys have been in this fandom for much longer than me. I still hold the opinion that just because someone can take it doesn't mean it's an open invitation. Maybe your familiarity affords you some teasing.

@Skoon: I did misunderstand, sorry for the wall of text. It ended up being a brain-dump at everyone in general.

@Toryu-Mau: all meat-kind require sustenance. But also money, probably.
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Tam_Lin: @Makkon: Never thought of it this way. I guess I mistook his lack of protest as permission to pick on him. He always struck me as the type who values unbridled honesty over social niceties but I see now that's not a reason to abandon manners altogether. Honest bullying is still bullying after all... I admit I have stepped out of line and apologize for any hurt feelings I might have caused.
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Dawoc: The fact that there hasn't been an updated for 1,5 years doesn't really upset me, it's not like I don't have other things to sink my time into. At this point, I think a lot of fans (myself included) just want some semblance of transparency into what's actually keeping it, and if those answers were given, I believe it'd help a lot in calming the "fan-snark" down.

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realbboy: @Dawoc: There already is a fair amount of transparency. One of the major things was that one of his collaborator's grandparents took a long time to die, and then after that they flaked out after Kaz manned up and gave them a deadline (Which was 6 months, I think), which forced him to hire a professional artist which he could have done from the start.
I think said background were shared over skype on stream, and Kaz has made the information public (if you stalk him like I do :P (Honestly he does need to do something to inform people outside of random disqus replies and unrecorded streams.)
A more recent issue was the rain rendering and cursor bug, although I think Kobal said he (Kobalstomo is a update programmer who hangs out in picarto stream chat like 16hr/7days) fixed the problem where the cursor blinks by applying Kaz's suggestion (Kaz actually told him to do it on stream) of just drawing it as a sprite and hiding the normal cursor.

There were probably a couple things I forgot, and I missed some streams as well as everything before like 2 months ago.
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Dawoc: @realbboy: Fair enough, that makes sense. But yeah, might be a good idea to put stuff like this up on the site somewhere, rather than rely on hearsay. Not everyone hangs out on his streams or on Discord, after all.

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PermanentFace: Whether its his fault or not, Kaz has to realize that this disaster of an update has irreversibly impacted the hearts and minds of his readers. I can't even imagine updates being regular things anymore.

4382: Problem_Sleuth artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra character:Sigrid crossover grotesque

Problem_Sleuth artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra character:Sigrid crossover grotesque

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realbboy: This was a reference to problem sleuth, where some artists were similarly merged together in a statue.

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fastolaf: The most feared of busts: Katirra Managrid.
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Millie: That was a fun stream. The expressions are perfect

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Raydio: Reminds me of the Wabbajack

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Reminds me more of this.

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Raydio: Have no idea where thats from, but I hate it.
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Millie: the thing ASW reminds me of The Thing, actually
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Millie: things ASW posted*

4387: artist:madmanransom blood character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad fansnark meme monochrome text

artist:madmanransom blood character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad fansnark meme monochrome text

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madmanransom: Kaz, pls.
(Just kidding. I'll be patient.)

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PermanentFace: @madmanransom: You'll be patient, you say? You don't know the meaning of the word! I was there, ye, even when updates were semi-weekly! To fall so far...

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Kazerad: I'm almost finished hiatusing, I swear. I didn't shoot her.

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madmanransom: @Kazerad: Hey man, like I said, I have faith in you.
I did it for the memes.
Shit's funny, as much as I disagree with the message it sends.
Don't worry, I'm just fuckin' around.

- Reply
Kazerad said:
I didn't shoot her.

Pronin said:
Don't worry... he was missing

He shot the nerd.

4389: artist:madmanransom blood character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad fansnark knock_off meme monochrome text

artist:madmanransom blood character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad fansnark knock_off meme monochrome text

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Raydio: Yes.

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madmanransom: Here it is, without any stuff in the right margin.

- Reply
madmanransom: Let's try this again:
I'll just post the damn image, then:

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Glorious_Chairman_Meow: Truly, the finest example of graciously receiving criticism in the history of art. May this serve as an example to all future artists drawing satiricaly charged khajiit murders.

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makimb0: fixed

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madmanransom: @Glorious_Chairman_Meow: Are you implying I got my walters waddled?
Because I didn't really.
I fixed it because I wanted, not just the ones Pronin pointed out.
Hell, I still want to fix Kaz's face. Looks fucking nothing like him.

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madmanransom: @madmanransom: forgive this broken reply,
The second sentence should read:
"I fixed it because I wanted to, not just because Pronin pointed out flaws."

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Toryu-Mau: @Pronin: Looks like adding salt to salt results in... Progress? Great Success!

4372: artist:Triskelion character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave computer dwemer_technology monochrome text

artist:Triskelion character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave computer dwemer_technology monochrome text
showing 10 of 15 comments

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Enheldor: Relevant:

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Maroc: I'm disappointed that there's no images about perpotionatly correct tails :o

- Reply
tronn: I like this and I like you!

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Triskelion: Woah, thank you guys

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realbboy: @Enheldor: Can confirm, super-secret plan to re-write xkcd entirely in prequel is go.
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picartosux: @realbboy: I'm not sure you grasp how massive XKCD is.

- Reply
realbboy: @picartosux: https://xkcd.com/1110/
(Also it was a joke :P)

- Reply
Toryu-Mau: Correction - Everyone is wrong on the internet.
Except the ones with an actual degree in what they are talking about.
No, Google is not a degree.

- Reply
realbboy: @Toryu-Mau: 1+1=2
I don't have a degree in math.
What happens now? D: Does the universe explode or something?

- Reply
Toryu-Mau: @realbboy: Nah, 1+1=Windows11

4390: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Kazerad artistry character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad character:Nice_Jewish_Lady character:quill_weave food inconsistent_rendering monochrome sketch stickers

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Kazerad artistry character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad character:Nice_Jewish_Lady character:quill_weave food inconsistent_rendering monochrome sketch stickers

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Raydio: WHat
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mesmatch: YES! Thats me! I feel honored to have made it into Kaz's art commissions. If you're not convinced its me, check the art I've uploaded.

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Kazerad: Between the huge eyes and tiny hands, I feel like I had to have been very intoxicated when drawing this. Like, the more I drink the more my artwork looks like something ran through Photoshop's content aware scaling.

4384: animation character:Katia_Managan knock_off modern_clothing

animation character:Katia_Managan knock_off modern_clothing

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protofun: One month ago you made yourself a promise: you were going to turn your life around. You were going to get a real job, stay out of trouble, and not get into any more trouble with cults. Nobody thought you could do it; they said your questionable reputation, lack of any useful skills, and flagrant alcoholism would always hold you down.

But you had a plan.

You were going to start over, far from home. You pawned off your belongings, withdrew the rest of your inheritance, and narrowly managed to buy your way onto a bus straight to Kansas city.

And now you have arrived, alone and penniless in a completely alien town. Rounding up to the nearest week, you’ve been sober for an entire seven days. This is your chance to be whatever you want to be. Whoever you want to be.

You even bought yourself a fake passport with a new name. Something less ethnic, maybe suitably more central, to fit in in your new home.

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protofun: I decided to make my own turn on a modern day Katia.
My first legit time animating something, it was fun, but hard as hell. It would be fun to re-make all the prequel like this, but I'm not a madman to do it.

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Makkon: This... actually kinda works. I like it.

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realbboy: @protofun: The nose flashes. :P
(Seriously though great job)

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protofun: @realbboy: That damn nose. Only now I see it. Well, I dont think that I could handle my first try animating something without errors. Now she looks like a fine xmas tree.

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Rick2tails: impressive work here even with the nose

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Toryu-Mau: So this new town she migrated to is... "Mud Crab Springs"?
Yeah... stay away from the wells, and the mines.
Especially the mines.

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Lykozze: Very good! I always wondered if we will one day have an Elder Scrolls set in modern times. If I could give you one advice it would be to keep the background a lot more simple. The .gif might have too many colors to deal with, resulting in these flashes (I think).
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