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4416: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic artist:MikeyTheFox meme text

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic artist:MikeyTheFox meme text
showing 10 of 19 comments

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Rick2tails: what if its 2 female lizards doing the "updating" behind the counter?

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Baz1S: It's all your fault Kaz.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: the update juice blasted all over Katia's salad
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Asperger_kitten_1337: then Katia puked in disgust and left leaving the 2 young scaled maidens continuing the "updating" in privacy for the next 39 hours
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Asperger_kitten_1337: wait what the fuck did i just write

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Raydio: Cancer,that's what you wrote

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Raydio: It's benign tho, so its not that bad tbh

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Dugar: No update

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GNFS: Are you NOT updating the comic in front of my salad?

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Toryu-Mau: I was oblivious to the vile origin of the source material at first,
saying "Is that grilled eggplant and zucchini on butter lattice? Gimme some too!"
Then the commentators elaborated to me what is happening behind the 4'th Wall, and I lost the content of my stomach.

4415: Cosplay Dark_Souls Overwatch The_Witcher character:Katia_Managan crossover eyepatch knock_off metal_gear

Cosplay Dark_Souls Overwatch The_Witcher character:Katia_Managan crossover eyepatch knock_off metal_gear

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protofun: I saw that Undertale post , and just couldnt control myself that moment. If you have seen my previous posts (of course you dont, even FBI doesnt track me), you may know that I love re-drawing shit, so here it is!

Can you guess all the cross-overs?
Of course you can. They are unbelievably obvious.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: most
mainstream image

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protofun: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Just games that I have been playing lately
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @protofun: you play both paladins and team fortress 3? wut

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protofun: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Lol, no I'm poor and cant afford overpriced

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Huntierier: From left to right starting at the top:

Big Boss, Elizabeth, ???, Ying, Tracer, and 2B

I don't know top right, but I believe it is something from Witcher 3

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protofun: @Huntierier: Yeah, top right is Triss Merigold from witcher, but bottom right is Firekeeper from Dark Souls 3

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Rick2tails: Katia at the local comic book convention?

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Toryu-Mau: ...I feel as though I am falling behind recent times, seeing as to some of the reference is flying over my puny head.
Am I falling behind on interwebs quota for the month? How could that be?

4414: Undertale character:Katia_Managan knock_off missing_tail modern_clothing

Undertale character:Katia_Managan knock_off missing_tail modern_clothing
showing 10 of 16 comments

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2324millipedes: :D
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Millie: Katia Sansagan

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FriendOfFennecs: You're gonna have a cat time.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: i bet 75% of these coccs don't know who Katia is

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OppoQuinn: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Literally who would be browsing the Prequel fanart booru except people who have read the comic?

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2324millipedes: @Asperger_kitten_1337: big brain
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Asperger_kitten_1337: because undertale infection spreads

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OppoQuinn: @Asperger_kitten_1337: I don't understand.

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2324millipedes: @Asperger_kitten_1337: BIG brain

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Toryu-Mau: That dead eyed stare is understandable for having to live through the prequel timeline multiple times, and realize no matter what she does the whole universe conspires to make everything she does end as failure in the most comically tragic manner conceivable by causality itself.

4362: angry_giant_hands artist:FlowerIMH character:Katia_Managan khajiit_racism portrait

angry_giant_hands artist:FlowerIMH character:Katia_Managan khajiit_racism portrait

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: STOP SQUEEZING THE KATIA! Please?

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damrok4321: haha Im doing the same to my cat xDDD

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Kewot_Rokar: That's petting lol

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GNFS: Yep, that's something some cats do on their own, apply the slightest bit of pressure while petting them, they'll press even harden and this happens

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furnut: Gotta hand it to you, you sure got a squeeze on this feline.

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Un_Mapache: I can do this to my dog.
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Bob: @Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: squeezing? I call it giving a faceauge

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Toryu-Mau: @BadReligion: Naw, ya gotta scratch'em behind the ear for maximum appreciation.
Equines can't reach back there.
Kind of like how humans can't lick their own elbow.

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realbboy: @Toryu-Mau: I can kinda lick my own elbow.

4413: 3D character:Gharug_gro-Upp knock_off

3D character:Gharug_gro-Upp knock_off

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lazyradly: So remember that Quill Weave mod image I uploaded, and mentioned how I would love to see a Prequelized race mod pack?

I figured instead of gambling and waiting 200 years for some other lazy bum to start something, how about I get my lazy bum to do it myself?

This is the first pass, I care ALOT about accuracy. If you have any critical feedback please give it. I'm going to work on the Humans later, once I've finalized the Orc head.

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lazyradly: Also if anyone has like some super huge resource of reference images, it would also help me alot! (P.S. No porn plz)
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Nafaalilargus: Excellent work my friend, this looks very promising but I do have one critic.
A distinctive characteristic of Gharug gro-Upp is his intense chin and jaw, the model makes it look like his chin and jaw are fused with his neck.
Just my opinion but very good work mate.

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lazyradly: Thanks for your feedback! The model is actually supposed to just be his head, no necks. All of that will come later when I get the model in-game.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: instant nightmares

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lazyradly: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Not exactly helpful feedback. But good to know that my model is horrible, and yet no criticism is given to improve it. So thanks.

4407: accidents_happen anachronism artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan character:President_Abraham_Lincoln criminal_scum firearms text

accidents_happen anachronism artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan character:President_Abraham_Lincoln criminal_scum firearms text
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Asperger_kitten_1337: Goddammit Katia, how many times i have to not go shooting people with prop guns because some guy told you to?

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Rick2tails: this is different
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Dawoc: Elsweyr shall rise again!

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Kazerad: Aw, it's funnier if you know it's a commission for "Katia dressed as an assassin".
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MetalC0Mmander: I thought it was a refference to the way kim-jong-un killed his brother... It sounds funnier that way.

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Toryu-Mau: Bravo, mademoiselle.
The realism is stellar on this stage.

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Quintus: And then she broke her leg jumping from the second-story balcony to the ground floor, probably because there was no bale of hay.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: @Quintus: If anybody asks, it's her wizard staff.

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furnut: Nice twist on the assassin idea :D
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BadReligion: I like 'er suit :^|

4396: Kvatch_arena_armor Safety_hat Skyrim TES_Skyrim anachronism character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave mod

Kvatch_arena_armor Safety_hat Skyrim TES_Skyrim anachronism character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave mod

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XLINE: Thanks for Katia Managan Armor bluedraggy

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XLINE: Katia Managan Armor
Pretty khajiit
Racemenu sculpt

and I make Quill Weave follower mod myself

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XLINE: @Pronin: I'm using waifu2x.udp.jp/index.html cause my shitty potato computer

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XLINE: @XLINE: I'm Very Low graphics

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Bluedragon: Wow! I'm honored XLINE! I quite like your Quill Weave too - those head-fins definitely come from a mod too, though I don't remember which. (I've used em too!)

This is very good. I LIKE the Very Low graphics I guess. I would suggest only learning the tm in the console to turn off the HUD before screencap. Not really a criticism. They must be fun to play!
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AzuajeM79: Eyes mod? pls.

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Bluedragon: The eyes are from Pretty Khajiit. Don't leave Helgen without it!http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17040/? Highly recommened, though XLINE put some effort into getting them so nice and sparkly for that shot.
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AzuajeM79: @Bluedragon: TYVM

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Toryu-Mau: Those kitty cat eyes are telling me to pawn my soul off to buy her silver vines and I cannot deny.

4400: artist:Kazerad character:Nah medic medicine monochrome sketch teeth

artist:Kazerad character:Nah medic medicine monochrome sketch teeth

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Enheldor: Finally got a scanner so I can work on my backlog. The idea here was "Nah from back before potions were a thing." I hope to see more of her from this time.
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BadReligion: I thought it's a flesh for a sec .____.

...disappointing is real

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Rick2tails: I see a valuable resource here. Dont have money? Totally normal human girl here will bind and clean up any blood from your wounds. free of charge! why she`s a saint! She is doing it all at totally no benefit to herself at all!
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MetalC0Mmander: Ok that might be a bit too much "in love with your job".

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Toryu-Mau: It's a fair deal as far as I'm concerned.
As long as she doesn't ask for invaluntary blood donation.

4392: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Night_Eye character:Katia_Managan glowing_eyes looking_badass magic_fire masser

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Night_Eye character:Katia_Managan glowing_eyes looking_badass magic_fire masser

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evjikshu: Some art school in my area having a drawing competition at the moment. Theme: cats and alike. So i thought i will hit two birds with one stone - draw(finish) something(i had started a long ago) for you, and also will participate.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @evjikshu: smart

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madmanransom: Nice colors, yo.

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Grape: Bipedal feline discards half-eaten clementine

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OppoQuinn: I like this a lot.
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picartosux: I really like this, especially the colors. The pose kinda reminds me of Jojo, plus the moon and the cape give off this strong vampire vibe. It's amazing, hope you win that competition even if they won't accept anthropomorphic cats.

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Rick2tails: this looks very nice! cool looking outfit!

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furnut: Great angle, colors, and lighting :D Hope you win!

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AMKitsune: If this 'art school' is anything like the stuffy, up-tight art schools that come to my mind when I hear the phrase, I can just imagine them saying "No, we only accept proper pictures of cats and such, not this fantasy rubbish..."

(I have an unhealthy preconception of formal art tuition establishments)

Eugh... I seriously hope that isn't the case and that they're open to any and all interpretations of the theme, because this is a damn good picture in its own right!

This may be a bit late, but let us know how you get on. I'm rooting for you!

4383: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:MikeyTheFox blushing character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave monochrome sketch

Kvatch_arena_armor artist:MikeyTheFox blushing character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave monochrome sketch

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MikeyTheFox: Was testing out Clip Studio Paint Pro, and I sketched up a few images. This one was a Prequel one.

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furnut: @Pronin: Pronin, plz.
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