Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.
4365: Meridia's_Beacon TES_Skyrim animation artist:Kazerad dragon tongue
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showing 10 of 20 comments
Kazerad: On one hand I feel like this isn't Prequel related, but on the other hand I think there ARE a few other Prequel-styled Skyrim pictures.
I don't know, I think I want to avoid my own stuff getting special privileges on something called a fanart page. I'll probably take it down later.
Enheldor: @Kazerad: Could you add a thing explaining how to do avatars here in the help section first? As of now, picarto's comment is the only instruction I've been able to find.
realbboy: @Enheldor: The help section isn't exactly clear in general either... I'm pretty sure most of the things don't hold any useful information for normal users. Though more helpful information can never be a bad thing.
Enheldor: @picartosux: Ugh, you have to set up a WordPress account then allow it to use Gravatar THEN connect it to here. Way too complicated.
AMKitsune: @realbboy: Yeah, it was a bit crap wasn't it? Hopefully it should be a little more 'helpful' now.
realbboy: @AMKitsune: It's much better, and actual amusing and helpful at the same time. My only criticism is that the toolbar on the first page is twice the size of the content, but it's not that bad since the important stuff is on the top. Still, it's very comprehensive, amazing job!
realbboy: @AMKitsune: Oh wow, I just noticed you put explanations for tags. That's an unparalleled amount of effort. This booru just got more polished than 99% of other places.
Enheldor: @AMKitsune: Man, amazing work on that help section. The FAQ is really helpful and easy to find. Thanks!
4355: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan green_eyes
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: My god
Radian: @Pronin: I use krita with my own brushes: https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=274&t=137532
The brush I used here not in pack yet but I'll update it very soon. About 98% of this was done with Oils_1 brush, it feels very nice and mix colors wonderfully but paintery effects like here is kinda tricky, I still learning how to work with it. You'll need tablet with tilt support (for brush rotation) but you can use direction with angle lock, should be pretty close. And check other oils brushes too.
madmanransom: @Radian: AHA! A fellow Krita user. You too are a man of culture, I see.
A toast to you, sir.
Radian: @madmanransom: Thanks, hehe
![]() @Pronin: Sai is good program but it's very simple, you can do a lot more in other programs. Also krita is cheaper ;) Btw I came to krita from sai. PS updated brushpack. |
4364: Kvatch_arena_armor accidents_happen acrobatics artist:Furnut character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC merchandise night questionable
furnut: Based on an animated gif Kaz drew, of two shadowy figures in the dark. One was boosting up the other to climb a tall opening, but the one climbing stepped on the other's head instead of its hands. AND THEN ACCIDENTS HAPPEN. AND THEN BLUSHING SPARKLY BUTT.
GoodIdeasAreOverrated: She was concerningly close to getting a pretty gruesome wound. This bother me.
Rick2tails: sparkling butt is the best thing ever! its magical when a full moon sparkles!
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picartosux: God fucking dammit, FurNut.
...good job. Here's the gif in question by the way: http://i.imgur.com/wMsr3wn.gif
furnut: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Oh wow I didn't even think about that. Butt it's okay in the end.
4176: adorable character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro featured_masterpiece gray_eyes magic_fire portrait self_inflicted_burns
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showing 10 of 12 comments
DoubleTapMaster: Ohhh shit, it's so adorable! ^///^
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picartosux: I dunno, my head-canon tells me that she was in darkness, decided to use her fire magic to see around her, accidentally burned her ear and then decided to roll with it. Sounds like a thing she would do.
GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Huh, is it just me, or has this been the second time this particular drawing been featured?
4346: artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Welkynd_Kitty modern_clothing monochrome sketch
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Enheldor: The original commission idea: "A bunch of Prequel characters as greasers including Welkynd Cat".
8Aerondight8: Is the welkynd kitty like an endless source of mana? OMG are regular cats the same like in the Witcher-verse
Rick2tails: this is cute
4354: artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan firearms monochrome sketch
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Enheldor: I'm pretty sure I remember this being drawn, but I have it now? It looks like Katia fighting and armed dog with some kind of gun.
CaptainLackwit: And remember folks. It's not that Kazerad can't draw guns. It's that circa 2005, Valve didn't know what they fuck they were doing.
Lord_Vader_777: Smg from Garry's mod or half life
CaptainLackwit: Just keep in mind HL2 predates Garry's mod thus the SMG is not from Gmod in the slightest.
4319: Katia's_adventurer_outfit character:Katia_Managan
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LightWave: Here we see a generic Katia in a boring pose, displayed in perhaps a way too large file size. Enjoy.
EggEggEggEgg: it's good!
Rick2tails: I like it!
4329: artist:Furnut casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro masser monochrome staff wizard_hat wizardry
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ElstientheFallenKnight: this just looks stunning...I actually cannot describe how adventurous the photo looks I give a 9.5/10 due to the floor looking plain and basic nut other than that its pretty good
Pronin: The only problem I have with this image is that one leg seems longer than the other.
Rick2tails: so darn cute!
4331: Marksman acrobatics artist:Furnut censorship character:Quill-Weave games hist_glands impure_thoughts out-of-character pixelated questionable text very_casually_underdressed
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picartosux: Most people here wouldn't understand the references in this image, since Kaz and BA was playing ESO as "snake people" (slim argonians) on the stream, plus BA calling lionesses "half-lions" and male lions "full lions".
And also here's a bonus screenshot from the stream: http://i.imgur.com/w8rJBpn.png
realbboy: You should praobly also explain that Kaz was playing mostly without armor because he felt the game was to easy.
What I'm wondering is why the lioness's eyes and Quill-Weaves upper body are blurred. She's a reptile, right?
makimb0: @picartosux: I took some screenshots from when we were playing ESO, in case anyone wants them.
BlakeWolf5113: @picartosux: Thanks for the screenshot.
But actually, that was really one of the only parts I saw. I did see some of the other parts, as I was going in out of the stream, so I don't understand this, but it looks funny.
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ElstientheFallenKnight: I jump over lion, heck off pls, I am neked snek.
Rick2tails: nakked lizzerds!
4370: artist:picartosux character:Katia_Managan rags smiling
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