If you wish to vainly improve your image with a reupload, beseech an admin or report your original upload for its crimes.

4022: animation artist:wookylee character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Rajirra merchandise pineapple questionable song_and_dance

showing 10 of 28 comments

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Nyflex: @BadReligion: Rick defined my 'love' precisely

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Kaaz: dodgy
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Petrified_Yo-yo: Anyone else have a beat that goes somthing like: 'bababaump bump bump bump' stuck in their head?

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Atum_Doxhun: @Petrified_Yo-yo: Now that you mentioned...
It really goes in rhythm with Katia

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mister_kat: i dont knwo why but for me its goin faster and faster each rewind @_@

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Pepsidude: I don't got a creative comment for this one. But it's heckin radical.

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ThatFurrySqueeker: I'm amazed

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Asperger_kitten_1337: Wut it's just ka- *gif finishes loading* wait what the *bleep*

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Rick2tails: what it is ..is something glorious! *nods nods nods up and down*

661: animation annoyed character:Katia_Managan character:Stephane erect_tail knock_off surreal

animation annoyed character:Katia_Managan character:Stephane erect_tail knock_off surreal

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: I... don't know. I just don't know.

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Bob: Sometimes stuff like this makes me question whether to continue reading the story or stop. :|

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Kl0ndikekun: This will never not be one of my favorite edits of all time.

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Prophet_Lord: This is beautiful for so many reasons

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Armael: "I feel so violated..."

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korblborp: HAHahaha

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strikyer: there's not enough WATs to show my situtation behind the screen
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Asperger_kitten_1337: Katecopter

4089: fansnark inconsistent_rendering meme tears text updates

fansnark inconsistent_rendering meme tears text updates

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Algebrag: just memeing to fight my cripling depression caused by lack of updates. Don't judge me.
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mesmatch: /r/PrequelMemes
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theladystone: @Algebrag: its what evryone does
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4101: artist:protofun character:Katia_Managan plain_background questionable very_casually_underdressed

showing 10 of 11 comments

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Rick2tails: very cute though Katia isnt flat almost looks more like the bartender body

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protofun: @Rick2tails: I tried to give her some breasts, and even the picture I used as referal while drawing the body had them, breasts was way too big. Probably Rajira could have those. Be right back.

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protofun: @Rick2tails: Okay. I made Rajiira, but I think I cant post it here since its basically a recolor. I can post it if it is fine.
God, look at those bazongas

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protofun: Fuck, I forgot the link http://i65.tinypic.com/kch0ky.png

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protofun: I am better with sketches than with real art

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protofun: This was My capthca. No surprise Rajiira picture got removed
<img src="http://i65.tinypic.com/2ezo65j.jpg">

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protofun: We cant edit comments, so I will write a lot of them

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protofun: Oh god, IT WORKS.
Rajiira version.

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Rick2tails: again cute. that isnt too big of breasts for katia in my opinion.its not like theyre triple D`s or something.IT kind of looks like Katia with extensions in her hair
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Asperger_kitten_1337: Error 404 boobs not found

4119: artist:unknown_victor casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear questionable

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Rick2tails: I think this should be allowed. she has her painted on bikini and its all artsy
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Petrified_Yo-yo: Nice armpit hair

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unknown_victor: @Petrified_Yo-yo: thanks
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Asperger_kitten_1337: Armpit overload

4264: artist:Furnut character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC food impure_thoughts knock_off questionable text very_casually_underdressed

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Bluedragon: Colored version of FurNut's drawing of Katia enticing Cider's Trash Panda... with noodles.

No, you're not imagining things. Kaz deleted it on accident and wrote me to see if I could re-upload it. Fortunately I had a hi-res copy on... another site. :) Promise I'm not trying to spam the Booru!

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Kazerad: I accidentally deleted this by misunderstanding what one of the buttons on the moderator panel did. Thanks for the reupload, Draggy!

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Geravind: @Kazerad: Oh, you...

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8Aerondight8: Kaz only accepts the highest of resolution nekkid Cat, accept no substitutes!

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Rick2tails: still a tasty dish!

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Enheldor: @Kazerad: You need to put your comment on this one now.
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IForgotMyUsername: That's a "gata", not a "gato"
And since I suppose you were aiming for italian, it'd be "gatta"

I'd like to think Katia just fucked up canon says she's actually pretty good at languages
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Asperger_kitten_1337: Must... not... fap... must... not... become... disgusting... furry... *hysterical screaming mixed with confused screaming*

1854: character:Katia_Managan comic painted_underwear pineapple pineapple_and_yo-yo_trick questionable text tutorial yo-yo

showing 10 of 12 comments

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Bob: ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) I am intrigued.

Actually, What?

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VashTheStampede: ...
We have issues.

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Man_Of_Mer: I don't understand how that last frame works.

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Fr3SHSw4GM0n3Y: wait... is the juice coming out of the leaves or whatever?

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Jhonka: Indeed. Because clearly, that is how juicing a fruit works. It squirts the juice out of the leaves.

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Kazerad: @Man_Of_Mer: My interpretation here is that frame 2 involves modifying the pineapple such that there is an opening in the top, near the leaves. She then wraps them into a sort of spout, and sets it up so pulling on the yoyo puts pressure on the (mostly liquified) pineapple.

This is pretty much the most safe-for-work interpretation possible of the Pinapple Trick that is still 100% fitting with its in-comic description.
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fmmch: At last I truly see.
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Petrified_Yo-yo: hahahaha!

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Rick2tails: so the trick is she drinks the juice herself ? kinky!
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Asperger_kitten_1337: I don't know if this is worse or less worse than what i imagined

4290: text

showing 10 of 12 comments
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picartosux: @Pronin: Seriously, I don't think this is a place where you can just post screenshots of text. In my opinion, if you want to post text here, at least accompany it with a (crappy if you can't draw) doodle of something related to the text.

Obviously you don't need to listen to me and Kaz can do whatever he wants, but I think this place needs some kind of quality control since it is an official Prequel booru. It's just my opinion.

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Vidiotdragon: inb4 "poetry isn't art"

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Vidiotdragon: spoilers: it is. you still use your eyes.

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Pronin: @Vidiotdragon: It may be, but it's the difference between showing a story and telling a story.
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Probablynotafurry: hi there,

I have been skulking about this comic for...about a year now, wordless, shapeless, without intention to create my own account despite the quality of the series and the entertaining antics of various members of the...Booru, you called it? Well you could consider this an introduction as well as my opportunity to speak in favor of the importance of the written word. Art has many interpretations and though one may be used to the connotation of "Fanart" with the most striking and immediately palpable, Art can be more subtle and nuanced. If a piece elicits an emotion in those who beholden it then surely it is art, and this art was created by a fan of Prequel. Ergo, as unorthodox as it may seem this is "Fanart" and thus belongs with the rest.

Thank you for your time.

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Pronin: @Probablynotafurry: Fanart is mostly considered as draw artowrk.
This might be considered fanfiction in the sense that it is written fan work rather than drawn.

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AlTan: I didn't think, that discussion turn this way. Thanks to Probablynotafurry: you read my thinks.
I whant that people may read it, and i will be satisfied if they like it.
And thanks to administration stuff, that you allow it. (I was keeping it both poems in my table for 3 month (And worked on them, course) This show my respect to website and it contents)

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AlTan: @Kazerad: Thanks for rate. I was very hope that after interpretation poem do not lost concision. I hope, that you will finish your history at a good manner, like in a poem.

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Geravind: @AlTan: Так, всё! Вы меня вывели своими ...строфами. Вызов принят -- Кхаджит творить!

*Khajiit creates...*

Here, somewhat shitty/cruel song for our lovely kitty :

In the sadness of your waiting...
Never sinking dreams.
All thanks to your failures,
But an angel sings.

How could you rise again
To fight for your promise?
As a rock fights the wind.
Never ending beam.

Long has your life begun
Facing you the horrors.
Is there any cure or no --
Only daedra know.

If there is any kind of dream,
Which can take you hope within --
You would give it whole your soul...
Then wake up and scream.

Мотив честно скопипизжен навеян вот этим (но только частично).

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AlTan: @Geravind: Это заявка на победу !! Не могу не ответить:

"You have good chance of winning. My turn. Continue"

And after all
realize that the wall
stay on your way.

And you can see
the obssession dream
on the other side
of the block

But you have rope
And the height of the block
Not so big
And the dream
Not so far

Climb and climb
And at the end of the line
You can reach
other side of the coin

4289: text


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AlTan: Someone wanted to practice in googletranslate?
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picartosux: That's sweet and all, bud, but first of all, not everyone here knows Russian, and second of all, it's not even fanart. Expect this to be removed soon. Quality poetry though.

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Lykozze: @picartosux: I agree on the Russian, however I would strongly consider poems to be (fan)art. Just not the kind of art you would post on a booru.

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AlTan: I didn't think, that discussion turn this way. I may say, that i post poem here, becouse russian speaker prequel community still not have official websaite. So we offen swing by this webside and will may enjoy it.
And of course i thought about free time of english-speaking community and post my translate of Gippius's poem here to.
Especial thanks for administration, that you allow it.

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Geravind: Рифма пьяна, но порыв есть. Кхаджит одобрям.

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AlTan: @Geravind: Как-то вечером навеяло..)

4262: artist:Kazerad booze character:Katia_Managan drunk monochrome rags sketch text

artist:Kazerad booze character:Katia_Managan drunk monochrome rags sketch text

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Budnick: Sketch from 5/23/17 live stream. Commission was "An ad (or scene from a commercial) for Cheapest Mead." Nice work Kaz.

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Geravind: Nice emotion, yay!

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CaptainLackwit: How you can tell it's genuinely Kazerad's work: Only he draw's Katia's eyebrow (her right side) that way.

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Skoon: But Katia, sweetie...

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bluedraggy: Hey, um, Budnick... Can I color this? Well, and post it I mean?

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Budnick: @bluedraggy: Sure thing, that'd be awesome. Go for it.

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Budnick: Is that a fly buzzing past Katia's chest? That's hilarious. I've had this for weeks and I just noticed it.
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