Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.
3702: artist:Anks casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan pineapple questionable ribbon yo-yo
3705: Khajiit artist:Iago_Pilera blushing character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC drunk not_sure_if_racist
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3646: artist:GoodIdeasAreOverrated character:ASOTIL
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3704: artist:QstDaeday character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave crossover monochrome sketch
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MetalC0Mmander: Katia you need to get better firends. But I see you're getting the hang of it with Max over there!
3696: artist:Kazerad blushing character:Dodger character:Quill-Weave impure_thoughts monochrome sketch
showing 10 of 15 comments
- Reply - Reply - Reply - Reply But when I'm the artist and it's being uploaded to a site I own, I think it creates an understandable confusion about whether the place it was first seen should be listed as the source, or if this site itself retroactively becomes the source (by virtue of being owned by the artist). I don't know how it usually works for commissions! Is the commissioner's page considered the source? - Reply I particularly am annoyed when the image starts getting edited still with no credit.The picture is a follow up to the first one with my character and Katia.And having some backstory or ref to the image I feel makes it less confusing and a bit more fun.Of course I`m biased a bit since the art was for me. But I know personally I`d never go to someones gallery take a copy of a commission and post it without either asking or at least mentioning to the person I`m doing it with credit to where it was first posted. Still its less annoying then when people post things to e621 then whine about ocs in the picture.It`s like well if it bothers you maybe pay an artist to draw what you want instead of whining about it not magically appearing for free? or even draw it onesself. I obviously wanted to share this picture to a degree. thats why I scanned it and posted it online.I could of never posted it anywhere and no one would of ever seen it.But bottom line is your ok with it and I have a credited version up so its all ok. - Reply - Reply - Reply |
3701: Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan knock_off text
1417: artist:Kaboozy character:Katia_Managan monochrome painted_underwear questionable rude text
- Reply - Reply I have to say, her boops look like massive boils. Good other stuff though. - Reply - Reply - Reply - Reply |
3671: Khajiit books character:ASOTIL character:Katia_Managan criminal_scum forest
- Reply - Reply drugs+training= motherfuck imperial soldier. - Reply drugs+training= motherfuck imperial soldier. |
3697: Night_Eye artist:Frootloopmuffin character:Katia_Managan knock_off plain_background wallpaper
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