Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images.

3725: artist:_Terence_Fletcher character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave musicality stringed_instrument

artist:_Terence_Fletcher character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave musicality stringed_instrument

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Terence_Fletcher: "Now answer my question, kitty. Were you rushing, or were you dragging? Answer!!!

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Terence_Fletcher: Hello, everyone! I found this comic about 2 weeks ago and decided to draw some fanarts after I finished it.
This is unfinished. Will add some color later while polishing Quill-weave a little bit. It's 11 P.M. in Korea, so i want to play some CS:GO before going to bed. Please add some tags if you don't bother(I'm new to this kind of website and 'adding tags' are not common thing in Korean websites. Sorry!).

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Terence_Fletcher: *'adding tags' is

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unknown_victor: Haha, if you posted a few days earlier I wouldn't have gotten the reference.
Welcome to the fandom and keep up the good work!

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Enheldor: @Terence_Fletcher: Here is some tagging help:
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XBGT: Whiplash was a fucking piece of art

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furnut: I just looked up and watched the movie trailer to understand this reference. Good J-I mean, Nice Work :D

3735: Khajiit accidents_waiting_to_happen adorable artist:me beautiful character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering missing_tail modern_clothing monochrome night

Khajiit accidents_waiting_to_happen adorable artist:me beautiful character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering missing_tail modern_clothing monochrome night

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strikyer: This was created after reading an unsatisfactory reply, so I done it to show how easy it is to drawn a nazi daynosaur w/ layzers and a katia throwing fireballs on the threat

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Rick2tails: i see she casts fireball but can she cast magic missile?

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Enheldor: Wow, I did nazi this coming.
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MetalC0Mmander: I've never seen a tag section that drunk before.

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8Aerondight8: Seriously who's the rider really supposed to be like from the original picture?

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gm01epic: To all who have come here, I apologize for the aforementioned unsatisfactory reply that caused this demonstration of beauty that has likely dumbfounded you with its pure wonder

3731: Dark_Souls argonian artist:makingfailure character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC monochrome sketch

Dark_Souls argonian artist:makingfailure character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC monochrome sketch

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AMKitsune: You're right, that is a very tiny argonian.
You know what this calls for...
Assume the master blaster position!

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aedan122: Do it, do katia!Uha!Ha!Ha!Ha!

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angrybacteria: @AMKitsune: I think it might be a Kobold.

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Grape: Poor katia doesn't know to check the chain.

Or the teeth. I guess that's the bigger red flag here.

3722: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text

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Rick2tails: drawing cat girls is definitely art! ^_^

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Verskon: Drawing cat girls is best type of art.
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BadReligion: meh, I prefer reptiles

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AMKitsune: Introducing the Quill of Animus.

Coming soon to all reputable mages guild locations!
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MetalC0Mmander: @AMKitsune: This please me

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woundedkneecap: @AMKitsune: That's amazing!

2728: character:Aggy featured_masterpiece looking_badass magic text

character:Aggy featured_masterpiece looking_badass magic text
showing 10 of 11 comments

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Gren: your sister is quite good at some arts! I approve.

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AMKitsune: @Gren: Feel free to inform you sister that her artwork is fantastic and would probably work brilliantly as a t-shirt design. The only thing that stands out to me is the spelling of 'whorst'. Unless it was spelled differently in the comic, I'm pretty sure it's spelled 'worst'. That aside, fantastic design.

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Gren: Thank you, guys! Yeah, that's a serious case of misspelling, my bad english strikes again. Sorry about that. Should I start writing that word all over the wall and my body with purple paint? XD
Personally, I love this and I too think this would make an excellent t-shirt. I so totally want one!
She told me next time she'll do one of Katia. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

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POMA: It's nice besides the "whorst idea". I really don't feel like pursuing it.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @POMA: Maybe it should have been the würst idea!

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Tahrey: Quietly erase that "h", horizontally stretch out the "ors", then go tell your sister to make more arts.

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Geravind: This one is a bit whorried abot that word.
Marvelous picture for a t-shirt!
Say her, Khajiit likes it. =^_^=

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Kewot_Rokar: Here's to hoping to see him again.

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Kryfrac: Oh man, I want this on a shirt. Its great apart from the one thing literally everyone is pointing out..


Unless its referring to Katia and is a combination of "Worst" and "Whore"

I'm so sorry.

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Verskon: The creativity of this was amazing. How all the words just fit together alongside the lightning.

3724: adorable artist:Furnut character:Katia_Managan pose text

adorable artist:Furnut character:Katia_Managan pose text
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BadReligion: Damn, this outfit. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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bluedraggy: Those eyes! Sucking in my soul! Furnut king of cute! But how transparent is that outfit, or is it just my innate lust that sees things in shadows that are unintended?

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Rick2tails: dem eyes!

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Enheldor: Furnut, every time.

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Rukkaru: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwthatissofuckingadorbableican'teven

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Geravind: /restart mimimeter
/hug the kitty

3730: artist:_Terence_Fletcher character:Katia_Managan monochrome plain_background

artist:_Terence_Fletcher character:Katia_Managan monochrome plain_background

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Terence_Fletcher: Blades agent Katia Managan. Tried to draw with asian styles, but my brush-marker was out of ink so I used ordinary marker and failed horribly as you can see DX. I hate the distortion my camera makes. Thanks Enheldor for helping me with tagging.

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Terence_Fletcher: She painted her ears and tail in order to be stealthy.

3726: adorable character:Katia_Managan magic_fire monochrome sketch

adorable character:Katia_Managan magic_fire monochrome sketch

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Very cute drawing here :3

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AlTan: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Thank you. I wanted that it look like old book's estamp.

3711: artist:Kazerad character:Quill-Weave missing_tail monochrome photo sketch very_casually_underdressed

artist:Kazerad character:Quill-Weave missing_tail monochrome photo sketch very_casually_underdressed

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SuperMightyhena: My commission from Kazerad came today! I'm so pleased to have this!

I also have no idea what I'm doing here. WHy is this flipped?!

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Bluedragon: 'dark' Quill Weave! "The night was DARK..." You are allowed to use this word I thought up for you, just be sure to credit me as a co-author.

But seriously don't sweat the flippedness - I'm sure some mod will correct that for you. Love picture but it makes me wonder, does she always write naked?

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SuperMightyhena: @Bluedragon: Quite possibly, it would fit her personality in Prequel. And I hate to be a burden on the mods, is there a way for me to fix this by myself?

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Bluedragon: Pretty sure there isn't.
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BadReligion: @Bluedragon: You think better being naked. :^)

No, I prefer to keep my pants on.

...well, we see here only her upper part.

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makimb0: @SuperMightyhena: >flipped
I feel your pain buddy

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SuperMightyhena: @makimb0: I take it this sort of thing happens often? or did it happen to you too?

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furnut: "The night was hot and sweaty, unlike certain scaled writers with this goddamn writer's block that aren't able to sweat. It's supposed to be the beginning of the new year, and it's still hot enough to unequip clothes.

Not that I mind. My "guest" has been going around in her birthday suit during the day indoors. I can't imagine her body temperature with all that FUR. It's a nice change of pace to stare at such a soft feline figure, in place of watching fish die. Oh that reminds me, I need to buy more fish.

I also need to buy a sticky hair rolly pin for picking up all the cat hairs that's been multiplying. It's a good thing I'm not allergic. Since I'm wasting ink, I might as well make a shopping list:

1. Fish (any)
2. Ink
3. Parchment (50 stack)
4. Scale Cleanser (bring 20% off coupon)
5. Candles (5)
6. Lotion
7. Tissue"

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Enheldor: @furnut: You forgot the sticky roller on the list.

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furnut: @Enheldor: oh right! see, i even forget things on imaginary shopping lists.

3721: Katia's_wizard_robe Safety_hat amulet_of_silence artist:MikeyTheFox character:ASOTIL character:Katia_Managan

Katia's_wizard_robe Safety_hat amulet_of_silence artist:MikeyTheFox character:ASOTIL character:Katia_Managan

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Rick2tails: this is adorable ! :)

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CoCoNO: Nice picture

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sHiiNe: Very cute.

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OppoQuinn: Katia and ASOTIL's lesson and trip to Kvatch is still one of the sweetest things ever, IMO.

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aedan122: @OppoQuinn: I agree!
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