Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...
5735: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:Boogeestro blind_eyes books casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan digitigrade painted_underwear reading sketch
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Boogeestro: I can do better, but someone might not mind seeing this.
Rick2tails: I only dont mind,I quite like it!
bluedraggy: Lots of Katia reading today! Scholorcat is adorable. And she can read nightwriting too. She has skills she doesn't even acknowledge. She's so much more than just a slutcat.
5736: artist:Bluedraggy character:Rajirra crossover fanfiction spy text
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bluedraggy: Starting the third (prob last) of the Spyjirra trilogy. I'm hoping it's okay to post as individual chapters because I think posting as a wall of text is intimidating. Unlike the other two, this is entirely my own plot. Only the title is scammed from Bond. If it's considered spamming the booru, I'll relent tho.
5733: Kvatch amulet_of_silence artist:Bluedraggy artist:Plague_of_Gripes character:Katia_Managan knock_off magic night painted_underwear snow telekinesis
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bluedraggy: Felt like coloring something (that could go on the Booru) so I did this old Plague art. (I don't THINK it had been colored before anyway). Telekenesis IS hard. And makes you scrunch up your face in weird and amusing ways.
APayne1776: Using telekinesis while eating warheads
SlashSeven: I was so happy when she did it. It doesn't matter that it was expected. It's just cool.
Rick2tails: this is great!
5731: adorable artist:Nicros_Man bed books braids character:Little_Katia character:katia's_mom chiaroscuro guar_plush reading
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showing 10 of 16 comments
XenoYparxi: Indeed
Rick2tails: helmet hair
SlashSeven: ow, that's kinda helmet.
XenoYparxi: Katia's mother is Asotil confirmed
Jakobqasadilla: That's the face of a woman who doesn't know what her daughter is going to grow up to be
DOOMGUY11: @Jakobqasadilla: And thinking about it is sad, but after what we seen she has hope!
5727: artist:Bluedraggy audio fanfiction
Chapter 3 ![]() |
bluedraggy: And chapter 3 of You Only Live 18 Times.
5725: DC HISHE Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Nicros_Man batman character:Katia_Managan crossover
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Nicros_Man: Katia in the Super-Cafe from HISHE
damrok4321: IM BATMAN!
Rick2tails: "and thats how I defeated Sigrid" "I`m impressed in your ingenuity Katia" "I`d have done it better..cuz I`m Batman"
Nicros_Man: The scenario would have gone like this:
SUPERMAN: So Sigrid wasn't evil after all? KATIA: Nope! Aparentely, she's just an innocent person being poison by her own charm! BATMAN: Well, that's kind of desapointing! I really thought she was going to be your arch ennemy! KATIA: I really thought of that too! I was expecting that I would get my stuff back right after I defeated Sigrid in battle and save Kvatch from her mind-controlling spell! But it turns out I was mistaken! Instead, it was an awkward conversation and she talk to me about "There-is-no-Good-or-Evil-in-this-world-none-sense"! BATMAN: Well you can tell her that she's wrong! Because we are in a world of Super Heroes and Super Villains here! SUPERMAN: Speaking of Super Villains, what scenario do you imagine it would be like if Sigrid was in the Villain Pub? BATMAN: I just imagined she would brain washed everyone! SUPERMAN: So, if Sigrid is not the villain in your story, who would you think it could be? KATIA: I don't know. BATMAN: Me, I think it will be Stephan! KATIA: What, you mean Sigrid's friend? BATMAN: Yes! Here the reasons: First, when Katia showed up, he act cold to her. Second, Rajiira might be hired by Stephan as well. Third, why would he tell Katia how to infiltrate Sigrid's guild, if she was his friend? And Fourth, he just look suspicious with that hood! KATIA: Wow! I never thought of that! BATMAN: I'm just saying! Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it! Do you know why? SUPERMAN: Katia, do not ask him why! KATIA: Why I sh... BATMAN: BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!
Haroldisgod: Dammit, the grammar and spelling errors are internally bugging me
DarthVader: I’m sorry I don’t think you’ll get this to be on their channel just like how nothing works out for me. But it’s good art nonetheless
5730: Fallout artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan crossover fire old_world_blues tears
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SlashSeven: I think toaster caused this pain on her face, so... damn that toaster.
![]() Also, nice plumpy drawing style. c:
Rick2tails: I dont think Katia and toasters go together well
APayne1776: Beware, Caesar! Beware, NCR! Soon will dawn the Age of the Toaster!
lapma: @APayne1776: Toaster is just a death ray with a smaller power supply! As soon as he figure out how to tap into the main reactors, he will burn the world!
APayne1776: @lapma: With the brains dealt with, soon we can spread our rule across the Mojave! All will eat burned toast and despair!
5720: casually_underdressed character:Naked_Atronach fire_safety magic_fire
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Rick2tails: that girl is on..er is FIRE! *sings confusedly*
5716: Blade Dwemer_ruins Katia's_adventurer_outfit artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan magic
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Haroldisgod: You know what I enjoy doing? Dropping a bunch of items so I’m not over encumbered on the ground and having my companion pick it all up because I can’t put it in a chest because it gets labeled as stolen so until I get that perk so I can sell anything to anybody, I just have to suck it
Jakobqasadilla: Do yes lick the spider web. >):^)
5734: artist:Bishop books character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece pixel_art reading wilderness
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