Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip.

3235: Long_gif_Contest Mercantile animation artist:Fuade character:Quill-Weave character:Traveling_Enchanter mercandise surreal

Long_gif_Contest Mercantile animation artist:Fuade character:Quill-Weave character:Traveling_Enchanter mercandise surreal
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Rawrunes: jesus christ

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Baz1S: 10 out of 10. That's some shit right there.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I believe a certain mad god played a hand in this.

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Toryu-Mau: 0_0; Wut?
Did Vaermina mess with Quill's dream for LoLs?

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Cloudheart: The idea of some -level monstrosity did not even occur to me. 10/10 good sir.

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protofun: Oh god. Here's the winner!

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Kazerad: @protofun: there are several winners! This one is a contender for Creative Use Of Reaources at best.

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sapphotrix: holy shit!

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TheKitsuneMage: Ok. This is just great, ok. /10

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furnut: Quill did a bad thing.

3252: artist:Todo_Deygulash character:Katia_Managan character:Traveling_Enchanter

artist:Todo_Deygulash character:Katia_Managan character:Traveling_Enchanter
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TodoDeygulash: I'm cutting it close to the deadline with my actual entries (as in, I haven't even started), but I still felt compelled to waste my time making this one as a joke.

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SoarFlyer: Actually, you still have a bunch more time left since Kazerad extended the contest period to the 28th!

Now, I wonder how much pain I will need to offer Photoshop for my next GIF...

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: @TodoDeygulash: This one is to see someone make the Evangelion reference. But also secretly to have been beaten to it.

Good GIF!

3245: Katia's_wizard_robe Long_gif_Contest animation artist:Baz1S character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Traveling_Enchanter character:bartender rude wilderness

Katia's_wizard_robe Long_gif_Contest animation artist:Baz1S character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Traveling_Enchanter character:bartender rude wilderness

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Baz1S: When your reputation got real bad. Done in paint.net (maximum suffer) and GIF Movie Gear. Candle flame made by using parts of the other flame's sprites (idk why).

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Toryu-Mau: Paper airplane batting is cool and all, but I'm not sure whether Stehngir is attempting to play lymbo or dodge the plane or is pretending to be a captive or all three at the same time? Or am I entirly misunderstanding the situation on screen and everything happening is much more sinister then I can comprehend? :?

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Baz1S: @Toryu-Mau: He is just playing limbo.

2243: Cosplay Hand_to_Hand One-Punch_Man artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan character:greater_impmaster_murderboss crossover knock_off looking_badass

Cosplay Hand_to_Hand One-Punch_Man artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan character:greater_impmaster_murderboss crossover knock_off looking_badass

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Nefel: After all, today is a special sale day

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Man_Of_Mer: Love the -3-

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Skyrim_Apprentice: Unarmed skill increased to 78 XD

2961: Kvatch_arena_armor adorable artist:OrsaTheSimurgh character:Katia_Managan ghost_shirt knock_off smiling snow text tongue

Kvatch_arena_armor adorable artist:OrsaTheSimurgh character:Katia_Managan ghost_shirt knock_off smiling snow text tongue
showing 10 of 36 comments

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Link is no longer working... I hope we didn't break it.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: No, he was taking it down today cause people were being stupid.
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mhonnie: true

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Adroma: Can we just shove Katia in at the last second for running for president? I think she'd be the best out of all of them, and can push Bethesda to force those racist Nords to let Khajiits into towns.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I think we can all say Katia won that, the other 4 at the top were ironic meme waifus, also one of my friends botted the 2nd one.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Update! It's back, now you have to log in, so bots are not a thing anymore!

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reiler12: Hahahahaha. This world is full of poor wretches who need psychiatric sessions. Well,money forever.

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notabigthreat: Well…
1) Need ≠ will buy
2) What amount of votes is cast just for the comic's popularity?
3) If I understand correctly, such line of reason relies on the currently winning entry's votes to express something around: "I declare love to the protagonist" and not "she would make a good »wife« in a fictional relation"
extra) I'm failing to imagine the hahahas as sound

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reiler12: Hm.... Ok. fetishes

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Skyrim_Apprentice: In my Elder scrolls universe,Right.Because My Nerevarine was male,Katia is the hero of Kvatch and my Dragonborn is Main antagonist.So,you're right.

2992: Kvatch_arena_armor Official_Badass Skyrim YOL_TOOR_SHUL artist:jacobc62 character:Katia_Managan crossover inconsistent_rendering magic_fire spear text

Kvatch_arena_armor Official_Badass Skyrim YOL_TOOR_SHUL artist:jacobc62 character:Katia_Managan crossover inconsistent_rendering magic_fire spear text

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jacobc62: I think being a companion of my Dragonborn character has rubbed off on Katia a little.... ^_^

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AMKitsune: Most Dragonborns need to speak 'words of power' to breath flames.
Katia needs only to hear 'puns of cat'.

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Skyrim_Apprentice: Meow-meow-hiss...
That's the three words of her Thu'um ^_^

3210: artist:unknown_victor character:Katia_Managan portrait

artist:unknown_victor character:Katia_Managan portrait

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: really cute :3

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Skyrim_Apprentice: Really love it!

3247: Kvatch_arena_armor Long_gif_Contest animation character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Traveling_Enchanter strife tears

Kvatch_arena_armor Long_gif_Contest animation character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Traveling_Enchanter strife tears

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SoarFlyer: First gif ever! It's about ~20 seconds long and has 252 frames.

Boy! Who knew Photoshop could convert pain and time into animation?

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SoarFlyer: Also, for real, we've never seen a canon example of Mr. Argonian Enchanter walking somewhere!

How can we know that he even can?!

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Triskelion: Nice transitions.

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SoarFlyer: @Triskelion:

Thanks! I hope they make up for the fact that the gif plays faster than intended on this site for some reason.

And that there are still some glaring issues that were somehow un-fixed when I put the gif parts together.

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SoarFlyer: Totally not late actual finished version: http://imgur.com/a/LF0cv

It's still sped up though, but downloading it should fix it.

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Toryu-Mau: His enchanted boot has failed him yet again!
Or did it suceed at being slippery?
Either case, hilarity was ensured. :P

3227: character:The_Creeper character:Velma_Dinkley fanfiction meme text

character:The_Creeper character:Velma_Dinkley fanfiction meme text

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Adroma: Hello Booru, it's me, the procrastinating Adroma. I decided to finish this while waiting for ESO's Shadow of the Hist update, which took an hour. Anyway, if you're not angry with me for missing my deadline, leave a suggestion for the next Velma. EX: Adroma: Quit procrastinating.

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FonkDerok: Velma: since he seems so nice, ask him if his sword is for sale. after all, I'm sure the mail recipients wouldn't hind if you traded their junk mail for a handy weapon. And it'd be an easy excuse to talk to this handsome green hunk of a man

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OppoQuinn: Velma: leave the green man and search for acceptable murder victims.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Velma: Don't you know, that orc has a nice juicy bounty on him, you should kill him and take it!
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Stankloid: >Realize you are but a figment of a dream of a sleeping godhead
>Achieve CHIM and ascend to godhood like Talos long ago
>Make it so the letters were already delivered yesterday
>Get worship of you banned by the Imperials

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Drowsy-fox: Velma: ask for his name then look through your mail to see if there is anything fore him. You never know we're you might run into someone your delivering to.

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Enheldor: Velma: Sithis won't mind as long as you yell "FOR SITHIS!" as loud as you can. This has a beneficial side effect of giving you immunity from guards.
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ammurin: Velma: Understand life, the universe, and everything.

No stabbing. Just peace.


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Adroma: I cannot do the Velmas and homework at the same time

1584: character:Katia_Managan rude text very_casually_underdressed

character:Katia_Managan rude text very_casually_underdressed

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pT-Asotil: Katia stole my box :c

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Brisknat: No that was my box!

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CaptainLackwit: *SIGH* I suppose I have to spend some time in this box.

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VashTheStampede: *Gets in box.*
Hey sexy lady...
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bibblesworth: I feel like slutcat should be added in the tags as well, she naked yo.

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tronn: Done!

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Geravind: Even in such mindless appearance ...she is pretty cute anyway =^_^=.
No, I do not feel myself feline enough to be true fan of this comic.
But she is kinda earra-sistipple.

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Bob: Cause thinking outside the box is overrated.
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ammurin: Ah, the magic of cardboard.
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