Play nicely with other mortals. For we shall not play nicely with you.

3269: Hand_to_Hand Khajiit Long_gif_Contest animation artist:Baz1S

Hand_to_Hand Khajiit Long_gif_Contest animation artist:Baz1S

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Baz1S: Here is my second entry. For people who didn't play skyrim and have no clue what's going on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M35w1wFUYtA .

3268: animation artist:StonedGrape candle character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology painted_underwear wordplay

animation artist:StonedGrape candle character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology painted_underwear wordplay

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StonedGrape: Katia riding the Bartender's rocket... yep

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612: Athletics Katia:_Take_Control Kvatch_arena_armor accidents_happen acrobatics angry artist:Riess blood_from_the_eyes character:Katia_Managan that_damn_stone_fence

Athletics Katia:_Take_Control Kvatch_arena_armor accidents_happen acrobatics angry artist:Riess blood_from_the_eyes character:Katia_Managan that_damn_stone_fence
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BOBtheROSS: very solid style, I like it

3266: animation wilderness

animation wilderness

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fate109: This is with photoshop set to "No Delay" or 0 seconds.


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fate109: BTW this is only about 50 frames.

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AMKitsune: The "No Delay" option is pretty much useless. It leaves how the animation is played up to the player in question. For firefox, it plays these frames at a 'firefox defined default speed' (if you're using firefox right now, that's the speed you'll be seeing). My desktop image viewer (Irfanview) happens to interpret the gif differently and play it super quickly.

For smooth movements, you really want frame durations of 0.04 seconds or less while not using the "No Delay" option. (of course, you could use higher durations if you wanted, it's purely down to personal taste)

To give you an example, I took your 'slow' gif and changed the durations of the frames to 0.03 seconds each.

Much smoother (I hope that's how it appears for you anyway...)
This basically forces your image viewer to display the animation at the rate you specified and not to use it's own.

I also lowered the number of indexed colours used when exporting the gif which, for pixely images like this, can be a great way of reducing the file size without loosing detail. You'll find the options for that when exporting your gifs through the 'save for web' menu.
(your original was 2.73mb while this newly optimised version is only 779kb.)

3261: adorable artist:Cider character:Katia_Managan cleavage crossover painted_underwear teeth very_casually_underdressed

adorable artist:Cider character:Katia_Managan cleavage crossover painted_underwear teeth very_casually_underdressed

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Toryu-Mau: Hmm... tag says crossover.
No idea what it could be.
Anyone else have ideas?

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Isn't this adorable! Great stuff as always.
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Stankloid: It's Meow's hat from Space Dandy, I believe.

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CaptainLackwit: Hey, it's Cider again.

3253: Blade Long_gif_Contest animation character:Quill-Weave wilderness

Blade Long_gif_Contest animation character:Quill-Weave wilderness
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Megamaxmax: Updated version. Original was too short, didn't have all my layers when I started it back up so just restarted completely. Did a much better job if I do say so myself.
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Riddle78: DOUBLE!

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Fallingfeather: well i wasnt expecting THAT. (Super well done though! I love how all of the pins just sloooowly fall)

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Sofox: That was fantastically done!

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Cloudheart: Strike. Nice play on words. XD

3260: character:Rajirra frowning modern_clothing

character:Rajirra frowning modern_clothing

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Toryu-Mau: Oooh, getting a real Jazzy vive from this one.
Been saving up to dump a bunch of awsome on us, eh? ;]

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OppoQuinn: The tag says Katia, but the hair says Rajirra.

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tronn: Pfft what do you mean all Khajiit look the same?

3053: Blade Official_Badass artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro fire looking_badass magic

Blade Official_Badass artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro fire looking_badass magic

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Radian: I'm not done yet, MHAHAHAHAH! Here is demonic badass Katia, ready to reap your soul. Now I'm done...
This technique almost opposite to Makkon's one but I find it much more enjoyable.
Also I can post hi res so you can see how much messy this actually is.

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Geravind: Khajiit is sure -- this creature escaped from Diablo universe.
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AzuajeM79: God Of Cats
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Ye, there is Katia as Bastet stuff...

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Bhoren: This is truly impressive !
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ammurin: is it... a Balor?

3254: Kvatch_arena_armor Long_gif_Contest animation casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Traveling_Enchanter painted_underwear surreal very_casually_underdressed

Kvatch_arena_armor Long_gif_Contest animation casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Traveling_Enchanter painted_underwear surreal very_casually_underdressed

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Fallingfeather: Apologies for the incredibly shoddy quality. It was literally the only way I could get this 26 second monster under the 3.5 MB limit, lol.
Anyway, have some magical cloning shenanigans.

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Enheldor: What does the chest say? Also, really clever how you did the time passing texts.

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PermanentFace: This is a fantastic idea. It's a shame about the quality of the upload, but it's the best concept for a 'long gif' I've seen so far.

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Toryu-Mau: ... Yeah... Absconding the heck out of there is a wise choice. <-- O~ O; .
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forestOverlord: I really like the glitchy texture to be honest. Great animation.
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forestOverlord: Man, I've been staring at this for ages. It's a really nice animation to watch and it's also really cool to see how all those artefacts double up to reduce to file size.

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Fallingfeather: @Enheldor The chest says "Teammates" XD All the text is just rearranged version of the magetallow candles 25 ct sign, so it was difficult to find a word that implies "there are people in this box". XD

And thank you all for the compliments! I'll probably end up uploading the normal, higher quality gif elsewhere. (I am very new to this site though- does anyone know if linking to other images is allowed?)

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furnut: This is a very efficient and cheap way to start your own army.

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Enheldor: @Fallingfeather: Kazerad said something on the contest's comments section.

2194: Khajiit Safety_hat amulet_of_silence artist:AzuajeM79 character:ASOTIL character:Katia_Managan knock_off sketch

Khajiit Safety_hat amulet_of_silence artist:AzuajeM79 character:ASOTIL character:Katia_Managan knock_off sketch

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: It's... Majestical! (they sook slightly off though :p)

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aedan122: nice contour
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Sly_Lass: Justice. Justice everywhere.

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Asotil: I love the smell of Justice in the morning.
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fmmch: True justice is that lightly beacon of light in a world of prejudice and disorder where not even the innocent are safe.
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