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3391: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic artist:Ilita character:Katia_Managan snow text
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showing 10 of 16 comments
RoninSmall: Я иногда думаю, что англоговорящих соседей мне самую малость подзаебали, когда стали спокойно общаться на своем наречии в комментах, а потом уже и постить пикчи в таком формате
"АААААА, они опять говорят на русском ниче не понимаю АААААА"
Geravind: @RoninSmall: В таком случае для них: "используй хотя б гугыль-транслят, будь межиком, б..!" -- в 60% случаев смысла они так и не поймут, но орнут с его перлов нормально (люблю этот генератор анекдотов).
@Ilita: Девушка? *театрально поочерёдно выпускает коготки*
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Streetwind: Could any of you translate the speech bubbles for those of us not fluent in Klingo--*cough*cough* cyrillic script? ;)
protofun: @Streetwind: Hat: Standing for a year!
1st bubble:You standing here for a year now. 2nd bubble:Maybe you will try to do something already? Sorry for bad english btw
RoninSmall: @Geravind:
Понимаешь, иногда мое наречие, полное диалектизмов и прочих мутировавших в моей ленивой челюсти слов, переводить ну никак нельзя. Там процент понимания падает до плинтуса, а перлы похожи на заклятия Зато если перевести любую речь на сомалийский, то можно сочинить охрененный гангста реп
PermanentFace: But seriously, where did all these Russians come from?
Geravind: @PermanentFace: You're pretty naive to think, that any russian-speaker is Russian, and that they "came from" just recently.
3375: artist:Kazerad blushing books character:Quill-Weave impure_thoughts monochrome sketch
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Vidiotdragon: fin boners?
Toryu-Mau: Wait, is that a copy of "Daedravia : Xivilies - Literally On Fire"?
That stuff is too hardcore for mortals!
Filthypaladin: illicit Akaviri yuri...
3275: Kvatch_arena_armor Long_gif_Contest animation character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Traveling_Enchanter
3385: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow character:Katia_Managan error_404 inconsistent_rendering internet monochrome text
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PermanentFace: Is this fansnark? I'm afraid I don't get it.
3384: adorable artist:korblborp braids character:Little_Katia character:nightmare_king fear monochrome sketch
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Vidiotdragon: spoopy
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BadReligion: It's me trying to flee from responsibilities of adulthood.
3378: 4chan anachronism character:Little_Katia text
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Toryu-Mau: Hmmm... How does one get cavity on fangs?
Most perplexing... . Ah ha! I got it! It's the chocolate cake! Those wood elves know what they are talking about when they say grains are bad juju.
davben: Oh hey someone uploaded my drawing, that's pretty nice of you!
I didn't know where the hell to put the tail. So I guess it's magically going through the chair? ![]() |
3382: Wartorn armor_design artist:unknown_victor character:Katia_Managan firearms
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showing 10 of 11 comments
Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Nice choice of weaponry there, since it's modern days, that's probably a GSG StG 44 .22lr replica
unknown_victor: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Thanks, but it's based off a comic set just after ww2, in an alternate timeline of course.
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Riddle78: I was instantly reminded of Fallout 4; That gun has more than a passing resemblance to a Radium Rifle,and her outfit looks like a Science Scribe's Uniform.
Still,though. I fucking dig it!
Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Still, nice work, Victor!
Toryu-Mau: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Huh, it kind of looks like somebody took a STEN and tried to turn the assembly sideways and fit it with a Kalashnikov magazine feed.
Looks like it's got more production value then STEN, though I doubt it's anymore reliable. But then again, utility at cheaper cost is usually the draw for these types of firearm, so a little sacrifice in reliability is to be expected I guess.
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Riddle78: @Toryu-Mau: It's apparently using a gas-delayed blowback system,which means that the gun's relatively simple in action. It's literally just a couple of linked tubes,on top of the required receiver and firing mechanism. I'd imagine it'd be extremely reliable. Though,it's short enough to slip under a duster without issue,if you don't load a magazine... The thing's somewhere between carbine and SMG.
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SomethingAfwl: Isnt that just a StG 44
unknown_victor: @Toryu-Mau: @Riddle78: @SomethingAfwl: ASW was right the first time, though not 100% accurate it is supposed to be a GSG StG 44 .22lr, like I said, fitting with the comics timezone.
3389: Blade artist:Damn_Lasso_Tool casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan confusion merchandise
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(And hope that potions aren't made with alcoholic bases, like in The Witcher... :P)
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