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3247: Kvatch_arena_armor Long_gif_Contest animation character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Traveling_Enchanter strife tears

Kvatch_arena_armor Long_gif_Contest animation character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Traveling_Enchanter strife tears

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SoarFlyer: First gif ever! It's about ~20 seconds long and has 252 frames.

Boy! Who knew Photoshop could convert pain and time into animation?

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SoarFlyer: Also, for real, we've never seen a canon example of Mr. Argonian Enchanter walking somewhere!

How can we know that he even can?!

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Triskelion: Nice transitions.

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SoarFlyer: @Triskelion:

Thanks! I hope they make up for the fact that the gif plays faster than intended on this site for some reason.

And that there are still some glaring issues that were somehow un-fixed when I put the gif parts together.

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SoarFlyer: Totally not late actual finished version: http://imgur.com/a/LF0cv

It's still sped up though, but downloading it should fix it.

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Toryu-Mau: His enchanted boot has failed him yet again!
Or did it suceed at being slippery?
Either case, hilarity was ensured. :P

3227: character:The_Creeper character:Velma_Dinkley fanfiction meme text

character:The_Creeper character:Velma_Dinkley fanfiction meme text

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Adroma: Hello Booru, it's me, the procrastinating Adroma. I decided to finish this while waiting for ESO's Shadow of the Hist update, which took an hour. Anyway, if you're not angry with me for missing my deadline, leave a suggestion for the next Velma. EX: Adroma: Quit procrastinating.

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FonkDerok: Velma: since he seems so nice, ask him if his sword is for sale. after all, I'm sure the mail recipients wouldn't hind if you traded their junk mail for a handy weapon. And it'd be an easy excuse to talk to this handsome green hunk of a man

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OppoQuinn: Velma: leave the green man and search for acceptable murder victims.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Velma: Don't you know, that orc has a nice juicy bounty on him, you should kill him and take it!
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Stankloid: >Realize you are but a figment of a dream of a sleeping godhead
>Achieve CHIM and ascend to godhood like Talos long ago
>Make it so the letters were already delivered yesterday
>Get worship of you banned by the Imperials

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Drowsy-fox: Velma: ask for his name then look through your mail to see if there is anything fore him. You never know we're you might run into someone your delivering to.

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Enheldor: Velma: Sithis won't mind as long as you yell "FOR SITHIS!" as loud as you can. This has a beneficial side effect of giving you immunity from guards.
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ammurin: Velma: Understand life, the universe, and everything.

No stabbing. Just peace.


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Adroma: I cannot do the Velmas and homework at the same time

1584: character:Katia_Managan rude text very_casually_underdressed

character:Katia_Managan rude text very_casually_underdressed

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pT-Asotil: Katia stole my box :c

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Brisknat: No that was my box!

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CaptainLackwit: *SIGH* I suppose I have to spend some time in this box.

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VashTheStampede: *Gets in box.*
Hey sexy lady...
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bibblesworth: I feel like slutcat should be added in the tags as well, she naked yo.

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tronn: Done!

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Geravind: Even in such mindless appearance ...she is pretty cute anyway =^_^=.
No, I do not feel myself feline enough to be true fan of this comic.
But she is kinda earra-sistipple.

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Bob: Cause thinking outside the box is overrated.
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ammurin: Ah, the magic of cardboard.

3242: Blunt Katia's_wizard_robe Long_gif_Contest Sneak animation character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Traveling_Enchanter dungeons loot surreal

Blunt Katia's_wizard_robe Long_gif_Contest Sneak animation character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Traveling_Enchanter dungeons loot surreal

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Soraptor: My offering to Kazerad. I have never animated anything in my life, but that ain't gonna stop me.

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Unidentified_BA: haha, the bowling pin splitting is great. good work!

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Soraptor: @Unidentified_BA: Thanks, after I saw those assets, I knew I had to do something with them.

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Toryu-Mau: This makes me wonder if it counts as a homerun if a baseball brakes in half? If he manages to strike a bowling ball flying too, he may have found a less self destructive career for himself in sports just now.

3244: Long_gif_Contest animation character:Quill-Weave character:Rajirra character:bartender firearms khajiit_racism wilderness

Long_gif_Contest animation character:Quill-Weave character:Rajirra character:bartender firearms khajiit_racism wilderness

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: A retelling of that one story Kazerad linked to
The part with the servant was cut due to time constraints.
Also some of the lions were cut too. But if anyone asks 10 is also a binary number.

53: adorable artist:AMKitsune artist:Briskby character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro fog lantern wallpaper

adorable artist:AMKitsune artist:Briskby character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro fog lantern wallpaper

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woundedkneecap: removed me as artist.

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Kazerad: @woundedkneecap: Whoops, that was supposed to be AMKitsune and BRiskby. Thanks.

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Geravind: Ah-hah! Exactly that feeling, when colleagues from neighboring department have not organized customer services on their part yet.

3241: animation character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid tagme text

animation character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid tagme text

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James: I don't know how I managed to screw up a paint gif.

That's like breaking a Nokia Brick.

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PermanentFace: Katia's clearly kicking Sigrid's face, not her stomach. That simply won't do.

3240: Blade Katia's_wizard_robe casually_underdressed character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Katia_Managan dungeons loot

Blade Katia's_wizard_robe casually_underdressed character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Katia_Managan dungeons loot

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rarborman: Just a little thing I shambled together while making my animation, for funzies.

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Why does the Orc have kitty foot paws?

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rarborman: I just shoved some legs on him.

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OppoQuinn: He even stole Katia's feet. That monster.

3238: Horse_Physics Long_gif_Contest animation artist:JJR character:Traveling_Enchanter metaphorical_equine wilderness

Horse_Physics Long_gif_Contest animation artist:JJR character:Traveling_Enchanter metaphorical_equine wilderness

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Toryu-Mau: Hmmm... would this count as a conjuration? :?

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Kazerad: @Toryu-Mau: I feel like alteration?

(creative usage of the rocks from the lava background, by the way, though I think that entire map made from scaled down limbs is about as far as I'll let people push this)

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: @Kazerad: The markings on the map are scaled down limbs, the parchment is the side of the candle box.

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: @Toryu-Mau: @Kazerad:
Conjuration for the idea candle, then Mysticism to turn it into a real candle.

And the horsing around is alteration. In theory it could have been Illusion, but when I made it it was with the idea he is actually changing himself as shown. It seems to have more impact that way. If that makes sense?

3236: Kvatch_arena_armor Long_gif_Contest Oblivion animation artist:sapphotrix character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave surreal telekinesis very_casually_underdressed wilderness

Kvatch_arena_armor Long_gif_Contest Oblivion animation artist:sapphotrix character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave surreal telekinesis very_casually_underdressed wilderness

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sapphotrix: my second entry! took a stab at the 'creative' thing. katia thinks quill weave is looking a lil different today. did she get a new haircut???

(for those who may wonder about the slightly different assets, i got the weird eyes by just putting two empty halves of qw's eyes together, i got the eyebrows from one of the legs or arms, and i mashed a few of katias faces together to get the ears like that for every face. and, uh, those spirals are made of tails.)

(oh, and i just copy pasted the bottoms of the backgrounds so they'd be longer)
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chessaficionado: The way it glitches up in the end is unnerving and I like it

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Nyflex: You're really talented! Why your entries are so funny and lovely?!

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Toryu-Mau: Machete Kills. Enuff Said.

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sapphotrix: ahh thank you so much!

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damrok4321: What program you guys using to do this animations?

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sapphotrix: @damrok4321: well, i'm using a definitely 100% for sure legit copy of photoshop cs6. simple sprite stuff like this is fairly easy since most of the movements are little jitters of pre-existing assets. i have no idea how to edit the sprites beyond just moving them around (rotation, resizing, flipping, ect) without it affecting ALL frames, and the only solution i've found is to make a billion layers. there might be some way, but i have no idea. there's a LOT of stuff you can do in photoshop.

flash is another potential option. homestuck is animated in flash, and the proper animation tools like keyframes and onion skins and shit are nice. but i've never used it for sprite animations, so i dunno. plus, like photoshop, you have to pay for it (and its EXPENSIVE) unless you're a pirate.

kazerad uses graphicsgale, which is free! (or, at least, he did two years ago when i emailed him to ask.) although, he said prequel pushes its limits. but, again, its free!

and gimp exists! and is also free!

but don't subject yourself to that kind of torture.

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damrok4321: @sapphotrix: Uh thanks... I will remember. Maybe someday I'll do my own animation ^^
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