Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip.

3523: Katia:_Extrapolate Kvatch_arena_armor artist:_Verskon character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece magic merchandise snow streets_of_Kvatch telekinesis telekinetic_shield

Katia:_Extrapolate Kvatch_arena_armor artist:_Verskon character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece magic merchandise snow streets_of_Kvatch telekinesis telekinetic_shield
showing 10 of 12 comments

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Kazerad: Unquestioningly set as featured image due to that lovely composition and Actually Having A Background.

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XenoYparxi: The legs are so short

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sHiiNe: This is a really great picture, i love it.

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bluedraggy: Long cat is looooong. But really, it's SUCH a great picture esp. at Christmas that who really gives a care?

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Verskon: @XenoYparxi: Huh, now that you mention it, her legs are short compared to her entire body, a small but important fact that I unfortunately missed out on. :P

@Kazerad: HOLY SHIT, I HAVE BEEN NOTICED BY SENPAI, I am so proud! Also I only just found out about your amazing comic/story Prequel about a few days ago and binged through it! Now that it is on Hiatus, I decided to visit your amazing community!

@bluedraggy: Such a coincidence that I only discovered Prequel around the time of Christmas and the scene with Aggy was done is snow as well! xD

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Hell, this is pretty good! Excellent work, Verskon.

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furnut: thats the most amazing background ever :D

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Beardless_wisard: I've always wondered about the two knocks on catsluts face. What's with them also why are they only on one pics/gifs ?

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Beardless_wisard: Some I mean

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Verskon: @Beardless_wisard: I think it has more to do with Kazerad's artstyle, like in certain situations Katia is less detailed and more cartoonish, but in other more serious close ups she's more detailed and has those knocks I guess.

3619: Khajiit character:your_weird_OC lined_paper_club monochrome sketch

Khajiit character:your_weird_OC lined_paper_club monochrome sketch

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Catcha: Just an O.C. I created with the prequel art style

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ThrackerzodTheNormalPony: Ok.

3607: Blunt artist:Kazerad casually_underdressed character:Rajirra food

Blunt artist:Kazerad casually_underdressed character:Rajirra food

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Bluedragon: Just pointing out that if you look carefully you can also see a sledgehammer and a watermelon. They're craftily hidden, but they are there if you look hard enough.

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Enheldor: @Bluedragon: Wait, there's a sledgehammer and a watermelon? Must be well hidden, I can't see anything in this... image.

3618: artist:Bluedragon artist:Kazerad character:Weedum-Ja hist_glands musicality obscurity questionable very_casually_underdressed

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furnut: This is relevant to my interests as well...

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bluedraggy: Hey, I just realized that her chest pattern is shaped exactly like Evil Quill Weave's outfit neckline! Well... similar anyway.

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FonkDerok: not enough weedum-ja

3616: Katia's_wizard_robe amulet_of_silence artist:damrok4321 cake character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave eating redraw sketch smiling

Katia's_wizard_robe amulet_of_silence artist:damrok4321 cake character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave eating redraw sketch smiling

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damrok4321: I'm beginner of drawing and i just drawn one of the most adorable moments in this comic. Also i don't know why it's rotated. On my computer its horizontally.

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AlexBlackRaven: "GODDAMIT THIS CAKE TASTES SO GOOD". It's a good art. Well done.

3602: artist:Kazerad character:Quill-Weave monochrome rain sad sketch tears

artist:Kazerad character:Quill-Weave monochrome rain sad sketch tears

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Rinrhajii: WHY IS THIS SO HIGH RES??? Like, I can see the graining on the paper and I'm like ??? Who the hell took this picture?? Fucking NASA??? Who's just OUT THERE with this 10 kagillion (totally a real number, look it up) mega-pixel camera taking pictures of sad lizards???

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Bluedragon: If someone else doesn't color this, I sure as hell will!

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Gray: The camera used to take this was made in 1999.

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Gray: Bluedragon, here's AMK's color of the screenshot of the livestream: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/3524

I dare you to do better, now you have a high-res scan. :D

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Gray: The commission: "How about sad Quill, in the rain in her wedding dress? It's always what I imagine happening right before the 'Take control of the situation' side comic."

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Kazerad: Part of me wants to reduce the resolution, but part of me is just awestruck that this resolution could be achieved. This photo has more DPI than real life.

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Bluedragon: Thanks Gray! Na, I wouldn't come close to AMK's work. Amazing he was able to do that just from the screenshot! No, that'll do just fine.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: When was this streaaaaaam?

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Mezhik: @Gray: Amazing!
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BadReligion: Original is even sadder (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Take her from this rain and bring Katia or some Ale, please (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

3600: character:Katia_Managan fire inconsistent_rendering misuse_of_tail questionable

showing 10 of 15 comments
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MetalC0Mmander: @Kazerad: Sometime I wonder what do alt-right people that aren't completly racist are actually trying to fight for with that mouvement though.

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Kazerad: @MetalC0Mmander: You can ask them! Actual people who take that position can probably answer questions about why they did so better than those looking from the outside.

My personal perception is that they're kind of like the Stormcloaks from Skyrim, where they don't see themselves as racist, just as having very strong feelings about Skyrim belonging to the Nords. While places heavily under their control do have serious racism problems, they take a live-and-let-live attitude about the other races when they keep to their own own lands (even though their closest neighbor has some serious problems and a lot of refugees with nowhere else to go). They think globalism is exploiting their country to benefit causes and people they don't care about, so they rally behind a charismatic leader who wants to pursue isolationism and fight foreign control, and who may or may not be a Thalmor plant.
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MetalC0Mmander: @MetalC0Mmander: I guess they are trying to talk about the right wing values that can be acceptable in an inteligent maner and are getting associated or are associating themselves with that group. Although I will say that if the right wants to be heard more then they should be denouncing that group harder than they doing right now.
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MetalC0Mmander: @Kazerad: Oh god no. I'm not asking them why they are indentifying with that mouvement. I feel like I'm going to break my computer in frustration if I try to is I have to listen to too many of the real scumbags.

As for the comparaison to Skyrim, I feel that's more populism than outright alt-right. But that's how I see it.

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Kazerad: @MetalC0Mmander: I think they're instead banking on the assumption that their opponents will attack so many people and accuse them of being right-wing/nazis/whatever that they'll get a steady influx of supporters either way. Denouncing any of their supporters would just be a loss.

I mean, let's be honest: a lot of people probably sided with the Stormcloaks in Skyrim solely because the Imperials tried to execute you. I think most players wish Ulfric would do more about the racism in Windhelm, but have a much bigger problem with the Imperials and their guilt-by-association attitude - as your first few encounters with the Imperials are them making an example out of mostly-innocent people who unintentionally aided (or in your case, may have aided) the Stormcloaks. It's hard to take their side and feel like the hero, even if careful consideration probaby paints them as the better faction.

@MetalC0Mmander: I think it extends a bit further than pure populism! The views on isolationism, attitude toward racism, and even views on things like religion (stigmatization of Christianity vs stigmatization of Talos worship) are all very strong parallels to modern alt-right views. Even if we personally view them as different from the Stormcloaks, they see themselvesas having almost the same views, for the same reasons. It's a good lens by which to understand them.

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Rick2tails: I`ll try to refrain from any political commentary here if its upsetting. I`ll just sum up I hold the alt right in a pretty low light and leave it at that and refrain from any further commentery.

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Kazerad: @Rick2tails: I wouldn't say "upsetting"; I try to let political talk fly for the most part.

The alt-right/nazi thing just scares me because I can see the tactic at play, and people are falling for it. Two years from now people will be confused where all the new card-carrying neo-nazis came from, not realizing it was the effect their stigmas were designed to elicit.

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Skoon: I've been accused of being an alt right by sjw's pretty often.

I'm not, I just have a grip on reality. Both negative and positive.
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BadReligion: Big drama, made by a single picture...

...you are an artist backup.
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backup4now: @BadReligion: Am I?

3591: artist:_lockerobster booze character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave elsweyr_handshake meowing misuse_of_tail monochrome

artist:_lockerobster booze character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave elsweyr_handshake meowing misuse_of_tail monochrome

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lockerobster: Katia teasing the Lizard.

This is the second of 4 old sketches I found recently and scanned in.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Cute.

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Rick2tails: ok thats down right mean if you wont follow through

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3524: artist:AMKitsune artist:Kazerad character:Quill-Weave rain sad tears

artist:AMKitsune artist:Kazerad character:Quill-Weave rain sad tears
showing 10 of 19 comments

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Gren: No more cake

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AMKitsune: I just noticed that I did a shit job when adjusting the perspective of the image. It was far too tall. This should be better now.

@Baz1S: You're absolutely right! (There are so few in-comic shots of QW's chest colouration, it's easy to forget it all together sometimes XD)

@MetalC0Mmander: No idea. I'd say ask Kazerad, but there's a good chance that he was drunk at the time of drawing, so he might not even remember. It's a mystery!

@furnut: Many thanks :D. Can lizards really cry tears of sadness? If not, just put them outside in the rain for a bit to achieve a similar looking result.

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Geravind: Khajiit feels, that she's looking at something, she wanted all her life, but could never possess.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: This sorta looks like the sequel to that one where Weedum-Ja won as prom queen.

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Adroma: The sad, sad argonian maid

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I hear this quietly playing in the background for some reason.

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XLINE: small boobs

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AMKitsune: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: You're absolutley right! That may well have been where the original for this was inspired by.

@XLINE: Wow, rude! For a lizard, the very fact that she even has boobs counts as being impressivly endowed.
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BadReligion: @XLINE:
Actually I prefer small than bullshit here: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/3518

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Gray: The original commission: "How about sad Quill, in the rain in her wedding dress? It's always what I imagine happening right before the 'Take control of the situation' side comic."

3546: fansnark text

fansnark text
showing 10 of 12 comments

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Nyflex: I will find you and I will click you.

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Baz1S: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu:

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Baz1S: You missed "$$60,000,000,000 double dollars" reference.

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compaqness: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Love & peace '<' !

thanks for that, haven't thought about this show in forever :p

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Baz1S: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I'm not a wEEb so not a big deal.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Baz1S: You don't have to be a wEEb to watch anime, its just entertainment :p, who cares what country it came from?

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fastolaf: the update can not escape The Law

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Makkon: For every cheeky meme post about the update, it gets delayed another month

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Toryu-Mau: At this rate, the snark will travel all the way back to prohibition era and we shall witness truckloads of bootleg Khajiit comics pulled straight outta Mississippi.
(Those who got the reference gets a Wonk) >);^]

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Toryu-Mau: Well, as some one who lives in that shit hole, I do.
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