Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions.

6688: Saturalia artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave cookies khajiit_racism milk presents

Saturalia artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave cookies khajiit_racism milk presents

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damrok4321: Merry Christmas everyone! finally brought my self to draw something. So here's Katia diving into a big present box and quill with milk and cookies. Yup I'm still terrible at light and perspective

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semiafro007: Merry christmas

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KuroNeko: There's no present in the box, the box is the present. Khajiits love big empty boxes.

I like this a lot, it feels all warm and happy

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Dominik: This looks cool and comfy

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Zargothrax: At first I thought Katia is the gift, but considering cat's affiliation with empty boxes, she probably received the best gift one could think of. And yeah, this is a very nice drawing, has a pretty cozy feeling to it.

6681: artist:Tabby_Catface character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing monochrome text

artist:Tabby_Catface character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing monochrome text

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KuroNeko: Katia: "That suit allows for maximum mobility. Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!"
Quill: *Heavy breathing*

Nice snowboarding Kat, I love the glasses.

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Tabby_Catface: @KuroNeko: thank you, dude

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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface: у нас в Сибири много(дофига) мест для сноубординга ,но сноуборда нет ,был когда то ,классная нарисована Катия

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Tabby_Catface: @Whistle: Приятно, спасибо :D

Я бы на твоём месте не стал упускать возможность покататься на сноуборде. В принципе, если доска и инструменты есть, можно и самому попробовать скрафтить

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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface: Моих знаний может ремесленника будут достаточна чтобы найти доску и обработать и покрыть ее чем нибуть ,но нету подходящих орудий труда ):

6680: Colored Quill-Weave's_bed Quill-Weave's_bedroom actual_underwear argonian artist:Bluedraggy artist:Kazerad casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave knock_off saturalia_dreams

Colored Quill-Weave's_bed Quill-Weave's_bedroom actual_underwear argonian artist:Bluedraggy artist:Kazerad casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave knock_off saturalia_dreams
showing 10 of 12 comments

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Rick2tails: beautiful!

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Skoon: Very nicely done!

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semiafro007: she died

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KuroNeko: Quill sleep so gracefully it's amazing.
Nice work with the color bluedraggy

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Jahirr: Hey, maybe this is a dumb question, but where did you get this 1067x537 res version? Did you blow up the original?

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bluedraggy: I usually do upscale them, but this actually came to me at this size from someone. Not sure where he got it from but I thought it was just a screen cap.

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Ontirus: The moment I saw the color-in, I knew it was bluedraggy. Good work as always

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Vidiotdragon: I have a hard time figuring out the sled's hitbox...

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bluedraggy: Thanks Ontirus! And me too Vidiotdragon. I still haven't successfully completed Stage 2. But let me take this opportunity to apologize for my sins. After coloring this it was too, too easy to go a bit further and remove more articles of clothing. The result was used on /trash/ to considerably more explicit effect. I like QW! In my naivete I didn't see the obvious ramifications of what could be done with that. I have regrets. And QW won't speak to me anymore.

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KuroNeko: @bluedraggy: I was wondering when this pose would be used in porn since the first time I saw it. You don't have to blame yourself, it was unfortunately inevitable.

75: Quill-Weave's_bed Quill-Weave's_bedroom amulet_of_silence artist:Pseudonymous bed bedsheet character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave drunk fear horn_and_drunky monochrome pineapple seduction sexual_tension sketch sleep-over stranger_danger text

Quill-Weave's_bed Quill-Weave's_bedroom amulet_of_silence artist:Pseudonymous bed bedsheet character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave drunk fear horn_and_drunky monochrome pineapple seduction sexual_tension sketch sleep-over stranger_danger text

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VashTheStampede: Huehuehuehue
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BadReligion: What will we do with a drunken Katia?
What will we do with a drunken Katia?
What will we do with a drunken Katia?

Early in the mornin'! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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KuroNeko: I love the sheer terror on Quill's face

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bluedraggy: No kidding, I still reference this ALL the time. "Maaaybe~"

6690: Saturalia accidents_happen artist:Whistle booze character:Katia_Managan drunk knock_off text very_casually_underdressed

Saturalia accidents_happen artist:Whistle booze character:Katia_Managan drunk knock_off text very_casually_underdressed

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Whistle: I think everything up well if the kitty some drinks (((:

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Whistle: (no)

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Tabby_Catface: Damn, your English is so broken, but the kitty is pretty >3>

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damrok4321: no katia, bad. Put some clothes on or you will catch a cold. Nice art btw, keep it up.

6689: Saturalia accidents_happen artist:Whistle booze character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text very_casually_underdressed

Saturalia accidents_happen artist:Whistle booze character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text very_casually_underdressed

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Whistle: if those who do not understand (some wine, it'sss not bad forrr mee)

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KuroNeko: Yes it's bad for you, you dumb cat, so bad that it made you chest fell off.

6686: argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave monochrome slaughterfish very_casually_underdressed

argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave monochrome slaughterfish very_casually_underdressed

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Slaughterfishes are a real pain in the ass

When I first read Prequel, I had never played an elder scrolls game and I thought slaughterfishes' name was dumb and unimaginative, then I played oblivion. I don't think their name is dumb anymore.

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Zargothrax: Oof. She must have some pain tolerance to be able to sit after that. Well at least in Oblivion you could attack underwater, not like in Skyrim.
Also, nice splashing effects. I'll need to attempt to draw some for one of my half finished drawings, I figure it won't be easy.

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semiafro007: I love how Quill has taken revenge. One question Kuro, how do you put images in the coments?

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semiafro007: @Tabby_Catface:
Thanks bro

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: Thick scales help with not feeling too much pain I guess.
Not being able to attack underwater in Skyrim is dumb, what is the point of puting ennemies there if you can't defend yourself.
Good luck with your drawing, water effects are always a pain to draw.

@semiafro007: To put image in a coment, you first need to upload it to an image hosting website like imgur, then you take the direct link to the image and put it between [img] and [/img] now your image will appears in your coment.

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semiafro007: @KuroNeko: Thank you dude

6684: Colored adorable angry argonian artist:TroanDox character:Quill-Weave tears

Colored adorable angry argonian artist:TroanDox character:Quill-Weave tears

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KuroNeko: I'm torn, on one hand this is cute and I want to do the same but on the other, don't bully the lizard girl
Nice art by the way.

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Dominik: I wonder how many people would do that

6683: Khajiit Saturalia angry artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan character:bartender stranger_danger

Khajiit Saturalia angry artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan character:bartender stranger_danger

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KuroNeko: Aww look how happy he is, he's beaming with christmas cheer.

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Dominik: Something tells me that he is about to explode with christmas magic and pure happines

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lapma: I wasn't expecting that fur collar, but it is cute non the less.

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semiafro007: I can feel the angriness

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Tabby_Catface: Perhaps, Katia just wasn't sure about what supposed to be decorated on Christmas.
Why, Bartender looks gorgeous in this stuff!

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Tabby_Catface: this decor fits him even better than a Christmas tree
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GrizzlyBear: Bah humbug

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Rick2tails: the bartender always looks gorgeous to me .I`m assuming hes upset by lack of boundaries Katia is showing though

6682: Saturalia character:ASOTIL character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Rajirra character:bartender group_photo pineapple snow

Saturalia character:ASOTIL character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Rajirra character:bartender group_photo pineapple snow

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Dominik: Merry Christmas everyone

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semiafro007: Mery christmas Dominik

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KuroNeko: Merry christmas
It's nice to see that everyone could come together to put up the tree.

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lapma: Nice to see you again

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Tabby_Catface: Wishing Merry Christmas to everyone who sees this great post)

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Rick2tails: this is cute. merry xbox everyone!
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