Deleted images are cast into Oblivion along with their creators.

6709: character:Quill-Weave dreams games monochrome saturalia_dreams text

character:Quill-Weave dreams games monochrome saturalia_dreams text
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kaas298: I reached the end of the level the moment I died. I sat there for a second on the game over screen then this poped up over it.

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Tabby_Catface: Nice work, Kaz

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Tabby_Catface: Nice wallpapers, kaas298 ^^

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Vidiotdragon: Joining the Canadian WHAT? WHAT ARE YOU PLOTTING UP THERE!?
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Urglenurf__: Your Prequel shortcut is basically in the same screen position mine is.

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damrok4321: @Urglenurf__: coincidence? i think not!

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PermanentFace: Bold of you to expose your bookmark bar like this.

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FriendOfFennecs: Huh. Looks like you somehow got the level selection on top of the game over screen.

Seeking of game overs, would you mind telling me how you got past level 6? I always get killed by the two parallel balloon-walls.

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FriendOfFennecs: @FriendOfFennecs: Never mind the second part. Figured it out.

6711: Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan

Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan

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Rick2tails: it looks cozy there

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Kazerad: @Rick2tails: It's the frost on the window. That 1% of the image makes the other 99% cozier by comparison.

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AMKitsune: @Kazerad: Hmm, a fair theory, but have you considered the uniquely warm glow inside the fireplace, and how it contrasts against the rooms lesser lit areas?

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Rick2tails: @kazerad and @ AMKitsune. you both bring up good points but for me seeing Katia in there makes it cozy to me ^_~

6710: Katia's_wizard_robe animation artist:Pugo character:Katia_Managan pixel_art

Katia's_wizard_robe animation artist:Pugo character:Katia_Managan pixel_art

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Pugo: this one took 900 years i swear

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Rick2tails: probably needed to take 901 ;)

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KuroNeko: I'm scared

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Capt-SpaceCat: oh lawd she comin D:

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Pugo: @KuroNeko: who isn't

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lapma: Dear God, what have you done!!!

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damrok4321: watch this after moon sugar, best trip ever

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Pugo: @AMKitsune: oh my god that is TERRIFYING

6708: artist:lapma blushing casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear pineapple_and_yo-yo_trick questionable

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lapma: I cant believe thats the pineapple and yoyo trick. She put the whole thing in her box!!!
Pugo's post really gave this idea: https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/6704

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Pugo: @lapma: by the gods this is cute as heck, glad to know my post kind of gave you the idea!!!

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Zargothrax: I like how an unspoken consensus formed around "wearing" the painted underwear being considered casually underdressed. With cats, having paint on your fur is considered clothing.

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KuroNeko: Too lewd for the booru!

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lapma: @KuroNeko: Well, I for once fought that this whole trick will be way more lewd. It just a box.

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KuroNeko: @lapma: Not just a box, a LEWD box.
I was joking just in case it wasn't clear, your drawing was so cute and innocent that I felt the need to make a joke.

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Dominik: Sooo cute. And what a trick! She managed to conjure a box , using only yoyo and pineapple! True mage.

6707: artist:Pugo character:Quill-Weave pixel_art sprite

artist:Pugo character:Quill-Weave pixel_art sprite

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OgTariq: awwww cute UwU

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semiafro007: I´m lovin´ it

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Pugo: @semiafro007: McTamriels

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KuroNeko: The way you draw their eyes is just adorable.

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Rick2tails: this is adorable!

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Dominik: Uu thats really cute

6704: Khajiit artist:Pugo character:your_weird_OC pineapple pineapple_and_yo-yo_trick pixel_art questionable text

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OgTariq: makes sense to me :3
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Dawoc: Oh, is that what you call it? Your 'inventory'?

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Dominik: Nice trick

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KuroNeko: @Dawoc: Shoot you beat me to it.

Nice pixel art Pugo

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Pugo: @KuroNeko: thanks!!

6706: artist:semiafro007 booze character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave food modern_clothing night text

artist:semiafro007 booze character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave food modern_clothing night text

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semiafro007: happy new year everyone, may all your dreams come true and that kind of things

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SaintDumos: Katia looks like she could never swallow another grape ever again.

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DOOMGUY11: Ha, great way to start the new year!

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Dominik: Happy New year too

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Rick2tails: thats why you always chew your food! inhaling it is never a good idea!

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KuroNeko: Aww poor Kat, first she choke on grapes and now she's afraid of fireworks.
Happy new year to you too

6703: accidents_happen artist:semiafro007 booze character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave food modern_clothing text

accidents_happen artist:semiafro007 booze character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave food modern_clothing text

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semiafro007: In my country we have the tradition of eating twelve grapes during the New Year's bells, one grape per strike of the bell

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DOOMGUY11: Lol I love the fact that it has transitioned from legos to grapes now

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KuroNeko: @semiafro007: What the heck is Quill wearing? It looks like she's molting.
That's an interesting tradition, and a really nice drawing as always, I really like Katia's outfit, it's very classy.

@DOOMGUY11: Katia is kind of used to choke on stuff.

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semiafro007: @KuroNeko: Quill is wearing a dress which was used by a well-known presenter for wearing very little clothes in the new year
and Katia´s outfit is based on an old iconic presenter for wearing the cape
@DOOMGUY11: I was inspired by that drawing

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Tabby_Catface: Dong-dong

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Rick2tails: DAMN!!! Quill is looking FIIIIINE! there! poor Katia. she looks kind of classy dressed up there

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Dominik: Wow. Just wow. It looks soo good. Great job!

6699: Cosplay character:Katia_Managan dishonored

Cosplay character:Katia_Managan dishonored

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Dominik: Had no ideas so i made a better version of one of my first fanarts: Katia in empress Emily Kaldwin's cosplay.

Praise Empress Katia!

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damrok4321: Nice job, I have only a feeling that her breasts might be a bit less wide placed but besides it, I can clearly see the improvement. Practice anatomy.

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DOOMGUY11: I like the costume she has on!

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Dominik: @damrok4321: Thanks for the tip!
@DOOMGUY11: I am glad

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KuroNeko: Like damrok4321 said her breats are too far apart as well as to high, I think it could be because you made her shoulders too wide. I presume you drew her with the outfit on instead of drawing her naked and then adding the clothes? This can cause some problems with the anatomy.

But other than that chest problem you definitely improved from your previous attempt, the proportions and the anatomy are better, the pose is a bit less static and you did the effort to color it.
This may not be perfect but you improved a lot and that's what matters, great job, keep it up

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Zargothrax: I see a lot of improvement too on your work, Dominik.
As for further improvement, I sense what Kuro said as well about the drawing process. Personally I always start with the gesture, then the sketch of the naked body, then the sketch of the clothing (on an another layer) and finally an ink layer, which will be the only visible one. Plus the color if I include it.

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Dominik: @KuroNeko[/url:[url=site://post/view/6699#c40978]@Zargothrax: Thanks guys! Its nice to hear some warm words. You are right Kur, i started from the clothes cus i was feeling weird with idea of drawning her naked first and then putting clothes. But you are propably right, should have done that first.
I got some problems with layers. Sometimes, when i want to erase or add something, i forget about the layers and they mix together because of it. I guess i will have to at least try to remember about them. I will try train anatomy with my drawnings, maybe it will help. Thanks again for tips!

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KuroNeko: @Dominik: If you don't feel confortable with drawing characters naked you don't need to draw it very detailled, the basic shapes will be more than enough.

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Whistle: this is from the game Dishonored or not ?,not bad work

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Whistle: i like game Dishonored ,because it is a stealth game

6701: artist:DOOMGUY11 booze character:Rajirra monochrome

artist:DOOMGUY11 booze character:Rajirra monochrome

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DOOMGUY11: Awaiting the New Year

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Dominik: She already looks tired of waiting. Like everyone else
Very nice fanarat

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KuroNeko: Your expression for Rajirra are always spot-on, she look so done you can actually feel the annoyance oozing from her.
Good work

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lapma: I like to make them having big heads, but that's just me, this is pretty.

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Rick2tails: this is rather nice

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Zargothrax: Pretty good drawing! Funny but it reminds me of my first entries onthe boruu a little.

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DOOMGUY11: @Dominik: Oh I believe you! We are all waiting!
@KuroNeko: Yeah man I absolutely love Ink and now the digital art a bit more! It just feels natural!@Rick2tails: Yeah she is quite nice and magnificent! Been a while m8@Zargothrax: Huh, I saw your older pics and I got to say they do look similar! Triggered some pleasant memories I hoped?

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DOOMGUY11: @lapma: Heh, I like your larger heads for Katia! She looks cuter that way!
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