If you wish to vainly improve your image with a reupload, beseech an admin or report your original upload for its crimes.
8605: Khajiit argonian artist:Bluedraggy books character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave chiaroscuro crossover fear night questionable reading text very_casually_underdressed
bluedraggy: I did put some effort into making this boory-acceptable. I think it will fly. Also I imagine this as seconds before QW naturally glances to her window and experiences momentary but abject terror when she see's someone's looking at her. Of course, it's just Katia, but while reading that book, brain cells trigger differently. Fortunately QW is athletic and not prone to heart attack. If I were a better artist, I'd try to create that moment. Quill would look funny in the throes of instant horror. Plus I bet she could scream to wake the dead.
TheGibusGuy: The way that texture wraps looks delicious.
bluedraggy: Hey, I REALLY appreciate that TheGibusGuy. I do some serious warping of textures to get those to look at least sorta-realistic. Nice to hear it's noticed!
8540: Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit adorable amulet_of_silence artist:Jack_ blushing character:Katia_Managan happy laughter smiling
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spatuladoom: I see why its your favorite
Rick2tails: it is nice to see Katia happy
Raywingale: She's smiling so sweetly in this picture, I like it
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Yeltsa_Kcir: this ''jack'' figure draws the most huggable katias.. we need more..
8439: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Khajiit adorable artist:princenoctra blushing braids character:Katia_Managan green_eyes missing_tail portrait sad text
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princenoctra: she looks prettier with eyebags imo
ADudeCalledLeo: this cat requires the sleep, that cat is pure and must be protected
Good art!
Jig_Bigga: @Yeltsa_Kcir: y’know, despite the shocking quantity of debauchery Katia’s taken part in, (in my heart) she’s still too pure to get into skooma
yes yes purity is usually the LAST word reserved when talking about Katia, but y’know headcanons and stuff i could write a whole ass book detailing my headcanons who know, i MIGHT end up doing that |
8602: anvil argonian artist:Bluedraggy beautiful casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave civilization hist_glands modern_clothing night questionable
bluedraggy: Quill-Weave arrives at a ball, determined to no longer hide behind her dowdy exterior. It's time to PARTY!
Outfit is my own design. I really should work for some designer company whose only clients are crazy-gorgeous women. Know any? Oh, as for the backside... for all practical purpose there is no backside.
Rick2tails: oh Quill has the backside alright! there totally is a wonderful backside! ;) fantastic work on this!
TheGibusGuy: God damn...
8436: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit Skyrim accidents_waiting_to_happen artist:princenoctra character:Katia_Managan green_eyes night snow text
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Zargothrax: Scruffy Managan returns! More tired than ever. But still looking cute.
princenoctra: so happy y'all like my art, rlly appreciate it ❤️ srry i didn't wanna respond to each person individually i feel like that would seem spammy or smth idk
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8603: Katia's_Thief_Tunic amulet_of_silence artist:Ginouigi black_eyes character:Katia_Managan fire_safety modern_clothing painted_underwear smiling text
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Rick2tails: cute art
TheGibusGuy: I believe in you Katia!
8595: Blade Khajiit Kvatch Kvatch_arena_armor artist:cadibles black_eyes casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan eyepatch merchandise questionable
showing 10 of 13 comments
Jig_Bigga: Those earrings are so pretty… and is that a naval piercing? She looks like a proper village ‘gal! (or I might be COMPLETELY off my rocker)
she doesn’t look mature, she outright looks like a mother does she have kittens? wonderful work… i really like this image haha i’ll probably end up writing a fanfic based off of it!
bluedraggy: Whoa! Yeah! This is kinda undeniably awesome! Not the model Kaz designed, but the model we DESERVE! REALLY nice and not just for the curves!
TheGibusGuy: Battle hardened! And bed breaking!
CADIBLES: This arts a year old which i half assed editing up then threw on here for shits and giggles, i might do more of her. Great reactions all around!
ADudeCalledLeo: @Jig_Bigga: HGEC is one of the dozen Oblivion mods that replace the game's female body models and textures. By default, the textures have NSFW features (aka nipples and pussay) and there's like a dozen variants of varying titty/ass sizes
More importantly, you need both HGEC and a mod that replaces clothing/armor models (so they conform to the new models' proportions), and a lot of the model replacer mods replace everything with bikinis
Jig_Bigga: @ADudeCalledLeo: sounds great, can i Marry any of the lovely ladies though?
i mean, SURELY there’s gotta be a mod for that |
8600: Khajiit adorable artist:come_pedra beautiful black_eyes character:Katia_Managan masser modern_clothing night stars
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come_pedra: Katia shining in a dark night.
TheGibusGuy: What a nice dress!
Rick2tails: this is cute
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Tigran_Bro: Cute!
ADudeCalledLeo: adorable Kat
8068: Khajiit Quill-Weave's_bed Quill-Weave's_bedroom artist:Zargothrax bed bedsheet character:Katia_Managan digitigrade not_sure_if_racist sleep-over
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showing 10 of 14 comments
KuroNeko: Quick, pet her belly while she's vulnerable (you might lose your hand but it's worth it :p)
Really nice work
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @KuroNeko: Just ask furst, I am sure she will allow belly rubs if you ask nice enough.
Zargothrax: Thank you all for your kind words!
And yes, God gave us 2 hands for a reason: to pet as many cats as possible, and this time should be no exception!
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Yeltsa_Kcir: big or small, c a t i s c a t
Jig_Bigga: @Zargothrax: Out of pure and morbid curiosity, would you, by any obscene chance, have the original pose still saved; The one you BEFORE drawing in her droopy sleeping garments?
TheGibusGuy: @Jig_Bigga: https://x.com/bluedraggy/status/1610663939913945088?s=46&t=pMLC-8L1TgPuLz3ZgyIjaw BlueDraggy made a version you might like.
8372: Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit artist:Zoltier character:Katia_Managan kvatch_arena_trousers monochrome sitting sketch
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