Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.

6053: artist:Filthypaladin booze character:bartender questionable very_casually_underdressed

showing 10 of 18 comments

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Dominik: I just wanted to drink something...

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Rick2tails: *makes a "i`ll take whats on tap" joke*

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Grape: @Rick2tails: But... that means you DON'T get the bottle between his legs. At least flirt correctly.

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Skoon: Hey, somebody deleted my comment. D:

Don't they know I'm famous on the internet!?

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Rick2tails: @skoon I suppose joking about non consent is problematic

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Rick2tails: @Grape joking about handling a tap seems to make more sense then saying drinking from the bottle to me. but I suppose thats the other joke you can make

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Skoon: @Rick2tails: I really hate today's language. Makes no sense to me.
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Yeltsa_Kcir: OH NO HE'S HOT!

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Jig_Bigga: SKOON WAS HERE???

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Jig_Bigga: @Yeltsa_Kcir: i IMPLORE you to check bluedraggy’s twitter!

8601: Breton artist:NotGodOkay black_eyes character:Norbert_Lelles portrait skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug text

Breton artist:NotGodOkay black_eyes character:Norbert_Lelles portrait skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug text
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NewFace: Deep

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Robbyn: The struggle is real.

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TheGibusGuy: Why the long face?
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Tigran_Bro: Its more likely lelleffe

8568: Khajiit adorable artist:Vtza beautiful character:Katia_Managan happy modern_clothing tears text wedding

Khajiit adorable artist:Vtza beautiful character:Katia_Managan happy modern_clothing tears text wedding

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TheGibusGuy: I love all the wedding dress Katia art that's been uploaded recently.

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Jig_Bigga: @TheGibusGuy: i know, right? Katia looks so damn sweet as a bride, it’s not even even funny

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TheGibusGuy: @Jig_Bigga: I bet she'd love wedding cake.

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Rick2tails: with the mutliverse we all could marry a version of Katia (even the girls could ^__^ )

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Jig_Bigga: @TheGibusGuy: oh gosh, she would! she could have the whole thing to herself if she wanted to..

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Sashimi: Wunderbar!
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Yeltsa_Kcir: pffft.. look at all these idiots simping for a cat.....

same dude..
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Yeltsa_Kcir: pffft.. look at all these idiots simping for a cat..... same dude..

8592: Khajiit Subnautica_Below_Zero character:Katia_Managan crossover dwemer_technology meme modern_clothing wildlife

Khajiit Subnautica_Below_Zero character:Katia_Managan crossover dwemer_technology meme modern_clothing wildlife

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Jig_Bigga: i should do this..

draw the body and the scenery, but then put katia’s head from the comic

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come_pedra: punch him in the nose!

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rollanan: cool stuff, who artist?

8158: Batia Khajiit artist:TempIntel character:Katia_Managan not_sure_if_racist painted_underwear questionable very_casually_underdressed

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TempIntel: Didnt know if og image would be too spicy for the booru so here's link to that https://imgur.com/a/2AY03dD

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ADudeCalledLeo: Managan and Batagan, together at last
Good art!

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Vidiotdragon: censor pine-nipples

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Zargothrax: I really like the design of Batia's head here.
Between these two, the ear sizes barely differ Katia had bat ears all along.
(By the way, instead of using pineapples, you could have just furred over those details.)

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Rick2tails: this is fantastic work!
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Entropic_Decay: seeing as the link TempIntel provided for the original is dead (because imgur sucks), and I happened to download it before it went down, here's a new link:
hope this is alright :)

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TheGibusGuy: @Entropic_Decay: Thank you for your service.

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Jig_Bigga: @Entropic_Decay: Thank you!

5000: Khajiit Valentine's_Day adorable artist:Filthypaladin blushing character:Katia_Managan ear_tilt modern_clothing presents seduction text

Khajiit Valentine's_Day adorable artist:Filthypaladin blushing character:Katia_Managan ear_tilt modern_clothing presents seduction text
showing 10 of 19 comments

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Geravind: "Oh, thank you, sweetie!" *hugs her gently*

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Sashimi: Dawww!
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Streetwind: @damrok4321: Why bother voting? Just add the tag yourself. Everyone is allowed to tag (and remove ill-fitting tags) until a community consensus has been reached.

I just went and added a couple tags, including 'adorable'.

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Un_Mapache: This is so goddamn adorable it hurts my soul.

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Rick2tails: this should be featured masterpiece. Its wonderful Katia..just like you *huggles* time to buy you a chocolate cake!
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SilentOrbweaver: Argh! The feels! Too damn adorable.

Also, this gift doesn't look like she made it herself. There is no burn marks, dents, holes or blood spots!

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CandyDragon: @SilentOrbweaver: But of course it doesn't look like that because we can't actually see the gift itself.
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Yeltsa_Kcir: yeah katia thanks, but there is a screen in the way...

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TheGibusGuy: @Yeltsa_Kcir: I wanna be able to feel her hands in mine so bad man.

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Jig_Bigga: @TheGibusGuy: i just wanna FEEL her… just to hold hands and shit would be a dream come true

8599: Cosplay Khajiit Neon_Genesis_Evangelion accidents_waiting_to_happen artist:_Krust character:Katia_Managan crossover dwemer_technology

Cosplay Khajiit Neon_Genesis_Evangelion accidents_waiting_to_happen artist:_Krust character:Katia_Managan crossover dwemer_technology

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Krust: New Evangelion rebuild looks kinda wack

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Jig_Bigga: @Krust: wack??? i dont see it getting any better than this!

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TheGibusGuy: Ooh is that watercolor? It looks really nice.

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AMKitsune: "Get in the fucking Numidium Katia"

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Krust: @TheGibusGuy Thanks! I used markers for this.

8598: Katia's_wizard_robe amulet_of_silence artist:Khaimeras black_eyes character:Katia_Managan portrait text

Katia's_wizard_robe amulet_of_silence artist:Khaimeras black_eyes character:Katia_Managan portrait text

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AMKitsune: "Would you care for a freshly baked sweetroll?"

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TheGibusGuy: Aww, sorry Katia.

7751: Katia's_wizard_robe Kvatch_arena_armor amulet_of_silence angry artist:Skybolt06 blood character:Katia_Managan eye_of_fear fansnark fire ink magic_fire missing_tail monochrome photo plain_background sketch text updates

Katia's_wizard_robe Kvatch_arena_armor amulet_of_silence angry artist:Skybolt06 blood character:Katia_Managan eye_of_fear fansnark fire ink magic_fire missing_tail monochrome photo plain_background sketch text updates

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Skybolt06: Yes
Whiteboard drawings... they're fun, and it's pretty much the only way I'm really able to draw anything bigger than my hand...
Also, dunno if anyone noticed, but I've been on this booru for and drawing katias for a little over a year now... still have to draw something to celebrate...

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_Noxygen_: Dammed you've improved a lot since your first drawing.They look great! I think I might start drawing again, I stopped like six months ago I think. You should get yourself a sketchbook if don't have one :)

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TheGibusGuy: I wonder if anyone around you recognized this? It'd be the dream to find another fan irl.

8596: Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit artist:TheGibusGuy character:Katia_Managan lined_paper_club pencil_drawing photo redraw sketch

Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit artist:TheGibusGuy character:Katia_Managan lined_paper_club pencil_drawing photo redraw sketch

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TheGibusGuy: I had time to sketch this in school today, helped me calm down after something. I had the idea for the toothpicked crown when I got home!

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spatuladoom: this rocks

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TheGibusGuy: Thank you!
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