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5440: character:your_weird_OC merchandise monochrome questionable sketch

showing 10 of 24 comments

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DOOMGUY11: Well time to put my writing skills to the test @bluedraggy plz lord bless me with great storytelling, literature, and a comfy chair with plenty of paper and pencils

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DOOMGUY11: And lastly put why I arrived

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DOOMGUY11: And why I am the race I am

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Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... How about... The aerial personnel transporter you were on board towards your first field assignment across the North Atlantic Ocean gets caught in a thunder storm at the eye of the Bermuda Triangle, where a supernatural dimensional rift rips a hole into the Daedric realms, where you get stranded, and wake up to find yourself... "Changed". >):^o
From there, finding an Oblivion Gate to escape into Tamriel would become the priority, as the realm is not meant for a mortal to survive in for extended periods of time, even with modern firearms and explosive ordinances. Especially since you can't ressuply ammunition. >):^/
Perhaps even encounter Sheogorath on the way and strike a deal with him with knowledges from beyond his world to aid you, and maybe even gain eccess to some Daedric artifacts altered with Earthling technologies. >):^]
... Can you imagine Daedric soul inchanted mage guns? So Awesome~! >)B^D

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DOOMGUY11: Maybe stay in in the elder scrolls to fight for what's right or go home with a new gift

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DOOMGUY11: Because idk if I can let go of that place or my feelings for my family greater

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DOOMGUY11: I like your idea though

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DOOMGUY11: I could pull of an ash from the evil dead, instead of broomstick its m16 and cerreta XD

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Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... Ooh, maybe have it happen at the beginning of the "Oblivion Crisis", so that you must decide whether to defend the realm of Tamriel against the hoard of Daedric Invaders, or to strike a deal with them for a way back home, forsaking Tamriel to it's DOOM. D^:(<

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DOOMGUY11: @Toryu-Mau: choices.. so many ways to go on this maybe I'll post a fic later got to consider all the timeline and even prequel adventure

5417: artist:_Jadezzar character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC dwemer_technology firearms

artist:_Jadezzar character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC dwemer_technology firearms

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Jadezzar: Looking at my phone gallery. Come across this pic. One of my earlier attempt at drawing. Happens to draw it around 15-17th August, one of my attempt to celebrate Indonesia 73th Independence.

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DOOMGUY11: My God the feels are strong

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Toryu-Mau: … Remember the 250,000 brave souls who perished to secure freedom for their youth.
Never forget, and Press F to Respect. ( Salutes ) >):’^]

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TrashPanda545: Omg, explore this theme more because I want to see your progress through time.

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Jadezzar: @TrashPanda545: Ok. I'll do it again sometime.

5421: artist:Kazerad artist:Nicros_Man character:your_weird_OC

artist:Kazerad artist:Nicros_Man character:your_weird_OC

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DOOMGUY11: Oc? This is different

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Toryu-Mau: … Yup, immediately recognizable as Nick. Sure looks cute in this style. c^:(<
The eye color seems to be have been lost to stylistic transition though. Pity, that. >):^<

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DOOMGUY11: His eyes, wait weren't they blue? Just throwing that out there

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Nicros_Man: @DOOMGUY11: well let me explain, in Kazerad's drawing style, the character's eyes are all black, but in my style, their eyes have colours.

5431: Cosplay Grand_Theft_Auto artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing

Cosplay Grand_Theft_Auto artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing

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Jadezzar: How...the style...how I should do mine...?

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DOOMGUY11: Oof *flashbacks*

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DOOMGUY11: Maybe a more aggressive katia? But her cuteness dosent match up

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Rick2tails: Katia always looks nice in modern clothes

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Toryu-Mau: … Woah, she looks ready to throw people out of cars… chill, M8. >)’:^[

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5425: artist:Nicros_Man character:Katia_Managan portrait

artist:Nicros_Man character:Katia_Managan portrait

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Rick2tails: not a bad picture at all here

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DOOMGUY11: Oof I likey
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Millie: pretty eyes

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Toryu-Mau: … Noice~ M8! ( Thumbs up ) >):^D

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5434: character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text

character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text

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DOOMGUY11: Just a close up of a previous pic sorry!

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Rick2tails: thats better you need to flip it to the right though

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DOOMGUY11: It should adjust itself for some reason it's like this

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Toryu-Mau: … Mod Squad, where ya at, tis a questionable imagery? No? >):^?
Nice abs, though. c^;(<

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Doprolol: Want me?X2

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DOOMGUY11: @Doprolol: ok no I cant deal with you XD plz don't even get near her.

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DOOMGUY11: Alright guys OC time for me so according to a lil survey I took I'm more khajiit/argonian sooo...

5423: Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra character:bartender monochrome questionable romance text

showing 10 of 26 comments

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DOOMGUY11: @Krozbott: thanks! Its lazy could do better

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Krozbott: you're welcome!

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DOOMGUY11: So anyone feeling lucky talk to the khajiit next to the bar. S'thengir will come for her later though so beware

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @DOOMGUY11:lol no, like titanic, it the ship has sunk. Katia needs a friend who isn't a gigantic cock sucker.

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DOOMGUY11: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Jack didn't need to die XD

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Toryu-Mau: … I was only gone for Two Days, and the junior members are already posting LUDE material.
Can’t take my eyes off this place for any length of time without supervision, I tell ya. >),:^/
And everyone needs to remember that characters are practically children an author gives birth to through literary labour, and seeing them portrayed in explicit manners without first being consulted on the matter and receiving consent from the author who has sired the character in question to do so is… Downright Heartbreaking. >):’^c

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DOOMGUY11: @Toryu-Mau: sadly this is my second questionable pic, it was just an idea of how I see my favorite khajiits. Love triangle. Kazerad again I'm sry

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DOOMGUY11: This will possibly be a while until I do another like this but I'll keep these to myself now so kazerad please with your permission allow me? To post a few ?

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DOOMGUY11: If not I'll keep these in the lewd sketch book

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DOOMGUY11: I promise that TM calling me platonic is accurate

5427: angry_giant_hands character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text

angry_giant_hands character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text
showing 10 of 14 comments

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DOOMGUY11: @bluedraggy: yeah just a high res hope you like it!and more criticism for the win plz

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DOOMGUY11: She wants you all and loves you all and I do too, sort of.

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Doprolol: Want me?

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DOOMGUY11: @Doprolol: maybe if she was drunk

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Rick2tails: this scan/photo could use some editing down

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DOOMGUY11: @Rick2tails: like is the pic bad?

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Rick2tails: you should crop the hand out and cut down on the wasted space that has no drawing in it. I am not saying the drawn art is bad

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DOOMGUY11: @Rick2tails: ok that's what I thought yeah idk just fooling around

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Toryu-Mau: … That is one CLEAN hand, M8. Even with the ultra high resolution I’m not seeing a single grain of dust. >):^D
Yup, hygiene is a virtue, y’all. And remember to use hand sanitizer after returning from public places, gotta keep the plague at bay, eh? >);^]

And … No Katia, this one is Platonic. >):^<

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DOOMGUY11: Platonic as heck

5424: character:Katia_Managan firearms modern_armor modern_clothing sketch

character:Katia_Managan firearms modern_armor modern_clothing sketch
showing 10 of 11 comments

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DOOMGUY11: There are many soilder khajiits now I like that! And yes there is always room for improvement

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TrashPanda545: @DOOMGUY11: I can do better, I know that I can because I haven't even put a lot of effort forth. I also noticed the trend spike recently as well.

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Jadezzar: Whooho. Russian gear.

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Doprolol: @Jadezzar: У нас самые лучшие бойцы!

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DOOMGUY11: A suggestion? How about katia and a husband in a sort of military family?
You seem fond of military depictions.
Would appreciate but yp to you

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TrashPanda545: @DOOMGUY11: I will try out the Idea but this I will mess around with for some considerable amount of time.

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Jadezzar: @Doprolol: Seen that pic, before. Still, wonder how Kat look like in Ratnik Gen 1, 2, maybe even 3.

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Toryu-Mau: … Is that an FN FAL She has slung as the main arm? >):^?

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DOOMGUY11: @Doprolol: oh my God Russian doomguy!

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TrashPanda545: @Toryu-Mau: Nah, just ain't used to the digital arts yet so it all looks so weird, it was supposed to be a AK-74m. I'll probably redue it someday to prove I was messing round with the medium.

5432: character:Katia_Managan hoodie_katia monochrome sketch text

character:Katia_Managan hoodie_katia monochrome sketch text

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DOOMGUY11: Hoodie katia!
Stenghir:*oof* Sure!

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Krozbott: Nice work! also hoodie katia, do i even need to say anything more about that.

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Rick2tails: just a bit of sketch but what youve drawn so far there looks cute

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Rick2tails: also I notice you have one of my commissions(cropped ) as your avatar XD

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DOOMGUY11: @Rick2tails: I saw it and thought damn these faces would do XD

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DOOMGUY11: @Pyrals let me rock the bartender's voice please!

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Toryu-Mau: … Hood ears are best ears, M8. c^:(<
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