Separate multiple tags with spaces. Separate words of the same tag with underscores ("_").
5177: artist:RoninSmall character:Little_Katia chiaroscuro monochrome photo sketch
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CandyDragon: This isn't unsettling at all. Neat.
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SilentOrbweaver: Oh, I like this. It really stands out on the front page.
8Aerondight8: At first this looked like you set fire to a pile of magnesium.
5173: artist:RoninSmall blood character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra grievous_bodily_harm magic_fire monochrome questionable revenge sketch text
showing 10 of 28 comments
PermanentFace: Reminds me a little of MK's style.
5356: character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid dwemer_technology firearms monochrome sketch
5344: character:Katia_Managan happy ice_cream monochrome sketch
5397: Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece
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showing 10 of 13 comments
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: It is... omg lol
SaintDumos: A masterpiece of great stature
BlackMessa: i'd unironically hang that in my room
5308: Prequel knock_off text
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showing 10 of 13 comments
PermanentFace: What happened after 2012? There really is a clear turning point there, isn't there?
damrok4321: I think that's a hidden message
notabigthreat: @PermanentFace: January 2012 was the well arc, if that's what you're asking about?
@damrok4321: Meh, it really is just an average.
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SilentOrbweaver: This is awesome!
Here is the cleaned up version of the average. Made by adding contrast and applying "color dodge" filter. ![]()
PermanentFace: @notabigthreat: No, I meant to wonder what happened in 2012 and 2013 that caused the rate of updates to slow down so dramatically. The first year and a half of this comic's life seems to have more pages than the following five and a half combined.
scoopski: @PermanentFace: My theory is that that's the point when it shifted gears and became something more. More refined artstyle, less of a MSPA vibe, and doing more with Flash than just adding sound to a scene.
I heard that it was also started when Kaz was in high school; it's fairly likely he'd have started college and adulthood around 2012/2013, thus leaving less time to work on the comic (even though the comic is his main source of income, he's gotta merchandise and get commissions.).
PermanentFace: If you go back and look, though, there are plenty of high-quality features and panels in the updates that occurred before then. It's not the quality that's holding it back.
Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Wait a sec, if this is <i>every</i> Prequel picture averaged out, shouldn't it have <i>EVERY</i> Booru tag?
5388: Mad_Max artist:RoninSmall character:Katia_Managan crossover monochrome photo sketch text
5394: character:bartender firearms monochrome sketch
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DOOMGUY11: Bartender
Level 2 armor "Ditch the club and crossbow! have a flintlock, sword, and dagger!"(might do lvl 3
Rick2tails: this is awesome Doomguy11! ^_^
Toryu-Mau: ... Stehngir could have some more protein, M8. A couple of PB&J sandwich maybe? No, make that a doezen and and add milkshake. Gotta square up, son! D^:(<
And free handing straight lines on objects can end up looking wonky and continue at odd angles when obscured behind objects in the foreground, so using a ruler to put a temporary line before committing to drawing the actual outline would help with continuity. >):^]
DOOMGUY11: Now I thought he was a sticc boi but he's more built in other pics(so idk).and the sword oof and dagger*oof once more * no ruler of the time buy I DoD keep it in mind
3150: character:Little_Katia crafting guar_plush photo
D: D:
D: D: D:
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No wait. Catpeople are an accepted sub-human species in the imperium. Carry on.
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