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5080: Safety_hat artist:Bluedraggy artist:Kazerad character:Weedum-Ja crossover hist_glands obscurity questionable spear very_casually_underdressed
bluedraggy: Weedum-Scáthach - For St. Patrick's day, Weedum-Ja looks to have been roped into an Irish Mythology play, doing the part of Scáthach. I down-sexed this quite a bit actually, hoping it would fly.
It's good to get some knowledge of other cultures and mythologies. But I don't think Weedum appreciates the director's take on how to make the audiences show up in droves. Remember, WJ, it's educational! And ask Johnny how to pronounce Scáthach.
JohnnyCheesedog: Forgive the static, I couldn't be bothered. To say the name: https://vocaroo.com/i/s0DVhmI7U1Vk
PermanentFace: Hey, the linked the Lexicon! Nice!
Rick2tails: this is very cute!
Unidentified_BA: Upload the nipple version, unless you're too scared? (I don't know if there is one, but looking at this I assume there is)
bluedraggy: naa. not here. but yeah, of course there is.!
bluedraggy: I just realized shes missing her head fins! I blame a couple distractions. which seem to have distracted everybody else too so I'm not alone.
4905: artist:Bluedraggy artist:Furnut character:Dodger impure_thoughts questionable text very_casually_underdressed
showing 10 of 16 comments
Rick2tails: shes just singing Whitney Houston there I presume? She`s your kobold tonight!
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Asperger_kitten_1337: btw the pineapple doesn't do anything, once again
Rick2tails: i thought that was the goggles?
Kazerad: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Yes it does. It makes the picture look way more explicit than it actually is. That's what they're for.
AMKitsune: @bluedraggy: Don't be so silly. Chocolate Argonians don't move (or talk or 'fwip' for that matter either), unless that previous statement was a lie of course...
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Meow-mix-king-44: Accurate because argonians do not have nipples. they are literally walking lizards. ![]() |
5112: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:Bluedraggy artist:selenophile casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro questionable
bluedraggy: On those hot summer mornings, isn’t it glorious to own an invisibility cloak? Just find a nice shady park bench, get totally naked, and let the cooling breeze waft over your entire body without a care in the world.
But… you know… you do need the hood on to activate the invisibility. You DO have the hood on, don’t you, Katia? Katia???
Sashimi: Nice work on this D! Something justbfeels like it's missing though...hmmmm. What could it be....
bluedraggy: Hey! I did QUALITY censor work on this!
Vidiotdragon: She's eyeing something she likes.
XenoYparxi: The paintjob is missing
PermanentFace: Although she may be exposing her naughty bits in this image, I will argue that she is still merely 'casually underdressed', and not 'VERY casually underdressed'.
Rick2tails: what shes missing is my company.I`ll fix that though ;)
5279: Prequel character:Katia_Managan
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showing 10 of 46 comments
bluedraggy: Wow! thanks YeOldeCuckolde! I should go reword that question with that knowledge.
CandyDragon: Wow. 49/100 and then 20/100 on Dodger. I did actually get the door opening question right though! With logic! Front doors always open inwards, and it would make sense to not obscure your characters, therefore the door would have to open from the left for artistic purposes. I think. I'm probably wrong.
bluedraggy: Ill revise to calk it the first flash scene. And thats sounds like good logic to me CandyDragon!
bluedraggy: Oh crap. I just spoiled an answer.
scoopski: 90/100 that time!
Somewhat refreshing after getting less than 20 on the Dodger one
bluedraggy: NEW TRIVIA: https://goo.gl/forms/egnb4jeydxnkq5WP2 It's Aggy's sidestory. Let's say medium-easy.
FriendOfFennecs: @bluedraggy: 70/100 for that, so I'm barely in the C range now. If I can get really high scores on the next few ones, I may actually pass the Random Obscure Prequel Trivia class!
5107: Khajiit artist:Bluedraggy artist:guoh beautiful casually_overdressed character:Rajirra digitigrade knock_off
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showing 10 of 15 comments
bluedraggy: (Also I had the advantage of the full version with Guoh-drawn background. I didn't draw that either.)
Sashimi: @Mr_O: Welp, anyone who wants to read the fanfic that this and all the other pics go to, you can PM me.
PermanentFace: @Mr_O: Not any more than any other character. But she's not my waifu, so there's that.
Toryu-Mau: ... And the honor of The Annual Bucket Maiden goes to~ ( Drum rolls ) ~Rajirra! >):^D
It takes talent to make buckets look good, ladies and gentlemen. |
5234: artist:Bluedraggy artist:Kazerad artist:Pocky character:Rajirra knock_off mercandise photo spear text
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showing 10 of 12 comments
MrCoopy: Yeah, you see that smile? That is not a good smile. That is a bad smile. I do not like that smile.
bluedraggy: That's a "I'm getting paid $1 less than minimum wage for this. That's the smile you get." smile.
5371: Atronach_Sign Daedric_artifact Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Bluedraggy artist:Syncope character:Katia_Managan knock_off night text
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bluedraggy: 6 years ago an artist named syncope created this. I think it's safe to say he's not going to color it, so I did. I'm going to redeem my name by working on some non-lewds for a while and lull the mods into a false sense of security.
Sashimi: Very noice Draggy! The only thing that would make this better would be a bucket! Lol!
Rick2tails: I guess about your colorings ..to quote F is for Family "sometimes a man has to do what a man does" good coloring!
Toryu-Mau: ... Aw yeah... There's the shading for me to marvel at. ( Stares intensely ) >)B^D
Wonder if it would fit on a tarot card, that would be grand. c^:(< |
5385: character:bartender monochrome sketch text
5380: character:bartender monochrome sketch
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showing 10 of 14 comments
Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: If there's a context for the situation he is portrayed in, Yes. >):^]
PS: Do people even remember he has a name? His name is Stenghir, I believe?
Rick2tails: he has a name as mentioned but Kaz seems to prefer to refer to him as simply the bartender.I`m not sure if he thinks that sounds better or regrets giving him a name or what exactly.
POMA: I think it's because of the fact Kazerad didn't actually showed his name anywhere in the comics. But as the alias list stands his name is still S'Thengir.
Rick2tails: very carefully doomguy13. he is a grump if you pronounce it wrong he will give you such a dirty look ! also we need bartender icons
Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... Names written in Ta'Agra can get a bit... Wordy at times, M8. >):^/
5087: Speechcraft artist:Bluedraggy artist:Kazerad character:Weedum-Ja hist_glands obscurity questionable romance tongue very_casually_underdressed
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hey say if you kiss the Blarney Stone, you will be gifted with persuasive speech the rest of your life. Apparently there are many 'fake' Blarney Stones, but the real one is built high up in a castle tower and requires a rather odd maneuver to kiss it:
Weedum-Ja, not to be outdone, doesn't just kiss the Blarney Stone, she makes sweet, passionate love to it while nude and apparently well-oiled.
In the end she got the gift of gab, her Persuasiveness raised by +3. However, she is now known throughout Cyrodiil as the most gifted tongue for sexual favors in the land, and is sought after by both men and women. However, as word of her talent spread, she went into hiding and is now a recluse in an undisclosed location. This, of course, has rendered her Persuasiveness gain moot.
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Sorry, also dang wat a misfortune for her