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4605: artist:Raydio character:Katia_Managan looking_badass modern_clothing monochrome noir

artist:Raydio character:Katia_Managan looking_badass modern_clothing monochrome noir

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Raydio: More noir kitty. I have this whole AU designed around this interpretation, but have no time what so ever to turn it into an actual written story.
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Cool

4563: Chapel_of_Akatosh Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia:_Infiltrate artist:Radian casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece painted_underwear text

Chapel_of_Akatosh Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia:_Infiltrate artist:Radian casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece painted_underwear text
showing 10 of 22 comments

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Francix: those legs
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Radian: yes, i agree, very smexy

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Sashimi: Ooo,la,la!

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Toryu-Mau: Scandalous, I say!
Invisible streaker, They say!

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Kazerad: @Radian: The exact conversation surrounding it was:

Kaz: I kind of want to feature that new pic by Radian, but it feels so cliche to do, like giving Meryl Streep an oscar
Grape: there, now you don't have to

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Geravind: @Kazerad: Yay!
@Radian: Купайся в лучах славы ...и швыряй их в море! (будешь дико рачить -- покусаю наф)
Молодца, рад за тебя. :3

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Radian: @Kazerad: :O
you make me blush

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bluedraggy: True story: when I graduated high school, I won the Math and Science awards. (small school tho, not bragging.) My art teacher told me I would have won that too, but they gave it to someone else since I already won those others. Still pisses me off to this day. A featured masterpiece is just that, regardless of how much Radian looks like Meryl Streep. :)

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Geravind: Мда... по сравнению с тем, что сейчас накидывают , мне эта работа уже кажется ёпта-шедевром!

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GNFS: dun dun dun dum, cla-chik bu-beep boop
Oruzhie ubral!

4566: Katia:_Infiltrate character:Katia_Managan character:nightmare_king conspiracy_theory inventory knock_off text

Katia:_Infiltrate character:Katia_Managan character:nightmare_king conspiracy_theory inventory knock_off text
showing 10 of 15 comments

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madmanransom: Mainly because I used the word 'realistic' twice.
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: @madmanransom:
I dunno man. It looks too if you look at the dip on the collar of the Kavatch battle armor you can see the bottom but the top is to symmetrical to be a coincidence. Or maybe it is. Probably blowing this way out of proportion but hey it's something to talk about right?
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Madame_Cloud: Right so, not sure how many caught the comment, but according to Kaz it's a blood stain.
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Doesn't mean it can't also mean something else. Symbolism or something like that.

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willink01: @A_racist_slur_against_Khajits and @madmanransom Thank you for notifying the blood.

this comes to be a theory, but imp is a type of demon (I really do not know imp is considered a demon in "the elder scrolls"), and it can be used in rituals and other things, and it really bothers me that the blood of imp stayed the same as the symbol of the nightmare king and if located next (region of the thorax), can be coincidence or a clue.

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Geravind: "There is power in symbols..."

"because this is troubling me"
Be honest -- you're pictured on the left side here?...

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Norad2: This is what I was hoping for with the release of the update: some good old theory crafting. Even if it turns out to be nothing, it's fun!

It could mean the Emporer can more clearly see her in his dreams, like the connection has strengthened, assuming she is the Hero of Kvatch.

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Toryu-Mau: Do you see... "Him"? He certainly sees You.
Only time will tell what that entails, little Khajiit.

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Kazerad: I'm deleting the other image because this one is exactly the same but better.
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SirArthurIV: Okay, so the symbol on the nightmare king is The Amulet of Kings, a necklace that only those of blood relation to Tiber Septim could wear. Or rather, imperial royalty. It is the Cyrodiilic symbol of the royal family, as well as royalty in general, the same way that we would view a crown or a scepter. This is why the nightmare king has it, he would barely be a king without it.

4572: Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan character:anon impure_thoughts text

Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan character:anon impure_thoughts text

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madmanransom: Fine art.
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Madame_Cloud: FFFUCK OFF-NYA is a gem.

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Raydio: @ m3 mate

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Rick2tails: if you want to avoid Katia to stay non furry thats fine. more waifu for me! XD seriously though like what you like. labels are for losers

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Kat: This is gold.

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PermanentFace: Is this a reference to something?
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @PermanentFace: it is a reference to people who think you are a yiffcon going weirdo no matter how low your furriness is
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Ivan_The_Not_Furry: Well i can kida relate to this i like some supposedly "furry" characters such as Katia and people sometimes give me shit for it, specially after i started using Katia as my steam profile pic....

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Toryu-Mau: Not even Xenophobes can stop cute things from being adorable, nor do they have the right to decide what others should like.
I get that some people are just stuck with their predefined world views and is too lazy to learn and adopt newer concepts that are alien to them, but that doesn't mean they should go out of their way to be abrasive about it.
They can just mind their own interest, and we can mind our own interest.

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Kaaz: Holy shit, this is legit me

4592: adorable artist:Raydio character:Katia_Managan green_eyes

adorable artist:Raydio character:Katia_Managan green_eyes

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Raydio: "Eeeeeeeeeeeee!"
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: What's going on?

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Raydio: @A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: *Lightswitch joke
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: @Raydio: ah

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DarthVader: When the acid kicks in

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Sashimi: Uh oh, I just thought me up a lewd comment,nah, I'd better keep it under wraps!
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Sashimi: it is obvious

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Sashimi: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Hee, hee!

4411: Booze_O'Clock Skyrim TES_Skyrim character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave inconsistent_rendering mod painted_underwear screenshot very_casually_underdressed

Booze_O'Clock Skyrim TES_Skyrim character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave inconsistent_rendering mod painted_underwear screenshot very_casually_underdressed
showing 10 of 20 comments

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lazyradly: @PermanentFace: The point is: there's no Quill Weave race out there and it seemed easy enough to make one. And because I felt like it.

Yeah like I said, I would love to see a "Prequel-ized" races pack, but I just don't have the ability to model the humans/humanoids.

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Raydio: The yellow on katia Should be more neutral, but other than that this looks pretty damn good

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lazyradly: @Raydio: Now that you mentioned it, I never noticed Katia was supposed to be of a lighter color. Thanks!

Also with the mod she came from, you can easily change her into that neutral yellow or make her completely blue if you want.

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furnut: Cute Quill :3

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lazyradly: I should probably rephrase what I said before: I do have an ETA on the mod release. It will be released the same (if not the day after) Crimes against Nature for Skyrim Special Edition gets released.

When will CaN for SSE be released? No ETA for that. But I can say it's going to be a major and really awesome update.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: uhh... aren't you supposed to help Kat with her alcohol problem, QW?

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realbboy: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Remember that time where she said she would be drinking water but put clear rum in her drink? Yeah.

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mr_cat: wen skyrim mods have gone waaaaaay to far

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Enheldor: @mr_cat: This is too far? They've barely even started.

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4591: artist:Raydio character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text

artist:Raydio character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text

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Raydio: I was drawing some colonial characters then realized Katia as a pirate would be the best thing ever because she would also be wearing pirate pants -which are arguably the greatest pants ever.

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Raydio: This is what I drew originally, but realized Katia HAD to wear pirate pants because pirate pants are awesome.


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Sashimi: Ooo, you could also give her a shirt with rrruffles!

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Raydio: ill give her rruffles but not rrruffles because that would be way too many ruffles yfm

4590: character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave meme portrait

character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave meme portrait
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Asperger_kitten_1337: drug joke sex joke

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Kat: was any of these items involved?
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Kat: pineapple and booze with a chance of 99%

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DarthVader: Hey look it’s Kermit the Argonian!
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MetalC0Mmander: @DarthVader: It's not easy being poison resistant.
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Wat
What's going on exactly?

4587: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia:_Infiltrate Kvatch_Mages_Guild accidents_happen artist:Bakannon bowling_ball casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear text

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia:_Infiltrate Kvatch_Mages_Guild accidents_happen artist:Bakannon bowling_ball casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear text

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Bakannon: I started making this before I found out her head was stuck in the bars and I didn't want to start over.

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bluedraggy: Yay for celebrations. Hurrah. Nice expression though.

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Sashimi: later there will be cake! And bowling.

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Raydio: And tears.
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sacridshadow: Thank you for assuming the party escort submission position.

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Kazerad: @Bakannon: It's not stuck, she just couldn't get it through. She's been moving around the cage.

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Bakannon: @Kazerad: Ooh, I see. A combination of wording, another piece of fanart, and the whole not being able to see her exact position thing made me believe that.

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Nyflex: You did it! I'm so proud of you...

4588: artist:DrawPanther character:Rajirra character:your_weird_OC fanfiction monochrome text wilderness

artist:DrawPanther character:Rajirra character:your_weird_OC fanfiction monochrome text wilderness

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Sashimi: Okay folks, here is the first non Kaz pic I had commissioned by an artist in Australia for my fanfic "For khajiit sakes."
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