Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.
3869: character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug surreal text
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mister_kat: ok this a thing now
742: artist:KillerfishSG character:Katia_Managan hoodie_katia modern_clothing text
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Moo_questionmark_or_aggy: No I'm not sexually attracted to cats... Sorry :(
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SomeShadyGuy: Racist.
Rick2tails: like? nah. love? hell yeah! :)
3855: Kvatch_arena_armor Skyrim TES_Skyrim character:Katia_Managan screenshot
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showing 10 of 14 comments
Rick2tails: one way to overcome your fears is to become what you fear?
bluedraggy: Aww. I'm the proud father of a bouncing baby mod now. Go on, little mod... go out and populate the world!
Katia_im_WeltkriegxD: Wow bist de intelligent xD Obwohl... Katia ist keine richtige Adlige... ihr fehlt Adliges Blut^^ Sie hat also nur den Titel und die Macht einer Hoch-Königin aber nicht das Blut.
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Katia_im_WeltkriegxD: @ForgotFirstAccount: Ja Schnitzel ist ein deutsches Gericht gut erkannt. Und nein ich möchte nicht mit dir ficken :P
Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Katia_im_WeltkriegxD: Was? Ein anderer deutscher? in meiner booru? sehr gut! :D Grüße aus einem österreichischen Teil von Kanada.
Katia_im_WeltkriegxD: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Genau genommen zwei deutsche ZIKU ist auch ein deutscher^^ Grüße aus dem Arzgebirge
ZIKU: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Yuhu eine deutschsprachige Person!!!^^ Aber warte... österreichischer Teil von Kanada? Leben dort viele österreicher oder hat Österreich Gebiete in Kanada von den ich noch nix weiß?(das erste ist wahrscheinlicher also denke ich mal das erste)
3850: Hand_to_Hand Khajiit Strength artist:Bluedraggy artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC crossover knock_off questionable sketch strife
showing 10 of 15 comments
Bluedragon: Just FYI - not gonna have time to decide for tonights stream so will give this a day or two, pick best, and commission for next stream.
Preston_Garvey: "Holey halibet foxman, the gro-ker is getting away"
"He seems lucky Katin, too lucky, we have to get to the foxcave" *dunanunanuna* "We need to use the supercomputer to pinpoint his location"
Bluedragon: Wow! Thats not a caption, that's a chapter Preston! :) A good chapter though!
Bluedragon: Either I've just had an inspiration, or trying to post on the Internet after 2 hours sleep is a bad idea. Been trying to think of names that work for our Girl Wonder and I think I like Kitin. Hmm. Katin didn't look right either. I'll keep working on that.
Rick2tails: I like Kitin/kitten
Bluedragon: I think I have to give it to Rick2tails first one as being best in-character. "Holy wardrobe malfunction Kittin!"
Rick2tails, shoot me a request (or better yet, be on the stream) and I'll buy you a $10 commission of anything you like. Needn't be related to this.
Bluedragon: Well... as long as Kaz accepts it that is of course!
Enheldor: Congrats Rick, yours was really good; it's the one I wanted to do, but you beat me to it.
Rick2tails: holy guacamole Batman! I won! well thats nice of you to offer Bluedragon. I`ll pick something next stream we both attend I guess?
3842: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow animation artist:EKToRNo character:Katia_Managan musicality streets_of_Kvatch stringed_instrument
animated ![]() |
showing 10 of 13 comments
GoodIdeasAreOverrated: WAITING
GoodIdeasAreOverrated: I love how that lamp post is important. It's canon now.
Enheldor: mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem...
cataphractz: Let lamp post get a mention in the comic 2017
Unidentified_BA: I like this, good work.
Bluedragon: Thank you Enheldor. That's all I can see now. mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem! Literally laughing my ass off.
Terence_Fletcher: Strangely amusing to watch hehe
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Petrified_Yo-yo: Insufferable waiting gave Katia a chance to brush up on her guitar skills.
3856: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit animation artist:SilentOrbweaver character:Katia_Managan pixel_art
animated ![]() |
Rick2tails: this is pretty neat
Preston_Garvey: the pupil dilation is a good touch
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SilentOrbweaver: Thanks guys. Glad you liked it. Maybe I'll do little something with this, who knows. (Turns out drawing walking animation is much harder than it seems)
Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @SilentOrbweaver: It's not as much hard as it is time consuming, on another note, great work you've done here!
3837: character:Katia_Managan monochrome pencil_drawing redraw sketch text
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Rick2tails: cute Katia faces there
GoodIdeasAreOverrated: The lines are getting good. The Kaz art style permeates you.
3840: artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan portrait questionable very_casually_underdressed
showing 10 of 11 comments
XenoYparxi: Рендеринг очень классный
AMKitsune: @Radian: Considering how closely it resembles the example used when mentioning questionable images, I'd say yes.
Radian: @AMKitsune: It's okay, I just remember something like "bare chest isn't questionable"
@XenoYparxi: Так и планировал, пасиб.
Geravind: Ой, село ты криворукое... Из такого материала и "я его слепила из того, что было"...
Правое плечо сильно выпуклает на повороте; шея выдернута наф со своего места (а какой-нить труъ-медик, хоть немного упарывающийся кхаджитками, тебе бы ещё не так сказал); ухи живут своей жизнью на отдельно вращающейся орудийной башне; морда лица такая, будто она пережирала всю жись; волосы назад так торчат, будто там ещё целый ангар припрятан; левая сися вытянута так, будто она их бицепсами сбоку прижала (а если прижала -- что, правая настолько твёрже?); одними тенями в др не попал (но всем же насрать); волосы под правый уфком начинаются в параллельной вселенной, а не из головы в том месте. Цвета понра. Молодец).
Radian: @Geravind: "Ой, село ты криворукое..." - отличное начало :D
Плечо - разве что немного. Шея - да, я и сам заметил но поздно, было лень переделывать. Ухи - черт, они действительно где-то в заднице. Морда - а какую бы ты сделал если бы тебя заставляли позировать голым? ;) Волосы - это прическа такая. Сиси действительно зажаты между рук, у правой просто ракурс лучше. Др? Волосы просто отдельная модель, торчит прямиком из головы :) Пытался имитировать ощущение как от 3д но похоже не вышло, все-таки цвета не совсем те.
bluedraggy: Beautiful. I wish she was happier, but hey! She got her hair back anyway! If you don't mind, Radian, how long did this take you? It looks like something that would take me a week minimum if I had the talent to do it at all.
Radian: @bluedraggy: It took 2 hours from start to finish, and it isn't actually fast. Actually I should been spend more
Things becomes easier and faster if you have experience. Learn fundamentals, analyze everything, spend any amount of time you need to do good work and eventually you will be able to make more in less time.
Geravind: @Radian: [ quote=Radian]Морда - а какую бы ты сделал если бы тебя заставляли позировать голым? ;)[/quote] Вот такую -- котэ прекрасен ...а ты село (вечно что-то очевидное подпортишь).
Если Пома замахивается на свой комикс... он же понимает, что сё равно придётся ещё и переводить (не тем, так этим). |
3854: Shining_Force artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan crossover plain_background
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Bakannon: Second commission I got from Kaz a while back. I asked for Katia interacting with Alef, a character from Shining Force. I chose to pair these two together since Alef is like the best mage in that game. Also Katia had an easy time learning destruction magic, and that's the only kind of magic Alef uses to nuke half the battlefield. I figured they'd get along, and apparently so did Kaz.
Rick2tails: really cute picture good o see KAtia having some fun
GoodIdeasAreOverrated: I noticed that Katia is wearing the new loose fitting tunic but without the actual cloak. Just a little something I noticed.
3867: character:Katia_Managan magic_fire monochrome photo sketch
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