Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip.
3899: Ransom artist:Cyrus_Blacksword character:Katia_Managan magic silhouette telekinesis text
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Cyrus_Blacksword: Part two of this ransom http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/3900
3883: artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan crayon featured_masterpiece motivational_poster sketch text
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showing 10 of 11 comments
Rick2tails: aww thats so cute!!
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bluedraggy: Fortunately we're pretty good fandom. You won't have a prob I don't think till a mod can del it.
Cyrus_Blacksword: Yes, we draw and comment on what can essentially boil down to cat pictures.
Enheldor: @Petrified_Yo-yo: Did it have a comment on the picture with it? I would like to read it, if you don't mind typing it again.
GoodIdeasAreOverrated: CORRUPTION!
GoodIdeasAreOverrated: @Kazerad Come on Kaz! That one other art is 100% more feature worthy that this. Cough.
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Petrified_Yo-yo: @Enheldor: what I was saying before was that this is the most backhanded inspirational quote ever because it implies that everyone thinks you are bad
Enheldor: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: At least I didn't abuse my position of choosing the featured artwork to have my own shitty artwork displayed; I'm not THAT much of a narcissist. I got the art drawn for me by Kaz featured instead for 2 reasons: It's one of my favourites I have received and uploaded and it makes Kaz look more corrupt. If elected to the moderation, I promise to end this shadowy dictatorship. Also, I probably won't delete my own comments.
3895: Halo artist:EKToRNo character:Katia_Managan crossover monochrome plain_background
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Enheldor: I think Prequel is a pretty cool cat. She kills imps and doesn't afraid of anything.
Rick2tails: you mean Katia but she is pretty cool
510: 3D Kvatch_arena_armor amulet_of_silence artist:MikeyTheFox character:Katia_Managan poledancing
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Kligor: If I could get a download of this model or any other Katia ones I would be very appreciative. As stated on another picture Im making a game mod and would love to be able to use this.
MikeyTheFox: Well its from Second Life so there's really no way of giving you the model. Since its built from a base avatar and added on parts from other models to make her.
1143: acrobatics character:Katia_Managan merchandise poledancing questionable
showing 10 of 12 comments
tjk: Also wow this looks so much more questionable with that pineapple covering the lack-of-action
Mediocre_Scrublord: true
Mediocre_Scrublord: i think obviously pornish pictures like these (and that one with the leotard shouldnt be on the site
SomeDork: there are some way more questionable submissions by even kazerad himself on the site(mostly played for laughs but still.) I'd say anyone willing to click through the pineapple should be more than prepared for what might be behind it.
But at the end of the day it's whoever actually moderates the booru's decision.
tjk: That one with the leotard?
I dunno. I mean, in the end, fanart is fanart. Sometimes it's nudity without purely prurient intent. Sometimes, like in this case, it's not-nude but totally prurient. Sometimes, it's a sexual act without prurient intent! (Like that one about how Katia can beat Sigrid because her boobs are bigger.) It'll probably be when things are controversial (like this; we're controversing about it!) that decides if it gets deleted or not. Which is why I think the secret pornographic fanart section should be revealed to the general public, just with an age-gate, so we don't have people posting that stuff here.
Unidentified_BA: This is not overly crossing the line to me. It shall stay.
Kazerad: @tjk: I know you were joking about the secret pornographic fanart section, but I'm pretty sure Shimmie actually has a built-in ratings system we're not actually using, and it's set so anything rated "explicit" is only visible to administrators. This site could be full of porn and you would never know.
In all seriousness though, I'm content with my nothing-higher-than-questionable limits, as well as my funny pineapple censorship on the questionable thumbnails. |
3893: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic character:Katia_Managan grape_juice streets_of_Kvatch telekinesis
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Not_A_Racial_Slur: just an edit i practiced on of Katia waiting for that bottle to finally hit the ground
Preston_Garvey: Kat realizes that she froze the time space continuem cause she hasn't moved for over a year
mister_kat: most likely :/
3890: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic accidents_waiting_to_happen animation artist:cataphractz character:Katia_Managan comic night snow streets_of_Kvatch telekinesis
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showing 10 of 30 comments
cataphractz: I really enjoy this story with all my heart and I didn't mean to start something here!
PermanentFace: @MetalC0Mmander: I'm not sure I understand your train of thought there, unless you meant to include a 'not' in the first part of your comment.
But that doesn't make much more sense, considering how many of us actually HAVE put money into this comic.
Enheldor: @PermanentFace: Who's put money into this? The merch was for merch, not donations for the comic.
PermanentFace: @Enheldor: That fundraising campaign was to pay Kaz so he'd be able to work on the comic full-time. The merch was just an incentive.
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forestOverlord: The crowdfunding campaign was so that people could buy merch without Kaz having estimate how much merch to order up front. He said that raising more than $50,000 would probably make it a lot easier for him to work on things such as Prequel, but he made no promises.
That being said, I'm sure that he is working on something. It would be great if the story ever started to progress at a descent rate again, though.
Enheldor: @PermanentFace, @forestOverlord: I never saw any announcements that that the merch run was for anything other than merchandising. As such, I only gave money for merch; now that I have received my product, the transaction is completed. I expect nothing more because I have not purchased anything (except for some fanart that is somewhere in the mail). I do not demand a free thing immediately; because I have not given money for an update, if I want one, I must patiently wait until it arrives. Or I could make my own, with blackjack and hookers.
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forestOverlord: @Enheldor: In fact, forget about the update. And the blackjack. Ah, screw the whole thing.
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AGMsInbound: @MetalC0Mmander: It wouldn't be the Prequel fanbase if we didn't start a war every two months. Just think about it and you'll see we start one up like clockwork. Or a least we have over the last year or so. Before a time about 13 months back it wasn't so common.
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MetalC0Mmander: @AGMsInbound: Ha. 13 months ago. The prequel community as been a bunch a pendantic fucknuts at least since http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/2809#search=artist%3AKatiaaitaK March 2, 2016... Fuck he's right!
3889: Blade Cosplay Warhammer Witch_Hunter artist:Hugo_Mozer character:Katia_Managan magic_fire plain_background
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unknown_victor: Guns are a bit small, other then that I love it!
Cyrus_Blacksword: No doubt one of alternate outfits she wanted Quill to buy for her
angrybacteria: I've been waiting for someone to do more Warhammer stuff, especially witch hunter.
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MetalC0Mmander: I'm guessing she'd be one of the few Witch Hunter that aren't completly metal. I mean she would be insane but at least she wouldn't go around murdering people for kicks.
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MetalC0Mmander: @MetalC0Mmander: Mental! I meant to say mental! Don't know if she would be metal or not mind you.
2654: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Undertale artist:Ritter character:Katia_Managan character:Toriel crossover grape_juice looking_badass magic magic_fire snow witch-hunter_control_panel
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showing 10 of 24 comments
Tahrey: I feel the irresistable tingle of SCIENCE! creeping over me. Someone might have to handcuff me to the chair for my own protection.
(Later) SCENE: A nearby discount store "Can I help you sir?" "No, no, just browsing for ... supplies..." "It's just that chair you're dragging behind you is making a bit of noise ... and damaging the floor ... and scaring the children ... and knocking lots of stuff off the shelves..." "No, honestly, I'm fine, but thank you for asking. I've got some science to do."
AMKitsune: @Strawberry-Jamasaur: Honestly, with your pre-existing artistic ability, learning how to use whatever program(s) you end up choosing can only serve to make your pictures cleaner, sharper and maybe even more colourful? (if you decide to go down that route)
A lot of learning about these sorts of programs can be found on places like youtube. If you ever want anything specific explaining though, feel free to ask. I may not be quite as talented an artist as the rest of you, but I'm not too shabby at finding my way around an image editor and knowing what most of the buttons do XD. It might be a bit jarring to begin with considering the different feels of traditional mediums compared to digital, but learning your way around an 'art program' would defiantly be a skill worth developing. If nothing else, you'd be able to digitally touch-up your scanned/photographed traditional work.
Strawberry-Jamasaur: @AMKitsune: I honestly think the thing I need to improve most on is coloe and effects. I find that a lot of the artists I aspire to have a way with color that simply eludes my understanding. It's part of the reason my work thus far has been monochromatic. Thank you for the offer to help.
Tahrey: SJ: Pretty certain if you can handle the monochrome pencils that well, colour will hold no particular challenge once you get over the fear and do the necessary research.
Also, USE MSPAINT, LOL. (Honestly, a lot of people have made amazing stuff with simple tools like that, and it could be a good intro to the "feel" of digital media before getting overwhelmed by all the different tools and features of Photoshop and the like)
Strawberry-Jamasaur: @Tahrey: Well, my problem with color is more about color choice. I'm terrible at choosing colors, but when the colors are not decided by myself I usually do fine. And I have actually used Pokemon Art Academy quite a bit, so I've done some other digital stuff before.
emperor_agon: Hope for you yet/Stay determined needs to be a real song.
Tahrey: In which case, photoshop or the like may actually be the better choice for you. That or an oldskool hard-paletted paint program. That way you can separate the different coloured parts into individual layers, and then change it to your heart's content later on with the colour tinting / hue shift tools (or in the old program, twiddle the colour indexes around/use a colour-replace tool).
And indeed if you go old skool enough you'll either have a limited range of colours to pick from for your palette (EGA-high, Atari ST, Amiga especially in extra-high-rez) or a near-/completely-fixed one (EGA low, pretty much every non-Atari 8-bit machine ever...), which would be an interesting exercise in picking sets of colours that work well together, blending them in various ways to create (a still-limited-range-of) intermediates and that, in extreme cases (and as shown off in some of Kazerad's own deliberately retro styled sprite arts), can even be used to substitute for the shadow / highlight tones of other midtone hues.
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forestOverlord: Happy New Year 2016.
3900: Ransom artist:Cyrus_Blacksword character:Katia_Managan destruction_magic magic_fire silhouette telekinesis text
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