All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names.
3934: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Kvatch_Mages_Guild Sneak amulet_of_silence artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid chiaroscuro featured_masterpiece looking_badass
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showing 10 of 12 comments
GoodIdeasAreOverrated: This just low-key became the featured masterpiece. Good job!
Geravind: Где морда, блджад?! Если она в наморднике, то я не видеть правильной выпуклости теней!
Плечи о5 мужицкие. Шов ракурса кривоват: угол виденья пола с тёткой и кучами vs угол виденья стропил с котэ с тенями -- из разных измерений (start to think with the portals). Тётка микроскопическая по сравнению с монетами и алхим-столом. Котэ тоже мелковата -- или там хоромина для гигантов... Проецируем котэ на задний план, ииии... -- высота книжки равна почти половине роста котэ. =ಠ_ಠ= Кучи зря размылил по краю. Дрова на книжной полке? :О "Амулет тиши" не будет так криво (прямолинейно) из лапы висеть -- сила земной тяги, все дела. ...село. :р
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HERMAEUS_MORA: The amulet of silence will probably not come in much use in this situation, but who am I to assume...
Radian: @Geravind: Не видишь выпукости теней? А она есть...
Перспектива криволинейная. Сигрид если и мелковата но совсем чуть чуть. Катю можно было бы сделать больше,да. Хотя тогда она с балки грохнется. Это не дрова, это свитки :'(
Geravind: @Radian: Сферичность засветки намордника уапшэ неправильная -- я первые разы видел вообще тупую морду пикинеса, а то серое считал каким-то верхом майки шо ле. На переносице ниф не видно перегиба, натяжения ткани (похоже, что колобку подвязали слюнявчик). Дальше, если намордник убрать -- морда какая-то огроменная получается (ну не будет там реально такой линии периметра).
Вид стено с шкаф и тётко с пол намэкует, что комната нехило искажена в пространстве (Сигрид канеш е..нутая, но шоб настолько...). =ಠ_ಠ= Нет, те дрова на свитки не похожи ...хотя, если там олени бегают, то там и уголь или какахи рядом с книжками могли лежать, окда. Не парься -- ты автор, а я так вижу. Ещё дровность конечностей и холмистость плечей Катеньки мне не нра (но всем же насрать). |
2238: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Khajiit TES_Skyrim character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering mod screenshot
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showing 10 of 19 comments
Bluedragon: @POMA: eye-raping colors. :) I'm looking for those in my color selection wheel, but having a little trouble. I found one that wants to take me out for dinner and a movie though. That may be close.
Tahrey: Hmm, the lining's the wrong colour.
Should be skirt/shirt/legwarmers/mantle hems = purplish grey, inter-hem panelling on mantle = faded aqua, cloak lining = that strange wine-stain colour.
Tahrey: Desaturated version is otherwise much closer to the original 2D rendering, however.
Can someone PLEASE get her some band-aids or a brassiere though? I mean, won't anybody think of the children? Whatever will they start to think if women go around with visible nipple bumps? They might start associating them with the teats on baby bottles or something...
Tahrey: * lining and the scarflike bit around her neck
sorry BTW, is it deliberate that she seems to have very human feet, right down to the toenails? :)
bluedraggy: Because I DEARLY love suggestions and comments and want to address them, I'd love to continue this discussion - but this really isn't the place. To that end I've started a thread on the Nexus here.
http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3295427-discussion-thread-on-fhd-mod-by-me/ But I won't respond to any more here - not because I don't appreciate them, just that I know Kaz doesn't want the fanart section to become a forum on mods. I've responded already on that thread on the Nexus and would LOVE anyone interested to follow from there.
Kewot_Rokar: A bit too purple. Maybe more detail in the fabric and a darker purple.
Tahrey: Fair enough, but I doubt I have Nexus access and every time I have to register a new account somewhere I enjoy the process less and less. I'm already registered here, and the thread isn't really going anywhere else...
DeathBladeGTHG: Is this a mod? if so please send me a link to it
2980: Flash Kvatch adorable artist:AMKitsune character:Katia_Managan khajiit_racism knock_off night not_sure_if_racist painted_underwear rain yarn
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AMKitsune: Made this ages ago after seeing someone else's edit of katia playing with a ball of wool (or yarn).
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DistantRoarOfWar: Das cute.
Vidiotdragon: Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' what?
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: omg stop! :v
Fralex: I had to stop the animation to figure out what she was roll-pouncing. Also, the first time I clicked on this link, it crashed my computer, so I think the picture is entitled to some XP now?
3978: Khajiit TES_Skyrim screenshot text
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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: My favorite webcomic next to Prequel is Female Cassette Cattle Skyrim Trip
3977: Kvatch_arena_armor VESTS armor character:Katia_Managan ear-tilt monochrome portrait redraw sad snow
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AlTan: Just redraw. Don't forgot old pictures. Clockwise links:
1)http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/1171#search=artist%3AKazerad 2)http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/3148 3)http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/964#search=artist%3AKazerad 4)http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/3016#search=character%3AKatia_Managan
Armored-Struggle-Wagon: still looks nice, good work.
3961: action_pose artist:a_scottish_ginger_furry character:Katia_Managan magic_fire text witch-hunter_control_panel
3956: Skyrim artist:wookylee character:Katia_Managan rags snow
1318: 4chan Khajiit Skyrim anachronism artist:Kazerad not_sure_if_racist
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showing 10 of 13 comments
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princessBonny: Not gonna lie, I'd read this hypothetical sequel. In a heartbeat.
stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: Notion*
ZizZazZuz: Motion: A proposal for action; esp. a formal proposal in a deliberative assemble.
I hereby dub this quasi-forum/imageboard a deliberative assembly.
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princessBonny: And I know exactly what we'll call it: Sequel.
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princessBonny: Ah. I misread as "etc 2: THE sequel."
I am made a fool now, by my own hand, no less.
Gren: You've heard them Kaz, so put your ass on a chair and make this happen. YOU DO NOT DESERVE A LIFE! YOU ARE OURS! >:}
3955: artist:Andrew_Kovnat character:Katia_Managan knock_off seal_of_approval text
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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: There are, like, what? 3 different Katia seals of approval now?
AMKitsune: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Really? I know about this one and mine, but there's another? I've either not seen it or it's completely slipped my mind.
Enheldor: @AMKitsune: I have 2 versions of the same one I can upload if they haven't been already. I don't know who did them, however.
3966: adorable artist:LetsBananas character:Katia_Managan pineapple portrait tears
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