Obey all rules or suffer unimaginable consequences.
2477: Small_androgynous_Asian_child Undertale artist:Alex_Franklin artist:Toby_Fox character:Katia_Managan crossover fire khajiit_racism knock_off
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Antariplex: Heh, I like it.
2567: Compact_Story Undertale amulet_of_silence character:Katia_Managan monochrome smoking
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SmallGuillotine: *I'm 19 years old and I've already wasted my entire life
CaptainLackwit: Brilliant.
stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: A labyrinth of of bad choices.
Toryu-Mau: Then she immigrated to the surface, and it was the same old garbage all over again... . Except now she works for a human in clown suit instead of a robot, which is marginally worse then before.
DavidTheZettaNerd: The internet is way is a strange abyss. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.
2526: Compact_Story My_Little_Pony Twilight_Sparkle artist:JJR character:Little_Katia character:nightmare_king crossover dwemer_technology inconsistent_rendering modern_clothing royalty sad tears
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AMKitsune: Seeing Kaz's comment, I've had to keep this tab open until I got the story to. About 15 minutes later, I finally got it... :'(
Man_Of_Mer: I think I get it. Is it the initial reaction to alicorn Twi? Or something along that line?
Radian: I'm little confused. I thought idea is obvious, but comments above make me think that I don't understand something.
Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: @Man_Of_Mer: Close, but it's not so much the fact that she got wings as much as it is the fact that she was subsequently declared to be the PRINCESS of Friendship.
@Radian: I know how you feel, and I made the thing. XD
CaptainLackwit: Ohoho wow, this is funny.
Tahrey: So, er... did she throw the pony, or did the shadow king rip it from her hideous kitten-like fingers and throw it across the room?
also needs dwemer_technology tag. 1sec. :) |
3149: Felix_the_Cat artist:korblborp character:ASOTIL crossover monochrome sketch
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korblborp: Guys, I think I've found a magic teacher for Katia (he is of the 'Pitter-Pat' school) ! :D
Vidiotdragon: I remember the movie of Felix being kinda dark.
korblborp: It was definitely a bit dark and macabre, but I loved it when I was a kid. Likely a very formative influence on my art and suchlike.
You know, I didn't realize until years later, when I found tapes in Salvation Army, that Felix is a very OLD cartoon character, and was once extremely popular. And I didn't realize until years after THAT that there was actually a series with the movie Felix, and the professor and Poindexter. Must have been a bit out of place in the 80s, but would probably do well in the current climate for cartoons... |
3166: censorship chat screenshot
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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: source to chat?
3164: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Guardian character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch
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DavidTheZettaNerd: Is it just me for our her boobs distractingly large?
I'm not even into girls in terms of romance even though I can not them hot. But damn girl. |
3151: Kerbal_Space_Program accidents_happen artist:korblborp character:Katia_Managan chibi crossover explosions modern_clothing pencil_drawing sketch
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showing 10 of 14 comments
Guardian: I wouldn't be surprised if there was a mod like this for KSP....
*quietly opens tab to look for said mod*
korblborp: You know, I don't think the 'chibi' tag fits. She's a Kerbal, after all. They always look like that :)
korblborp: hmmm... no, the universe appears to still be there, so it can't be a Danny mission. Probably just an accident on Das' stream :P
F5 for safety!
FistHombre: Did she have the foresight to go on an EVA before the rocket inexplicably boomed or was it luck? (and yes, there badly needs to be a Katia kerbal mod)
korblborp: I'm guessing she tried to deflect an asteroid or something with her fire magic and the kraken interfered.
If I had the capacity, I would totally make a Katia kerbal mod, but alas, my computers are down, and if I had the money tovtake one to the shp, I wouldn't, because I'd need that for moving.
FistHombre: Despite the outcome, using fire magic in a vacuum is a pretty impressive feat on its own. Well, maybe that's where the magic part comes in(ain't gotta explain shit)
3158: accidents_happen artist:Guardian character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave drugs khajiit_racism monochrome pineapple sketch yo-yo
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unknown_victor: Their we go, fixed :happycat)
2476: Small_androgynous_Asian_child Undertale artist:Alex_Franklin artist:Toby_Fox character:Katia_Managan crossover knock_off text
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