Add value to mortals' feeble lives. Tag artists with "artist:(artist name)"

3086: artist:Adroma character:Katia_Managan character:Mehrunes_Dagon daedra death meme tagme text

artist:Adroma character:Katia_Managan character:Mehrunes_Dagon daedra death meme tagme text

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Adroma: This is a quality depiction of a possible end to Prequel. It's as they say, when in Kvatch.

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notabigthreat: "And they put his armor in the house of their gods, and fastened his head in the temple of Dagon."

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compaqness: r.i.p in peace

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Unidentified_BA: Katia looks strangely handsome here.

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Adroma: @Unidentified_BA: Are you saying that she looks like a male khajiit? Racist. I would expect better from a mod.

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Unidentified_BA: @Adroma: Women can be handsome! Just watch a ton of old westerns, they reference it a lot.

1365: Kvatch_arena_armor applied_telekinesis character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid imminent_death knock_off silhouette telekinesis witch-hunter_control_panel

Kvatch_arena_armor applied_telekinesis character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid imminent_death knock_off silhouette telekinesis witch-hunter_control_panel

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: "I find your lack of honesty disturbing."

3102: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic artist:Argonstersite cat character:Katia_Managan khajiit_racism redraw tagme

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic artist:Argonstersite cat character:Katia_Managan khajiit_racism redraw tagme
showing 10 of 12 comments

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unknown_victor: @Lupstersite: make a gavatar account that's linked to this one then u should be able to do it from there.

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Lupstersite: @unknown_victor I made an account. How do I link it to this one. Also I think I made a whole new account

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unknown_victor: Make sure the email is the same one you used hear (don't worry you can change it), it may take a while to work but the best way to know is to have a profile picture. After that you can change details from there.

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unknown_victor: @Lupstersite: I've send kazerad a PM to see if people can change it at the "my profile" tab so if all else fails maybe you can do it from there.

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Argonstersite: @unknown_victor I some how made 2 different accounts on this site with the same email address, the only difference is the username. Also I think WordPress has something to do with it.

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Lupstersite: @unknown_victor also seems the pictures are linked as well

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unknown_victor: @Argonstersite: probably.

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Drowsy-fox: How do you change your profile picture fore the fan art page.?

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unknown_victor: @Drowsy-fox: go on "My Gravatars" and select "Add a new image", go on "Upload new" and just do what you need to do there, then it should come up.

Also, "for" not "fore".

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Nyflex: I'm Catbug!

3106: armor artist:unknown_victor character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro looking_badass magic magic_fire witch-hunter_control_panel

armor artist:unknown_victor character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro looking_badass magic magic_fire witch-hunter_control_panel

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Geravind: There is no such muscle on the elbow inner point. It seems you lowered biceps too much.
Generally looks awesome.

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furnut: Now that's one kitty I wouldn't wanna piss off. Nice work :D

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Vidiotdragon: Needs more LENS FLARE!

3088: Blade artist:unknown_victor booze character:Katia_Managan crossover morning_after painted_underwear pineapple sleepy yo-yo

Blade artist:unknown_victor booze character:Katia_Managan crossover morning_after painted_underwear pineapple sleepy yo-yo
showing 10 of 18 comments

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AMKitsune: @unknown_victor: I fail to see how her head position would cause her any discomfort here.

See what I mean?

Also, that pineapple juice it going to end up in a great big, sticky mess. I don't know about you, but I don't really fancy the idea of cleaning tacky fruit residue of a throne made entirely of swords.

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CaptainLackwit: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @notabigthreat:

There's a reason.

"A king's throne should never be comfortable." If I recall correctly.

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Drowsy-fox: Which is more prickly the pineapple ore the throne?...
I think it wold be the pineapple.

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Drowsy-fox: And is it just me ore does the throne look like it's shaped like a pineapple.

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unknown_victor: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @damrok4321: @CaptainLackwit: @Drowsy-fox: considering what she can do with a pineapple I doubt katia minds the throne.

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Nefel: If I remember right, there is a superstition that people who get pricked by the throne are unworthy of sitting on it

Considering she's lying across it haphazardly and isn't bleeding like a stuck pig, Katia must be a super-queen at heart.

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Enheldor: @Nefel: And she would be completely terrified of herself.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Enheldor: that makes me want to make a comic where Quill dresses up Katia as a queen for April Fools day.

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unknown_victor: @Enheldor: autophobia. Katia would have autophobia. (that's a depressing thought)

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furnut: Nice lens flare on the bottom left near the bottle :D Also sad we don't have a Game_of_Thrones (or Game_of_Thorns in this case) tag

3100: artist:Adroma character:Suspicious_Sheriff character:Velma_Dinkley fanfiction knock_off meme tagme

artist:Adroma character:Suspicious_Sheriff character:Velma_Dinkley fanfiction knock_off meme tagme

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Adroma: I am now opening a suggestion box, right here on the booru. Guide Velma on her hopeful journey by making comments right here on this image. start with Velma-*suggestion here*.

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Drowsy-fox: velma-*Are your shoe lases tied, Did you pack a lunch, and did you bring a map.*

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Cereal: I seriously don't understand what inspired you to do this.

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Enheldor: Velma-*Better get started on today's quota of magazines!*

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notabigthreat: Velma-*Examine magazines.*

3103: Blade artist:unknown_victor character:your_weird_OC portrait sunlight

Blade artist:unknown_victor character:your_weird_OC portrait sunlight

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unknown_victor: And because no one asked for it, here's my OC.

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Geravind: Nice!
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