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398: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Squiggles character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave questionable_sanity sitting text
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DavidTheZettaNerd: *Billy Joel song flashbacks*
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MetalC0Mmander: Well this got depressing... I mean it's not quite how Katia see things normaly but still.
2036: artist:_Sasquatch_boote casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Rajirra classic_art drugs lined_paper_club meme questionable sketch text
showing 10 of 13 comments
bluedraggy: I would holler "questionable", but since I can barely fit a single leaf onto my screen at once I guess it's not. It's like looking at a skin cell in a microscope and crying "PORNO!" because it's a skin cell from a certain body part. ;)
Sasquatch_boote: I really dont try to draw anything suggestive without humor involved. This "nudity" is simply to parody the whole adam and eve leaf thing. I guess some people may regard that as questionable, but i think its rather safe (especially because of the lack of suggestive content).
Mediocre_Scrublord: none of you are free of sin.
Grape: Things have been labelled as questionable for a lot less than marijuana leaf nipple coverings.
Sasquatch_boote: @grape this is true; however, wrongly so in my opinion. I guess I'm more liberal when it comes these things.
Sasquatch_boote: @meddi that may be so, but there's always the good reverend wolf to confess my sins to.
Grape: @Sasquatch_boote: There's always a gray area, but a good rule is if it's suggestive or revealing, then it's questionable.
No rule on disembodied baby legs, though.
DavidTheZettaNerd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoMiYklHvjk
3136: character:Katia_Managan character:Little_Katia cloning crafting photo
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showing 10 of 15 comments
RoninSmall: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: in my town there is a one 3D typography. and its owner demands money from me for the creation of 3D models in the editor and impudently remains silent about the scanning. I decided in the future to work with another guy from some company that has cast a lot better
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Well there are non local printing things online.
RoninSmall: @Baz1S: та не. Косарь ему за это вбухал. Зато там сверх нормы две фигуры(и ровно две фигуры уже не подлежат "воскрешению") и за так впихнул пачку 10 брусчатых подставок(коих вовсе 9 в упаковке оказалось) и набор книг под ваховских Оклитов "за так" (в душе не ебу кто такие окалиты, гыг)
Оригинальную подставку лить он отказался. Хотя оно и хорошо, ведь его личные выглядят как печеньки и обрабатывать я их буду на диске для циркулярки
RoninSmall: @Baz1S: но одно мне не дает покоя. Каким надо быть ненавистником своего труда, чтобы въебать чертов толкатель В НОС бедной кошке, да так, чтобы там гарантировано выпадали пузыри на глубину всей головы бедной кошки. Боюсь к шпаклевке сверху надо купить 5 литров водки, чтобы забыть этот кошмар, и ,стиснув зубы, все доделывать или лить самому в формах из дешевого герметика
Baz1S: Косарь?!
Daniel: Do you have a "hand drill"? I don't know what it's called in english, here it's something like "whip engine" or "bench engine". It's an expensive investment for just a hobby, but a good titanium drill can cut large portions of plastic and a diamond drill should be able to give the details you want.
RoninSmall: @Daniel: I too beggar hobbyists for such a purchase. Besides, I'm constantly changing place of residence. it's hard to carry a compressor, two airbrush and a bunch of tools, all my paints and solvents. but in general, it is then completely useless. all casting defects are easily remade putty. too large defects can be shaped anew from solidifying polimerki
RoninSmall: @Baz1S: я с этим чуваков и так поссорился. Когда он пропал на два месяца и не выходил на связь. Я уже чуть не начал бить тревогу по краже фигуры, но оказалось что его тупо не отпускали в отпуск. Смотря на книжечки окалитов и на его литье котеек, кажется что он много пил во время работы или думал как бы мне сломать жизнь...ладно, это почти норма для гаражных наборчиков, а я видел литье в разы хуже. Я и такое исправлю
2445: Cosplay Fallout Jet artist:Cider character:Katia_Managan crossover drugs
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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Danse hated that!
Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Katia, do you even know how Jet is manufactured? That stuff is gross! also it's unhealthy. No sugar bombs for dessert tonight! (Cider, you amazing person, this is amazing!)
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: If you keep doing chems, I am going to go back to the Prydwen.
Kewot_Rokar: There needs to be a vault where the experiment was turning people into cat people.
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MetalC0Mmander: @Kewot_Rokar: Uh... fuck no. There really shouldn't be something like that. Even for Fallout thst's too fucked up.
3135: angry artist:mhonnie blushing character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra drunk friendship sleepy text
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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Cuuuute!
669: /co/ Blade booze candle censorship character:Katia_Managan curved_swords internet slaughterfishnet_stockings text yo-yo
2995: Conjuration Official_Badass artist:Makkon blood character:Katia_Managan crossover daedra decapitation grievous_bodily_harm knock_off looking_badass magic mephala
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BadReligion: And now Prince(ss) of Persia version plz.
notabigthreat: How about President of Iran?
unknown_victor: Is katia left handed or right handed (both?).
Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @unknown_victor: she's usually shown holding things with her right hand, so most likely Right handed.
AMKitsune: Isn't that just typical? She finally gets that brown paint out of her fur and now she's stuck with this?
The life of a badass is truly fraught with obstacles to clean fur. |
2782: Like_a_Witch-Hunter character:Aggy monochrome rain sketch
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showing 10 of 15 comments
doodlemancer: @Tahrey: Did the sketch wiv pencil first though...you can still see the pencil lines
doodlemancer: @Tahrey: Well my sketch lines are rather clean so I cover most of them when I ink my sketches...in short I'm rather good at this cos I've been doing this for a long time
Tahrey: shh, don't spoil it. i'm happy assuming it's a natural talent.
*strokes face absent-mindedly* ...so talented
Vidiotdragon: That is one happy dead guy.
AMKitsune: @Vidiotdragon: Why wouldn't he be happy? He's objectively better than you, me and everyone else here!
korblborp: Let him ghost
Let him GHOST Don't haunt those ruons anyMORE! . .. ... I don't know why... |
3134: character:Katia_Managan dress
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